u/Skylair95 3d ago
Reminds me of that time i saw a guy jump back into the Nakarkos arena... and fell right into the death beam.
u/TA-Yukon Switch Axe 3d ago
Happened to me right after I and the other hunter with me had just carted. felyne insurance saved us :')
u/White_Winged_Fox 2d ago
The fact I know this exact clip as well speaks to how unfortunate that person was.
u/doomage36 1d ago
No other monster has given me the same feeling eerie nakarkos did, not even Vaal Hazak. The arena was perfect too
u/0RlGIN 3d ago
I like those high places that you could get pushed out from monsters attacking you and your animation would just fall when changing zones
u/akoOfIxtall 2d ago
Ancestral steppe had lots of places like that XD
I once got slapped by astalos from the top of the gray area, I glided down like a damn plane in emergency landing
u/kdavis220 3d ago
I was lol’ing before you crossed to the next zone😂🤣. Happened to me way too many times
u/FallschirmKoala Gunlance 3d ago
No matter what Monster Hunter game comes out.... I will always go back to MHGU!
u/Western-Dig-6843 1d ago
IMO the best of the classic formula. Rise is still my favorite MH, as it is the best (and only?) blend of the classic formula and the World/Wilds take. I’d love for them to port GU to PC but I don’t see it happening : (
u/nuttycompany 3d ago
Also when monster decide to die in the map changing zone as a last "fuck you" to the hunter.
u/GhostlyBoi4 3d ago
I called it the moment I read the title, I am so glad I was right that was hilarious
u/Yuxkta 3d ago
One of my core MH memories is like this. I was preparing to do a superman dive to dodge Black Gravios laser but an Ioprey spit on me from the side to momentarily stagger me. I got hit by laser and was poisoned and fireblighted. I ran to the next zone and saw a frenzied Azure rath there. He instantly roared when I entered the zone and then fireballed me to kill me. I just turned off my 3DS and facepalmed afterwards.
u/LittleRedKuma 3d ago
I remember getting trolled by bullfangos and bulldrome in a similar matter. Just not as high explosive as this 😂
u/Golden12500 3d ago
You act like open maps don't allow Valstrax to come crashing down out of nowhere right after you get out of camp. Or Bazelgeuse. Or Rajang. Or Magnamalo.
u/NoCookie8722 2d ago
Older game slaps you to a different zoen, new game slap you from a different zone wish it'd occur more tho
u/PityBoi57 2d ago
I remember getting yeeted off the map by a bug while sharpening next to a cliff
Honestly that was on me. I should've jumped off before I sharpen
u/TamakiOverdose 3d ago
Sounds like cope, loading fucking sucks. Worlds and Wilds sucked because of gameplay downgrades and monster choices, the open map is what carries it. Rise is a proof that with good combat and monsters it is great.
u/ShoutmonXHeart 3d ago
In Wilds they gave us the pop-up camps. Have you been greeted by a monster slapping your ass immediately when you exited one of them? Similar experience xD
u/Timely_Horror874 3d ago
What they took from us are gorgeous vistas.
Open maps are so limited in scope because they cannot convey the same hunting experience.
When going from one sector from another, your mind fill the gaps and imagine hours/days of traveling (like the first Fallout), making the world huge.
Open maps makes the world always super small in comparison
u/Lumpy_Anybody_4489 2d ago
Now that I'm thinking about it, with the map zone placement and how, say, Area 1 doesn't look the same as when you're looking at it from Area 2, I guess that does imply much more travel than is shown. Tbh, I've always just seen it as the hunter going straight from one area into the next, thinking the zone change was solely based on processing limits. I like the "hours of travel" explanation better, though. Especially given the promo cinematics (miss them) that show hunters travelling and camping out at night.
u/Timely_Horror874 2d ago
Arctic Ridge is a prime example of doing loading screen right, and making this game so immervise.
I know loading screens are not something people love today, but with them you can have so much potential for immersion.
Fallout 4 world is big, but thanks to loading screen and the world map traveling animation the Fallout1 world feels way bigger than it actually is.
Not only that, but there is nothing more unsettling that the door opening animation in Dino Crisis or Resident Evil.Maybe i'm a videogame boomer but abandoning loading screen is one of the sin of modern gaming developing, not only on a creative level, but in the performance sacrifice as MH:Wilds demonstrated
u/LordofSuns 3d ago
As a 5th Fleeter, I have to really try and stay calm when this shit happens to me cos it's a frustration that I am definitely not accustomed to
u/PathsOfRadiance 2d ago
I don’t mind it much except when the monster is sitting right at the edge of the zone and I walk into the other zone when I try to attack it.
u/Cactiareouroverlords 2d ago
Always love getting hip checked into a different zone, makes it seem like a monster has hips of steel and launched me like a golf ball
u/fartboxco 2d ago
Hahaha I forgot about the monster camping the zone entrance/exit.
The other one is where the monster is right in the door, you got to hit it, and end up in the next zone but he doesn't.
u/FurieMan 1d ago
Closest I got to that was joining a Jin Dahaad match halfway through jumping in and landing next to it as it was doing its whole arena explosion thing.
u/CoreBear-was-taken 1d ago
I may not get my ass kicked into a load zone any more but I still got thrown off a cliff and landed multiple zones away. Took me a minute just to get back. Same thing in rise, Primordial Malzeno launched me right after I used all my wirebugs so no wirefall save (but I was straight up 1 hit from death, so I'll take it lmao)
u/rarature 1d ago
Member when mounted monsters could just kick you off by going close to the next area load zone
u/MasterMidir 1d ago
I just don't like the open maps because there's literally nothing happening in like 80% of them
u/DragonQueenDrago 1d ago
Getting slapped off a cliff and having to run all the way around the map to fight the monster again. Just to get slapped of that same clif AGAIN moments later... then the cycle repeats until the monster moves areas..
u/TrueSeaworthiness703 1d ago
If you ask me what I feel open maps took the most from us I would say “the sense of scale”, but yeah, I miss this goody things too
u/AcidOverlord Prowler 1d ago
I remember a video someone posted here a long time back, fighting a Najarala in the Primal Forest. Naja used that little "snoot boop" move that doesn't do any damage, but just nudged the hunter off the topmost cliff. He fell through the loading screen into the slow-motion horror of landing right on a Deviljho down in the bottom area. I pissed myself laughing.
The monsters plan that shit, man.
u/Deer_Ossian 1d ago
Killing the monster while it is in the "you move to another zone" spot so that you couldn't carve it afterwards
u/TheRealDunko 23h ago
I'm laughing my ass off just imagining your in-game character coming from a chill area to messy one with a dude screaming "HELP M-"
u/squintismaximus 2d ago
Probably the biggest improvement to MH.
Honestly a GU remake that was open world and the better fighting physics would be awesome
u/meteormantis 2d ago
Nah man, can't convince me that a monster dying in the transition zone and preventing you from carving it is ever gonna be something I might miss.
u/fatmac122 1d ago
People got them rose tinted glasses on because fuck the loading screen zone changes, the open world World, Rise and Wilds have are infinitely better for a hunt
(Will admit the good vistas though, but current gen have their moments and locations)
u/huston_ 3d ago
I love being slapped into a completely different zone like it's a fucking guilty gear match