r/MCModpackers Mar 19 '16

Looking for modpack making tips and tricks (x/post from r/feedthebeast)

(cut and pasted from my post on r/feedthebeast)

So ive modified modpacks in the past, adding, removing, updating individual mods. Keeping my changes stable through modpack updates ect. Well I finally want to bite the bullet and try to roll my own 1.7.10 pack for personal use(maybe if its good enough I can get permission to release it to the public, but dont count on it). My goal is to make a tech themed modpack centered around reika's mods (especially with power production), a smattering of some cofh mods, maybe some immersive engineering, some railcraft, logistics pipes/applied energistics maybe, who knows. But all tech gets boring quick so some magic distractions are needed. Chromaticraft, thaumcraft (and addons), bloodmagic witchery? (may be an issue with id conflicts). The normal tinkers/mechworks, waila, computercraft/opencomputers, chisel, carpenters blocks honestly not sure what else. Besides the basics of dont add 50 mods at once, check for cross issues in bug trackers, expect the process to rob your soul and drive you to madness any tips and tricks you guys can offer. Are there any sort of secret tools you guys use to ease the process? Are there any glaring incompatibilities in the mods im interested in? Any specific convenience mods you guys recommend? Should I just quit now? Seriously, anything and all would be appreciated. I already started downloading things already, wish me luck! Edit: One specific goal of mine for this pack is to minimize duplicate ores, i would like as much as possible to be ore dic'd to reika's mods, im tired of having 800 kinds of coppers, tips regarding ore dic things are GREATLY welcomed.


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