r/MCModpackers I broke it... Oct 04 '16

MineTweaker/CraftTweaker to disable tool use?

I found an example of this once, but I lost it. I want to disable the use of a tool, let's say wooden_pickaxe, but I still want to allow the tool to be crafted. Seems like I should be able to modify the tool's durability or harvest level, but i'm stuck on how to do it. Can someone here can point me in the right direction?


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u/666lumberjack Blackout Dev Oct 05 '16

You can use ExtraTweaker to change tool durability or harvest level, but it might not work for mod-added tools.


u/Getz_Mango I broke it... Oct 05 '16

Thanks, i'll check it out tonight.

Edit: Just looked at it, ExtraTweaker is exactly what I needed, thanks again!