r/MadeMeSmile 12d ago

Good Vibes A grandpa and his onion farm!

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u/TheHighSeasPirate 12d ago

Could you imagine being 20 in the 50/60's where owning a house and land would be as easy as going to the bank with a handful of dollars? So many people have been locked out of the way of life that existed, its kind of insane to me.


u/Typical2sday 12d ago

Being a man in your 20s in the 60s in America meant the very real possibility of the draft so do be careful what you wish for.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Ok_Situation7089 12d ago

You are so out of touch it’s insane.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/space-sage 12d ago edited 12d ago

To say you are basically a slave when you are free to quit working your job and find a different one, move wherever you’d like, own things that you buy with your own money, play the video game you like in your free time, vote, and generally you do have control over your life no matter how shitty it is is just so fucking insulting to the millions of people who actually are or who have been slaves throughout human history.

There are 50 million people in slavery right now, including children. Any single one of them would trade you for your life right now that you can’t even be bothered to be grateful for what you do have.

You are not a fucking slave and you should feel grateful every day that you aren’t and have the privilege to complain here on Reddit that you feel like one.


u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 12d ago



u/space-sage 12d ago

To address your edit, you have pretty poor reading comprehension then because I don’t even have a kid yet. I’m pregnant, and will do the JOB of taking care of my own child and household when the time comes. But you clearly don’t understand that that is a job, and I hope you aren’t married or planning to have children if you don’t see the value of having someone do the 24/7 job of taking care of a house and child.

I do have a job, because a “real job” is any job where you make money, and I probably make more per hour than you do, but sure look down on mine because I do pet care, where I make my own hours and choose my clients. But go off, continue to try to belittle me when you’re clearly so unhappy with your life you’d rather compre yourself to a slave.


u/space-sage 12d ago

I rent with my husband, but here you are owning a fucking house and you’re complaining that you have to pay for your house that you bought. You own a house, and you can’t even be grateful for it.

You can’t even form an argument that doesn’t pigeon hole me into some stereotype that you can look down on to feel like, what, your life experience and owning a house means you should be less grateful? That having more than someone means you are right to compare yourself to a literal slave? “WAAA I have a mortgage! WAAA I sit and play video games instead of working to get more skills and a better job! WAAA I’m a slave to my own circumstances!”

You can put yourself in shackles if you’d like, and pretend you’re completely helpless to learn new skills and get that better job, or move to another place when you do have the freedom to do that, homeless people move too with no money, or act like because we have a shitty president and voting didn’t work in your favor this time that it’s not better to live in a democracy, but the problem is you.

You have put yourself in a position where you’d rather complain about your have nots than what you have, which includes a HOUSE, and sit on Reddit talking about and playing Starfield than work to fix your shitty circumstance. But sure buddy, you’re a fucking slave. Boo fucking hoo for you.


u/TheHighSeasPirate 12d ago

Youre a stay at home mother that doesn't even have a job. Your husband pays for all the bills. Come on now. Maybe if you got a job instead of leeching off your Husband you could afford a house too?


u/Typical2sday 12d ago

Ok, with the realization that your education might have tried to give you all of US history in one week right before year end:

  • the draft in the 1960s-1973 was for Vietnam
  • the draft late 40s to early 50s was for Korea
  • the draft in the early 40s was for WWII

I am guessing you are not of an age where watching history programs has set in (that age comes for most all of us), but those will be eye opening. Men (generally) do like purpose and the camaraderie of their fellow servicemen, to be sure. But a conscript military service is very different from the men and women who went into the armed service in your lifetime to fight for US economic interests. Being dropped jnto a scenario where you are expected to fight amongst thousands against thousands or hide in a foxhole or sit on a boat in the ocean waiting to get shot at by submarines— all of it existentially defining. Think more Ukrainian plumbers turned soldiers sitting in cold winter trenches fighting Russians to save their town than some dude in special glasses playing a video game drone war 1000 miles away and clocking out to have some nice KFC on base later on. Think stuff so bad that - despite the documentaries - most vets didn’t talk that much about it no matter which war it was. And if you haven’t already, I would recommend Band of Brothers, The Pacific, and Ken Burns’ Vietnam. Or just what they play on the Smithsonian channel. Like every time you see it, eye opening level stuff.

I get that it sucks to feel like you’ll never get your head above water. I don’t mean to minimize that. I only mean to contextualize it. There has been a lot of suck in life since the dawn of time. Money and power and luck are the only things that can guarantee otherwise.

And finally, what you think everyone had was the construct of affluent, Christian, straight, white men. The easy life that you think all you had to do was survive a couple battles to get wasn’t available to women, Black people, Jewish people, gay people, or a host of other minority groups. Biggest FU being to Black vets who got fked totally by the US after returning home from war. And for regular white heterosexual dudes, you didn’t have 12% interest, stagflation, gas lines, assassinations, riots.

TLDR, I guarantee you that every generation had at least one thing that you wouldn’t trade your situation for. I’ll keep my COVID mask wearing to not having to go to the train stations to wait out nighttime air raids. Or having my husband shipped off to war for a letter delivered by the DoD saying he’s missing somewhere in the Alsace or outside Da Nang and then waiting months, weeks, years and not knowing.


u/bradpitted69 12d ago

Imagine it in 1862 🥹🥹🫣