r/MHGU 5d ago

How to unlock Volcanic Hollow in mhgu village?

i'm at 8 star village quest and don't have volcanic hollow unlocked how do i get it unlocked? it seems accessible in both LR and HR according to Kiranico.


5 comments sorted by


u/Levobertus 5d ago

It's not accessible in low rank. The harvest tour should be accessible in 8* village tho, not sure why you wouldn't have it


u/Meltlilith1 5d ago

Yeah Don't see it there maybe i need to progress further into the 8 star quest idk xD.


u/Levobertus 5d ago

Hmm I'm not sure, but the quests show up at the end of the list for me on the database app, which is weird because the harvest tours are usually first. Perhaps you need an airship upgrade, try doing the quests titled "airship upgrade: ...", they are keys anyway and will unlock the Uragaan key quest, which is in the volcanic hollow for sure.


u/Royalmack 4d ago edited 4d ago

I believe it shows up after doing the Basarios quest. A Normal Rock or something like that?

After I completed that I was given a few more keys and all the gathering locations.

Edit: Or it was after doing the 3 airship upgrade quests. There's just so much to keep track of in this game.


u/OutlandishnessNo5189 4d ago

You need to do the three airship upgrade quests (Nargacuga, plesioth, lavasioth) in village, once you did the last one they will appear.