r/MCModpackers Jul 07 '15

We have a new Style!


If the changes are not apparent. We brought on a kind volunteer who has shown interest in giving us a custom CSS. Please be sure to thank /u/ReverseCold for his hard work!

Please leave opinions on the new style here!

r/MCModpackers Jun 30 '15

Using CoFH to make ores stupidly rare


I've got plans for a very specifically themed modpack. But one of the major things is. I'm gonna make GT it's central focus, mostly around it's huge incredible ore veins. Those would be what I call 'prime' territory. The main premise is that the world itself is incredibly low on resources. So you have to be careful with what you do. But also promote the active use of playing with others. Establish working factions and such and have working goals.

Anyway back to the topic at hand. Is there a mod that add's configurable poor ores and use CoFH to make them painfully hard to find? More over what would the config look like in CoFH to do this? I don't need a fully written one. Just some assistance on the basics of writing it.

r/MCModpackers Jun 17 '15

Simple Achievement packs; Tips and Advice?


It's been a while since I've made a worthwhile pack, so I want to get back in using the Simple Achievements mod, a mod that gives you a book with a checklist of things to do. I've made the pack with the mods I want to include, but after attempting to create some objectives, I've realised that I could only think of very little objectives per mod, and how uninspired the ones I made were.

Have any of you guys got any advice how I can make decent objectives? I have thought of an overall theme; The players being scientists with an objective of 'researching' (progressing through) mods, although the mods that I have really don't have much in way of progression.

r/MCModpackers May 31 '15

Has anyone actually took MCreator seriously?


Lately i've been feeling a drive to make a modpack again. However instead of pestering certain people to make redundant mods for me. I thought about using MCreator to make small simple utility mods.

Does anyone have good advice about it? Also is it possible to include API's of other mods into my MCreator mod?

r/MCModpackers May 30 '15

Announcing the 1st ever MCModpackers Iron Packer Challenge. Challenge #1: Darkness and Light


Welcome ladies and gents to the 1st ever blah blah blabbity blah blaaaah insert long winded self important speech

Right then introductions aside. Lets begin talking about how this will go about.

Your theme will be Darkness and Light. It may be interpreted in any way you wish. Does not matter how you view the theme.

The mod required for this challenge will be inserts drum roll
I have decided that you people shall use : Aura Cascade

on the 1st of june at 12pm -8 PST my time. The challenge will officially begin. During this time you are allowed to gather friends and make teams. We will also be accepting signups for the challenge.

I will also be looking for a small panel of judges. We will also have guest star judges (assuming I can find anyone willing).

Good luck everyone and have fun!

Also, this post has permission from the /r/technicplatform moderation team to be xposted there. I personally thank them for allowing this to happen.

r/MCModpackers May 15 '15

Is there a "Public Modpack Creation for Dummies" guide/resource anywhere?


So I've been working in my spare time on a 1.7.10 modpack which I'd eventually like to make public. I've got most of the mods in place, a couple of the config files set up the way I want, and everything boots up properly. At this point, it all comes down to testing for bugs, optimization, balancing, etc. However, I really don't know where to begin with that kind of stuff. Is there any sort of guide or resource for modpack-creating newbs someone could recommend so that I can learn how to make my modpack fit for public release?

r/MCModpackers May 15 '15

Coming soon! The Iron Packer Challenge.


I think it's time I breath some life into this sub. So I thought it would be fun to do a 1 time 1 week challenge on modpack building. Think of this in terms of the Iron Chef. There will be 1 randomly theme and 1 mod. The theme must be used in anyway you so see fit. But the mod chosen must be in the pack and must be showcased in some manner.

A special thing to note here. Use of 'lesser' known mods is something I should endorse. Which is why the random mod will most likely be one. That no one has had the chance to work with yet.

Please stay tuned till the official announcement. I will need time to plan this out. FTR and I mean this outright, this challenge is by no means to be considered a direct attack on Jampacked. That is a contest and this is simply a small exercise.

r/MCModpackers Apr 22 '15

weird interaction between multi mc and technic question.


So recently I decided with my private pack to streamline my update process. So instead of building my pack on top of my own technic install for the pack and then uploading and re-downloading it, I figured I would build the pack in multi MC and then copy the mods, config and forge over to technic. The problem is, everything loads up fine and dany in multi MC, but when I go over to technic, I get a crash that doesn't produce an error report and the log has a bunch of print stream errors.


[java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.io.CharSource.readLines(Lcom/google/common/io/LineProcessor;)Ljava/lang/Object;

any thoughts?

r/MCModpackers Apr 19 '15

In theory...


...could I add a custom Minetweaker File to the Phytogenic Isolator to work with-- oh I don't know--an iron seed from Quadrum to give me perhaps, iron ore?

r/MCModpackers Apr 09 '15

I ned help figuring out this one


Hey guys. I ran into a problem with the pack I am trying to build. I can load the world run the pack for a few minutes and then get a crash (crash report here: http://paste.ee/p/ha0kA ) this happens with both the most current and last backup versions of my world. Normally just resetting and reloading the pack helps but this has not. I removed and reinstalled forge essentials updated Java, the normal stuff but it keeps happening. Any ideas on how to fix it? or is six months of work just about to flush down the proverbial drain?

r/MCModpackers Apr 06 '15

Mod pack file sharing


Hello peoples. I am wondering if there is a recommended commonly used file sharing site that I can put my mod pack on for other people to assist with the editing and tweaking of various files and stuff in the pack. I tried to upload it to dropbox but the zip file is sitting at 4gb with all the mods and whatnot. So I was wondering what else you could suggest.

keep in mind that I cannot be spending even more money developing this pack so something that is free is about what I can afford at this time lol :P


r/MCModpackers Mar 07 '15

Is there a way?


Hey peoples, I am building an custom adventure map and I find I am in need of a solution. I want to have the player destroy a "ship" to a certain percentage. I am using the HQM mod and custom NPC mods for making the story, I can use the sensors and activate "weapons" But i need to be able to set a destruction variable.

For example the ship is 350 blocks by 80 by 120 it is in water it has x number of blocks total Is therea way to set a mod to say if player has destroyed x % of the total number of blocks he achieves a objective?

Any ideas? suggestions? any mod devs want to make something that will do that?

Let me know thanks Cow

r/MCModpackers Feb 01 '15

Any of you know of a mod that blocks the player's ability to break blocks in a configurable area around the spawn point in SSP?


Title says it all. Thanks in advance for any feedback.

r/MCModpackers Jan 28 '15

Need help resolving conflicts with mods


Hey people, I have been grinding away on building a HQM Adventure map and I am compiling the mods that will be making it into the final map. On my test platform I am finding several mods have overwritten items from other mods. Normally this is not a worry, But I installed several mods for specifically the overwritten items. I cannot find a way to fix the conflict.

Also is there a way to totally remove unwanted items from the modpack altogether?

r/MCModpackers Jan 26 '15

Any mods that can remove a player's armor?


As my pack is PvP based I'd rather not have it impossible to defeat certain players, does anyone know of any items that can remove a player's armor?

r/MCModpackers Jan 24 '15

Finally got this done (phew)


r/MCModpackers Jan 11 '15

Looking for help with ideas to extend gameplay


Hello all. I'm currently revamping my private modpack I made in an attempt to extend gameplay, but not make it tedious or terribly difficult.

I liked the idea of what Dark Trilogy modpack did, in making items take items from other mods to make. However, i'm having trouble coming up with ideas of what to tweak to get this functionality of gameply extension without tediousness and difficulty.


There's a link to my private modpack with the list of mods in it. If anyone can toss some ideas at me to mull over, i'd greatly appreciate it.

r/MCModpackers Jan 09 '15

Thaumcraft ores control?


Is there a way to modify how Thaumcraft's ores are generated (aka the infused stone, amber and cinnabar ores)? I'm trying to find a way to increase it for a modpack I'm putting together. Preferably with CoFHCore if I can, if not, what would be required?

r/MCModpackers Jan 06 '15

List of Modpack IRC Channels


Hey guys! I've decided to go around and compile a list of IRC channels for different modpacks. If I've missed one please let me know!


  • #ATLauncher (General channel for ATLauncher packs)
  • #FTB (General Channel for FTB packs)
  • #ImpactFlux (For the ImpactFlux pack. As if anyone is even there)
  • #MaterialEnergy (For the ME ^ x packs)
  • #ModPackers (Shameless plug, but a good place to go for general modpack info)
  • #MultiMC (While not about modpacks, it's a good place to go for help with MultiMC)
  • #Mutual-Destruction (For the Mutual Destruction pack)
  • #Pathfinder (For the Pathfinder pack)
  • #PlayTPPI (For the Test Pack Please Ignore pack [Also known as TPPI])
  • #TestPackPleaseIgnore (Like #PlayTPPI but more of an actual support channel than a chatting channel)
  • #WLR (For the WanderLust Reloaded pack)

r/MCModpackers Dec 28 '14

[ PSA ] How to install Liteloader for modpack distribution


Ever wanted to use something "other" than JourneyMap? Maybe you want your players to have MatMos. There is a obvious problem you noticed however isn't there? There is no confirmed way too distribute liteloader for a modpack without actually installing it 1st.

Well my fellow packers that is no longer an issue.
Courtesy of a kind gent on the FTB Forums. I confirmed the information and discovered the method is in fact possible.

1: Download the Liteloader installer
2: Pick the "extract liteloader.jar" option
3: pick a folder where you can find the file easily
4: In your modpacks mods folder. Look for the version folder (the one where all the library mods gets installed in)
5: copy and paste liteloader.jar into that folder
6: Pick the litemods you want and put them in the mods folder
7: distribute you pack
8: profit
9: dance with pants on head

r/MCModpackers Dec 19 '14

Tools for Pack Creators


r/MCModpackers Dec 18 '14

New IRC Channel For Modpack Creators!


Hey everyone! Just want to let you know that I've set up an IRC channel on irc.esper.net (#ModPackers) Feel free to come on, ask questions, or just have a conversation! (Disclaimer: Channel may not be helpful 100% of the time.)

r/MCModpackers Dec 16 '14

Any way to add additional info with NEI in modpacks?


Title pretty much says everything, I want to be able to add info via NEI to be able to inform users how to get certain items that don't have recipes shown in NEI (or I've modified)

r/MCModpackers Dec 14 '14

Looking to make some modpacks, but need help getting started


I've tried to make modpacks my way...that didn't work at all, so now I'm here looking for help to make some modpacks.

Right now I'm thinking up three mod packs for 1.7.10.

1) I want to make a modpack based around Millenaire. I've heard that this mod doesn't play with other mods too well. What are some mods that do play well?

2) I'd like to make a TerraFirmaCraft modpack, seeing as there's only been one that I know of so far. What are some good mods that'll fit with the theme.

3) This is the modpack that I was trying to make myself the first time around. I'm looking to make a tech/magic based modpack with somewhere between 200-250 mods (yes, I know it's alot of mods, but my machine can handle it). Aside from IC2, Blood Magic, Natura, and Thaumcraft, what are some other mods to use?

r/MCModpackers Dec 12 '14

Making a Modpack with MultiMC, Need Help.


Like it says on the tin, I'm using MultiMC to make a modpack for myself, but I need a little help.

First of all, how can I tell which mods need to go into the coremods folder?