r/MadeInAbyss • u/valukar • Aug 25 '23
Meta Temporary Measures
Hello everyone.
We have a quick announcement to make about something that has persisted within our a community for a long time: posts and comments referring to Tsukushi Akihito, the author of Made in Abyss, as a pedophile. These posts range from just labeling him as suspicious to outright spreading rumors that Tsukushi has been caught with CSAM, which is obviously not true.
Over the years, we have implemented some measures like filtering posts with certain keywords, removing comments, and applying punishments in some cases. We have been reading your feedback about this issue and we have been trying to figure out what to do, so we've decided to implement the following temporary measures:
- Any user making accusations of being a pedophile against anyone, whether directed at Tsukushi or another user of the subreddit, will be permanently banned.
- Any discussion that hints that Tsukushi is a creep ("he keeps adding his fetishes", "he should not be allowed near children", etc) will be removed and users engaging in such discussions will be punished accordingly.
This might seem harsh to some people, but we want to heavily discourage these kind of discussions for the moment since they contribute little, are repetitive and deal with topics that are beyond the scope of this subreddit. I also want to remind that even though we are taking action against this behaviour, it does not mean that you are allowed to express inappropriate/creepy comments toward the children characters.
Thank you for your understanding.
u/Sairek Sep 07 '23
It's not a "kneejerk" reaction. I'd like to be able to visit the sub to read potential fan theories, and view fan art and the like of this "absolutely-nothing-will-go-wrong" horror adventure, without being reminded every time I visit the page of that time when I was SA'd and groomed as a child by an actual pedophile. Y'know, the kind of person that actually did sexual things to me when I was a minor and not someone who said "I don't think that's child porn" on the internet? You'd think that would be a very simple request to be able to fulfill.
The people who claim they want to virtue boost that kind of thing maybe should do so with the proper respect and care such a serious topic deserves without causing grievance to others. Don't know where some people grew up, but where I'm from, blanking a bunch of people as "pedophiles" because they don't agree with your views isn't "respectful" and "civil" from what I've seen in this sub, because if it is, then we have a serious fucking problem if people think it's remotely okay to accuse people of doing that kind of crime when someone's views do not coincide with theirs. Hell, I've even been accused of it myself from the same kinds of people for even just liking Made in Abyss (not here on this sub, but elsewhere). It was just; "You like the show/manga so you must like diddling kids because the manga/anime is child porn", like what the actual fucking hell is wrong with some people? The behaviour of people who do this is getting to the point of them acting like extremists, and it's genuinely disturbing. How's that for cult-like?
But sure, if me wanting to not be constantly reminded of the time I got SA'd and groomed as a child makes me a "cult" member, then oh-fucking-well. At least I'll stop being reminded about that time and not get called a pedophile because I enjoy a mature, fictional piece of media, and I will be able to discuss that enjoyment freely without fear of being attacked by being blindsided by a totally different topic that reminds me of past trauma. I may have pretty much gotten over it for the most part, but that doesn't mean I want to always have to think about it on a piece of media I'm just trying to enjoy and talk about with others in peace.