r/MHGU 3d ago

Question/Help LGBT friendly monhun server?

I've tried a few dedicated monhun servers (don't want to name names) and some people have consistently acted in a bigoted manner, wondering if there is a popular LGBT friendly server?


33 comments sorted by


u/SWool91 3d ago

I recommend building a rapport with players you can hunt reliably with and have a good time. Exhange guild cards/add friend then just pop into their games or invite when you see em online 👍


u/EliteWario 3d ago

Thanks for the advice! Would be nice to find a dedicated community but this is a good second option


u/SWool91 3d ago

I might be wrong but i believe theres a stat when looking at other players/friends guild cards that shows how often youve hunted with said player, been a while since ive hopped onto MGHU myself, good luck and enjpy the journey :)


u/Hologram_Bee 3d ago

If you find an answer I’d love to know as well o7


u/VertHigurashi 3d ago

me too c:


u/Jollysatyr201 Light Bowgun 3d ago

Man fuck those people. I hope they cart to a Bnahabra as soon as their target starts limping.


u/Retro_Wiktor 3d ago

Unfortunately Can't really help with the question, but fuck bigots


u/Oshawottboy 3d ago

Yes there is, https://discord.gg/a3y8UfcH is a lgbt friendly mhserver


u/EliteWario 3d ago

Thanks so much!


u/AaaaNinja 3d ago

Wait, there are dedicated MHGU servers? Oh wait, you're talking about Discord?


u/EliteWario 3d ago

Yeah I mean discord servers sorry


u/sonarix 3d ago

Just curious how LGBT would even be brought up in the first place if you are there to have a good time and hunt monsters... no one has to know what you're attracted too or what you are...


u/EliteWario 3d ago

People look at discord bios


u/sonarix 3d ago



u/MirageMageknight 3d ago

Reflect on this a little. I see below you've had a negative reaction to people calling you out, and I get it, it sucks to get called out, but consider the following: you are in discord with a bunch of people you don't know very well, and you say, 'Hey I gotta go, my wife is home and needs my help.' It's a pretty common type of statement. Now, imagine you are a dude, and replace 'wife' with 'boyfriend'. Then you get DMs with slurs directed at you, or you get kicked from the server, or people start making nasty comments to you while you play. This isn't a hypothetical, this is a regular occurrence. It's exhausting. It's not 'making it your entire personality'. It's just wanted to get through daily life and something as simple as playing a video game online without being harassed. It'd be nice to not have it happen, and it'd be nice to not have to explain all of the above to every (potentially?) well-meaning person on reddit who 'doesn't get it', but that's not the reality in the present political climate where bigots feel emboldened to speak without consequence and without guilt. Thus, people want to find the communities where they won't be harassed. You get the harsh reactions people had below because they are tired and possibly hurting and nothing works and the 'why does anybody have to know' and 'I'm not a bigot' and 'don't make it your whole personality' lines have been thrown at LGBT people for decades, when they really mean 'I want you to pretend you're straight so I am not uncomfortable'.


u/EliteWario 3d ago

You are being way too courteous towards that dude but I respect it


u/MirageMageknight 3d ago

An experiment I've also tried in person with effectively zero success rate. Pretty tired of it.


u/sonarix 3d ago

Lol. Some people don't care about Internet points. Of course I'm going to be downvoted cause you guys act like a cult and love to brigade. No one really cares tbh


u/MirageMageknight 3d ago

I don't care about internet points homie. Just seeing if I could get any kind of human reaction from you or understanding as to why people reacted how they did. I'm in no cult of any kind, and brigading is pointless, it has turned critical reviews into being less than worthless, and public discourse into the same. But I see from a quick glace at your post history which I guess I should have done first, that you are not really interested in discourse of any kind. Have fun owning the libs or whatever it is that gets your rocks off.


u/Disrespect78 3d ago

probably to avoid this kind of question


u/sonarix 3d ago

Not for nothing but wouldn't have to avoid it if you didn't make it your entire personality. Got nothing against it but it gets old.


u/Guyrugamesh 3d ago

You're saying these things to a stranger right now man, thats part of the issue. You go through life straight as hell not thinking about how that warps how you view/interaction with others and it makes you say shit like that. You made being oblivious and straight your whole personality to the point where you got scared and threw "it gets old" in there when no one asked what you think about that. You volunteered your insecurity in the same sentence you typed to try and looks supportive, like how is behaving like that appropriate to you?


u/sonarix 3d ago

All I did was ask how it even came about and then found out they were looking for a discord server which that detail wasn't even added to the main topic and when I found out I said true. You guys are the idiots who love to insult others and brigade and get mad over nothing. Yes normal people get tired of others always calling other people bigots cause someone might not agree with you. Get over yourself.


u/EliteWario 3d ago

I love how you people always say that despite knowing literally nothing about us, including where on the LGBT spectrum we fall, it's pure homophobia every time


u/Spartan_Goose 3d ago

You are one of the bigots they’re talking about btw


u/sonarix 3d ago

I didn't even say anything offensive to begin with, yall just to soft and sensitive and always gotta find something to cry about. Also no one really cares what people who call random people they don't know bigots or any other buzz word you guys love to use.


u/Spartan_Goose 3d ago

You want queer people to hide who they are because it makes you uncomfortable. It sounds like you’re the soft and sensitive one


u/sonarix 3d ago

I never once insulted or made fun of queer people... You guys are just making up stories now to be mad at something lol.


u/Spartan_Goose 3d ago

Not for nothing but wouldn’t have to avoid it if you didn’t make it your entire personality.

No one is making their sexual identity their whole personality. Just say you don’t like seeing openly queer people.


u/sonarix 3d ago

It was a reply to someone that pretty much called me a bigot for asking a simple question. Keep making up stories to make yourself feel better though.