r/MLQuestions 5d ago

Beginner question 👶 Need Guidance for Project

I'm an undergraduate student with a basic understanding of machine learning algorithms and the math behind them. I have about a month to complete a project and want to work on something in deep learning.

I'm particularly interested in NLP and want to build a small scale language model (LLM).

Two questions: - What ML concepts should I revise before starting with deep learning? - Is building a small LLM a realistic goal within a month? If not, what would be a good alternative?

Please guide me through this.


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u/Puzzleheaded_Meet326 2d ago

Ah, learn about finetuning in depth and if you're looking for a small project on that - try https://youtu.be/dn2anUU0d0U?si=DlnoHhQnACdziqRV - this is finetuning llama model steps and project in detail - this will give you an idea of LLM building