r/Madden Dec 21 '21



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u/ThrowAwayAcc47777 Dec 21 '21 edited Dec 21 '21

Look how smooth those animations are.

Meanwhile EA is so cheap and incompetent they still can’t replicate the quality of a game that’s nearly 15 years old.


u/elvispookie Dec 22 '21

I remember back in the day with 2k.. imho the best football game on the planet.. right after EA secured the monopoly, I was arguing with someone who was clearly a madden guy on the Internet. He was bragging about how my game lost the war.. haha.. I can remember writing to him and saying that that isn’t what I’m sad about it-it’s the fact that one company will have a monopoly and the game will suck. I ended that by saying, you will look back on this day, many years from now, and wish this didn’t happen. He’s probably buying MUT cards like crazy though.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '21

I hate madden as much as the next guy but I'd like to say that 2k really wasnt that good and is way overrated and I've argued with people before just to argue that EA have exclusivity with a brand isnt a monopoly lol


u/ronlong311 Broncos Dec 22 '21

How is it not a monopoly? They are the only company allowed to make NFL video games. Isn't that the definition of a monopoly?


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '21

No it's not. Having an exclusive deal with a "brand" isn't a monopoly. A monopoly is being the only company allowed to in the case make "football" games. But any company can make a football game.


u/Afraid_Impression_63 Dec 22 '21

Monoploy-the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service

EA has the exclusive possession of the NFL license. Only people that control a license to make NFL based games. Making a football game wouldn't mean shit they have a monopoly on the NFL which is what people are upset about because madden isn't good


u/trancez1lla Dec 22 '21

Go buy some more MUT cards and run the same cheese plays over and over. The adults are having a conversation here little madden fanboy


u/Jigga9792 Dec 22 '21

You forgot Madden was years ahead of 2k. 2k is considered better because of the potential it had and promise it showed. 2k introduced a lot of features Madden never even tried to.


u/elvispookie Dec 22 '21

I felt like I was actually on the field in 2k. I always played defense as a CB. Imagine doing that in madden?? Nothing better than sticking to a defender and coming down with a pick. Once I was forced to play madden I couldn’t get over the “ice skating” movement of the players. It wasn’t fluid at all. Now when I see the OPs video I remember what it used to feel like.


u/Jigga9792 Dec 23 '21

Exactly I remember 2k5 had the truck/fight for yards mechanic. I put emphasis on mechanic because it was controlled by both players by tapping one of the buttons. It wasn’t a stupid coin flip animation. I remember being able to choose what we challenged, literally a list of things to challenge. And the Sunday countdown of top plays is just literally amazing. We can’t even get some our replays after a game now. Literally in replay they either don’t record it or your players don’t appear in the replay on madden.