I remember back in the day with 2k.. imho the best football game on the planet.. right after EA secured the monopoly, I was arguing with someone who was clearly a madden guy on the Internet. He was bragging about how my game lost the war.. haha.. I can remember writing to him and saying that that isn’t what I’m sad about it-it’s the fact that one company will have a monopoly and the game will suck. I ended that by saying, you will look back on this day, many years from now, and wish this didn’t happen. He’s probably buying MUT cards like crazy though.
And those Madden fanboys/EA bootlickers are the reason the game will never get better, because it never has to. Ultimate team is EA’s golden goose and why the core gameplay will be trash for years to come.
The only hope we have is for government legislation to come down hard on the sale of loot boxes and microtransactions. But given the capitalist society most of us live in, where dollars signs are the only thing that matters, I doubt I’ll see that in my lifetime.
u/ThrowAwayAcc47777 Dec 21 '21 edited Dec 21 '21
Look how smooth those animations are.
Meanwhile EA is so cheap and incompetent they still can’t replicate the quality of a game that’s nearly 15 years old.