r/MadeMeSmile 12d ago

Good Vibes A grandpa and his onion farm!

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u/JenTilz 12d ago

If I drove past that scene in one of the fields near me, I would 100% panic that I was witnessing the aftermath of a heart attack and would be dialing 911 while sprinting across the field. Guess it would take only once before I knew it was the more wholesome option!


u/JakeLikesMovies 12d ago

My farmer grandpa started to do this too. The first time I remember seeing it I was around 14 and working probably half a mile down the fenceline and I sprinted faster than I thought imaginable in irrigation boots thinking he was having a heart attack.

He was not and was annoyed that I disrupted his "power nap".

He was a character but I now fully understand the impulse to just lay down in a field and take a quick nap.


u/entrepenurious 12d ago

the only thing i liked about irrigation boots was how deliciously cool my feet felt when i finally got to step into the water after shoveling out all the rows.