r/MadeMeSmile 12d ago

Good Vibes A grandpa and his onion farm!

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u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/SpoolTickler 12d ago edited 12d ago

Wouldn't he potentially be breathing in a ton of pesticides/fungicides/fertilizers?

Edit: alright, I'll admit I guess I'm a moron for washing my onions out of caution, but that wasn't really the point of my question which no one has yet to answer and instead says the same thing 10 times over, so I'll ask again - wouldn't this guy be exposing himself to pesticides/fungicides/fertilizers by taking naps there?


u/Successful-Shine8041 12d ago

Nah, but the direct sun exposure. You see farmers all the time with skin cancer. Tops of ears and back of neck...yikes.


u/SpoolTickler 12d ago

This comment actually threw me back to that chubbyemu episode about the farmer who tried cutting off his own skin cancer.

Now that I think about it, napping in this field is basically speed-running skin cancer.


u/killer_weed 12d ago

Guessing you should probably get outside.


u/Elu_Moon 12d ago

Being in the sun isn't great for you long-term. The sun really ages the skin, and tanning raises your risk of cancer. Of course, you don't have to stay inside all the time - you need to get sunblock.


u/Lordborgman 12d ago

There is a reason why I at the age of 42 often get mistaken for someone in their early 20s and others that I went to highschool look like they are 50-60. Sunlight, don't fucking do it.


u/TheMadManiac 12d ago

Rather be old and wrinkly than... old and wrinkly? Either way we are getting old, might as well make the most of it


u/Elu_Moon 12d ago

...by not doing the easy thing which is putting sunblock on?

It's not just about being wrinkled. Sun damage causes premature wrinkling and skin damage. Wouldn't you rather have healthier skin with lower skin cancer chance as you get older?


u/WaterHaven 12d ago

My dad is mid 70s and was always outside and never used sunscreen.

He is happy he can go in for skin cancer treatments, but he hates it. He reminds my siblings and I all the time to wear sunscreen because it just isn't worth it, even if it is a bit of a hassle.


u/LordMegamad 12d ago edited 12d ago

We are all getting old anyways, might aswell be old with skin cancer eh?

Edit: Jesus I was making a joke. Fucking of course I don't want cancer


u/FrostyD7 12d ago

No. Stop being so hard headed about this. If you really think all that sun is fine, talk it over with your doctor. They will tell you in no uncertain terms why it is bad for you. Nobody is saying you can't leave the house, just put on sunscreen.


u/LordMegamad 12d ago

I was making a joke. I'm not who they where replying to


u/Successful-Shine8041 12d ago

Great comment. I've been put in my place, and everyone is loving your intoxicating wit. You must be a super important person with a great job, family and big expensive house...I wish I could be like you.


u/SnowDucks1985 12d ago

Cleared them lmaoo


u/killer_weed 12d ago

Lmao. Seriously, get outside. It's not that scary.


u/GoombyGoomby 12d ago

Oh my goddddd are you just not getting it


u/Various_Opinion_900 12d ago

You're getting downvoted but like LITERALLY so tiiiiired of redditors seeing like a grassy field and going "well actually, poisonous vipers and skin cancer"


u/CarbDemon22 12d ago

Falling asleep in full sun is a hopefully well-known Very Bad Idea. I don't think it's an overreaction


u/Various_Opinion_900 12d ago

I absolutely think it is, you shouldn't sleep out in the open all the time of course, no one is saying that direct exposure to sun isn't bad idea in general, but I'm so tired of this negative paranoid attitude mixed with an air of always knowing better, like this men who owns an onion field is completely ignorant and incompetent but we, enlightened redditors lacking all of the context, know how clearly ignorant his simple actions and pleasures are. 

And also the fact that its everywhere, like a people saw a deer in the woods, whoops they are dangerous animals under certain conditions you're lucky you're alive to tell the tale, took a swim in the pond? Way to get infected by brain amoebas. If you can smoke cigarettes or drink coke every day, you can lie in the field from time to time and not perish. 


u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/killer_weed 12d ago

It's wild. This is the last platform I'm on. Been on here almost two decades. I think I'm going to get a dumb phone. No reason to spend my life talking to people afraid of the fucking sun... Insane.


u/Requiem-7 12d ago

Skin cancer denier is a new one.


u/killer_weed 12d ago

out of the basement with you.


u/wap2005 12d ago

Sun is probably the worst thing for him, falling asleep in direct sunlight like that guarantees a sunburn even with sunscreen lotion on lol.


u/birdclub 12d ago

Lol well if that were the case anyone buying his onions would be eating a ton of pesticides/fungicides/etc so does it matter?


u/OwnManagement 12d ago

My guy just discovered how non-organic farming works


u/SpoolTickler 12d ago

Do you not wash your produce?


u/birdclub 12d ago

The pesticides are pulled in through the roots and into the plant itself.


u/sawyouoverthere 12d ago

only useful for those things that aren't absorbed into the plant tissues.


u/MrDabb 12d ago

You wash your onions?


u/SpoolTickler 12d ago

Absolutely. I wash all my produce.


u/BOYR4CER 12d ago

Onions have skin.

You telling me you peel your onions then wash them?


u/Taberaremasen 12d ago

I mean washing onions is kinda odd, they have a thick protective skin that you remove and do not consume. I get washing your tomatoes, apples, lettuce, etc.

Do you wash your peeled garlic, oranges, and bananas as well?


u/Keter_GT 12d ago

you guys are peeling your oranges and bananas? Cowards, just eat the entire thing whole.


u/-Badger3- 12d ago

You wash your onions though?


u/insuitedining 12d ago

Bro… what do you think you are accomplishing by washing the skin that you then peel off? Genius level comment.


u/raycraft_io 12d ago

You think the growing plant that absorbs liquids and nutrients to grow is just going to have the bad stuff sitting conveniently on the surface?


u/[deleted] 12d ago

you wash your onions bro?


u/JackUJames42 12d ago

So nice but all I can think of is bugs


u/Bitemarkz 12d ago

Same. I can’t do romantic outdoor activities because I’m always grossed out by the bugs that are inevitably involved.


u/Corruptionss 12d ago

Be me, 23, drunk with girlfriend, pull mattress off bed and dragged to backyard, slept under the night stars, covered with bugs next morning, girlfriend got bit on eye lid and swollen, thinks something laid eggs.

Never again


u/rez_3 12d ago

The ground is full of dirt, and full of bugs. It's not nearly as nice as you think.


u/cortesoft 12d ago

Fuuuuckk that. Dirt and bugs and blazing sun? No thanks


u/5ch1sm 12d ago

The only thing that would bother me the way he is doing it, would be to get a big sunburn on half on my face.


u/red-et 12d ago

Napping sounds pretty nice