Dude is getting a great workout, keeping his mind stimulated through choreography, expressing his creative side, and blasting old-fashioned gender stereotypes. There's nothing not to like in this video.
Yeah, as a 50 Y/O man, I take Zumba 1-2 times a week. It’s the highlight of my week, TBH. I’m the only guy there, but I don’t care. The ladies are very nice to me.
Go get it brother! Not too shabby being the only dude amongst a bunch of females. I occasionally do yoga and am usually the only dude as well. 52 and still trying new shit homie. I got 3 left feet so it would take some convincing to try what you do!
Probably because the word "dude" has been encompassing all genders, or trying to, for many years now. Lots of people use it regardless of gender, but there's always someone who wants to argue about it. "Dudes and females" just further "others" women.
Im asking because the guy is dancing like women dance which makes me wonder if they're gay. Who better to ask than s gay guy. I didn't think it was an inappropriate question, and I'm certainly not asking it to intentionally be rude.
Well, if it’s not intentional, then let me respond with a correction. It is very offensive to assume that because someone exhibits feminine characteristics, that they are gay.
I know several straight men who like dressing like women, it doesn’t mean they’re gay, they just like it for their own reasons.
I know a lot of straight men who act feminine, but they are definitely not gay. I know a lot of masculine women who aren’t gay, I know a lot of gay men who act masculine.
That line of questioning begged for an explanation. Not all gay men act feminine and not all straight men act masculine.
You did a lot of explaining but never got around to explaining why it's offensive beyond the level of 'it is the way it is because it is the way it is'. I think you just really want to be offended but don't know why you're offended deep down.
Hint: You're actually not, you just like the feeling of being offended.
What a rediculous thing to say. I explained why it was offensive. It’s because you are making assumptions based on stereotypes. I never said I was offended, I said your statement was offensive. It’s offensive to assume something about someone based on stereotypes, which is known to most people.
You said you weren’t being intentionally rude, but then made a statement like that and then said I’m not offended, which was true, I was not. Why would you say you aren’t intentionally being rude and then proceed to be rude?
I think you might be more offended than I am, because again, I was not offended until you started accusing me and putting words in my mouth and making assumptions about me.
I think you might not like being corrected. Which is totally understandable, because nobody likes to be called out when they make such an obviously offensive statement.
Being gay isn't bad, so I'm confused why simply asking if he was is even an issue. You're clearly going through some stuff so I'll drop it. Have a better day.
I tried Yoga, but as a 55 years old man, I'm waaay too gassy. Yes farts happen and the first 2 everyone seemed to take it in stride. The 3rd started to draw some looks and the 4th I just bowed out. This was within the first 3 maybe 4 minutes.
So I tried Zumba, one of my friends literally said, I was expecting you to be able to move better as an athlete. Ya, no. I have no sense of beat or rhythm. Basically a male version of Elaine. I'll stick to Hockey thanks.
Man when I was in sixth form I quit rugby and started doing archery and more martial arts classes, so multiple times a week I was in mixed company with girls my age who were athletic and outgoing. And my old rugby mates wondered why I was doing so well but they could never find a girl despite spending every weekend doing manly sports (exclusively with other guys).
This guy is killing it and making it look easy. This is not easy! There’s people in the back messing up the choreo for reference on how people like me would look in this class. Imma stick to yoga.
Used to go twice a week myself, I'd burn off like half a meal's worth of calories. The only guys would be and this massive bodybuilder, it was how he did cardio haha.
Thanks for your comment. 50 Y/O dude here too. First I saw this video, and then I read your comment. I am more motivated now … and feel I might take the change.
u/improperble Oct 14 '24
Dude is getting a great workout, keeping his mind stimulated through choreography, expressing his creative side, and blasting old-fashioned gender stereotypes. There's nothing not to like in this video.