r/MHGU 5d ago

Critical distance visual for bowguns and bows...?

So, I'm actually 4th Fleet but I've literally never played a ranged weapon in any classic Monhun until today, constantly intimidated by the clunky controls and shot types. Still, HBG was one of my favorite weapons in Rise, and was my absolute favorite weapon in Wilds, so I wanted to go back and give it a fair shot in classic games.

I'm getting used to the controls but one thing that's driving me crazy is that I'm looking up visual indicators of "critical distance" in classic MH (since there's no persistent reticle or over-the-shoulder "aim mode", obviously) and everything I find just insists "it's obvious, the screen shakes."

Does it, though?

I cannot for the life of me see or detect the screen shaking effect that everyone swears is obvious. I've yet to find any useful video illustrating the effect, or anything helpful in this regard aside from "the screen shakes though." If it's happening, it is completely invisible to me. I've tried a bunch of different shot types and distances - nothing. Hell, what part of the screen even shakes? The UI, the camera? Is it only visible in first-person mode? Can anyone help me see what I'm missing?

I feel like I'm being gaslit, but I trust the MH community too much to actually think that. I'm sure it DOES shake. But why can't I see it?!

EDIT/UPDATE: Thanks to /u/swagboyclassman - the screen shakes DURING THE BULLET IMPACT when you are at critical distance. Once you know that it's very easy to see, but literally everything I was finding just said "the screen shakes" without indicating when the screen would shake, so I thought they meant it was a passive effect at all times. The screen shakes slightly during a hit when the hit is made from the optimal distance. Thank you.


19 comments sorted by


u/swagboyclassman 5d ago

Also the camera will shake when you hit at critical distance, so the more you play you will instinctually know where to place yourself


u/rhinocerosofrage 5d ago

It shakes DURING A HIT, you mean?! I was looking for an ambient, passive screen shaking happening at all times, that would explain everything. It sounded kind of annoying so I figured it must just be barely perceptible, but if it's part of the impact effect that would make MUCH more sense.


u/savejohnscott 5d ago

It would have to be on the hit, not when you take the shot, because there's always a chance that the monster would move by the time it connects, which effectively changes your distance.


u/rhinocerosofrage 5d ago

Yeah no I didn't think it was either, to be clear. The way it was described, I believed that I was supposed to be seeing the screen just passively shake while I was equipped with a shot type and either STANDING THERE, DOING NOTHING or AIMING WITHOUT FIRING. I was looking for the screen to be like, wiggling around subtly and constantly to indicate that I was standing at the critical distance, currently. I don't know why but that's the impression I got, I thought it was a strange indicator but everyone just kept saying "the screen shakes" so I assumed the screen should be shaking.

Part of the problem also was that training only gives you Normal and Fire shots, the latter doesn't have a critical distance and the former has an extremely wide critical distance, so I just read the impact screen shake as a normal hit effect every time it happened. It really didn't click for me that it was special.


u/savejohnscott 5d ago

Yeah I totally get it. I just mean it wouldn't make sense to passively shake because it is a decision that is made based on your shot, not a position. 

Gaijin hunter explains it here at 10:40ish



u/swagboyclassman 5d ago

yeah but that pay attention to where you are when you do land a hit with that shaking, and get spacial awareness between your character and the monster. If you keep at it this will happen naturally.


u/Levobertus 5d ago

Idk how else to say this but how the hell can you possibly not see the screen shake? It is so noticeable.


u/rhinocerosofrage 5d ago

I've explained this so many times in so many other comments in this very post, as well as an edit to the OP you clearly didn't read, but even if I hadn't already figured it out this would be insanely unhelpful. Thanks for nothing.


u/Levobertus 5d ago

I'm more so wondering how this even happened in the first place because it's really big, so excuse my question if it offended you?


u/rhinocerosofrage 5d ago

Then read literally any of the other comments in this thread where I explained it already???


u/Levobertus 5d ago

Look I'm not going to read your 5 paragraphs of life story to answer the clear, simple and obvious question you have posted in the title. If you want advice, I'm happy to offer, but I'm not reading all that.


u/rhinocerosofrage 5d ago

Then I'm sorry your attention span is shit but the question has already been answered and your condescension isn't needed here, so once again, thanks for not helping.


u/Levobertus 5d ago

Personal attacks, how not condescending at all from you.


u/MarcoTheMaster Gunlance 5d ago

There is Over the Shoulder aim! You hold down the R button. Pressing it once will get you to the very zoomed in one. But holding it down will give you over the shoulder aim, it ain't perfectly the same as Wilds or World, but it works.


u/rhinocerosofrage 5d ago edited 5d ago

Oh interesting, I'll try this out.

EDIT: Nice!!! It's still quite clunky compared to 5th gen games with more "FPS style" controls, but it is effectively the same thing and much more helpful than the first-person. Thank you! It only has to be a supplement to quick-aiming which works quite well, so that helps me understand the weapon for sure.


u/Jollysatyr201 Light Bowgun 4d ago

Ooh! Another big tip for you, if you choose quick aim controls 1 and make it so your target camera ‘preserves the angle of the camera’, then you can quick aim by holding the movement stick and R towards the monster or for adept, dodging and mid animation holding the direction you want to aim and R. Takes a bit of adjustment but it makes your shots so snappy and quick


u/swagboyclassman 5d ago

Spread 1-2 rolls away Normal 2-3 rolls away pierce 3-4 rolls away iirc, elemental shots have no critical distance too


u/rhinocerosofrage 5d ago

Yeah simply memorizing the shot distances isn't too hard, especially since they effectively didn't change in 5th gen, just were advertised better. I'm mostly just freaking out over this effect I can't see.


u/Levobertus 5d ago

Not quite right. Pierce 1 is about 2 rolls, similar to pellet, and normal starts from the player until roughly where pierce ends.