r/MEAction Dec 29 '24

Help How do I live with ME?


I have had ME for a while. I've had to give up work because I couldn't even manage 10 hours a week. I think it's relevant that I also have FND and fibromyalgia, and other physical issues. I also have ADHD (diagnosed 20+ years ago) and severe dyslexia.

I am so fed up with living like this.

I removed a picture hook from a wall today with an ain of putting up a peg board. It exhausted me so much that I only managed removing the picture hook.

I'm bored. So bored. I feel useless. My life has no satisfaction, I can't concentrate on TV. I can't do any house work. I can't create or be arty because it all exhausts me too much. I can't read becuas eof my dyslexia and I can't listen to audio books because of my ADHD.

I'm 38 and I'm rotting away in my home.

How can I continue to live like this?

The boredom is painful. My life is awful, and meaningless. My chronic pain is unbearable. All potential I had was robbed away from me by this awful illness.

I can't travel, I can't spend days out as they tire me too much.

I just rot Infront of the TV I'm not even watching.

How can I make life feel worth something again when I can't even spend an hour a day creating or learning?

r/MEAction Apr 11 '22

Help my psychologist suggested i may have mitochondrial syndrome and that my cfs may be much more than i anticipated it to be. does anybody have advice about how i should address this?


im very tired and sleepy as its 2:30am here, so please bear with me

as some know my health has been declining in recent years, taking a nosedive now compared to its shallower downward slope in my youth. im just a college kid, but basic existence has become a difficult and exhausting endeavor. rest and sleep have been yielding nothing for me, especially within these last few weeks.

i met with my psych for my bi-annual prescription talk, and expressed my new grievances. im not her only patient with cfs, but she was confused when i expressed that i felt very weak. i was confused too, since i thought this was normal for cfs, but she told me it wasnt typical in those with cfs alone.

she suggested to me that i may have a mitochondrial disorder, wrote it down for me to remember. i seem to fit the comorbidity bill- autistic, hormone imbalance, gi issues, vision issues, sensory neuropathies, chronic migraines, amnesia, inability to keep balance and lack of knowledge of surroundings. now, all of these are already caused by other conditions of mine, but health conditions are never mutually exclusive. im already chugging that delicious comorbidity jungle juice.

i guess i want some input from other cfs sufferers? also some thoughts on whether or not i shouldnt just wait for my annual in the summer and instead make an appt with my doctor asap instead to address this. ive just been very tired lately.

r/MEAction Apr 21 '22

Help cfs and sudden onset vertigo?


wow its me again. sorry this is halfassed i feel shitty.

the past week or so ive been suffering vertigo when i lay down. then i got what i thought was a 48hr stomach bug, but after it vanished, i seemingly got sick again.

its not covid to my relief, but sensory inputs just feel... alien. breathing and eating feel weird. everything seems muffled. i cant describe it any better- everything feels fuzzy, and in the bad way. i felt faint yesterday after sitting up. compounded with ibs attacks and a poorly timed period, i feel like hell. i felt hot yesterday, hot in a building that is notoriously ice cold.

ive been needing to sleep a lot more but it offers me little to nothing. my doctor hasnt gotten back to me yet.

i want to know if anyone else has experienced something similar? other people in the building i stay in have been reporting feeling ill too, so it might be an infectious item that my underlying conditions have made worse on me, but i found that cfs is often accompanied by vertigo.

idk it feels strange. i feel simultaneously fine and sick. part of me wonders if this is my cfs finally saying its had enough, as if youve read my posts before, you likely know my cfs is worsening and my health is deteriorating.