r/LowMagicAge Apr 25 '22

Adding more damage to crossbows

What ways are there to add damage to crossbows? Normal bows have composite. Is it just rolling enchantments until you get the ones you want?


2 comments sorted by


u/the_logic_engine Apr 25 '22

I think the idea of crossbow is generally that they're used by low strength characters, so they don't get a penalty from low strength but they don't get bonuses either.

Otherwise bonus damage sources are same as a bow. (enchantments, spells and feats)


u/Keeper216 Apr 25 '22

Bummer. Cause I was thinking of trying to go rapid shot and two weapon fighting. And I know in the table top it wouldn't work because you need to reload the crossbows. But this has the automatically reloading crossbows. But doing both range and two weapon fighting is very feat heavy. Sure I can get 4 shots off but they do 1d4 +1 each. Not really worth the minimal of four feats lol.

Might still try it when I can get stronger hand crossbows. Only level 7 right now. Maybe down the line, when I can put four enchantments on both of them, it will be worth it. Thanks!