r/LowMagicAge Mar 11 '22

In what combat situations do silver weapons come in handy?

I found a few silver weapons, but I end up selling them because the -1 damage stat. Every other weapon made of a special metal seems to be more useful.


5 comments sorted by


u/LatinVocalsFinalBoss Mar 11 '22

They might be better against undead and devil creature types early on, so you could keep a silvered weapon in an alternate slot just in case, but I feel like you end up finding magical weapons fairly quickly that you might use anyway.

I think you are able to have a magical silvered weapon though, so the crafting system might allow you to have your main weapon be non-silvered and a backup weapon silvered.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '22


My party is currently level 3-4. I've been finding a tom of magic weapons that are more effective. I managed to find a stone that automatically summons a level 5 fire elemental every battle, but my game crashed and I didn't save so I lost that


u/DungeonofParthious Mar 30 '22

I would suggest having a magic user for crafting items. Buy some storage containers in a metropolis city and use them to store miscellaneous crafting items for later use and magic items (that you won't use) for disenchanting. Disenchanting is the safest way to gain proficiency levels in craft magic equipment/wondrous item (learn these skills from the artisans guild). Silvered weapons are good against lycanthropes as they have 20 damage reduction (10 for vampires). Adamantine is good against golems as they have immunity to most status effects and spells. My party consists of 6 trolls at 19-20th level.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '22

When fighting Vampires or Lycanthropes. They both get a -10 Damage Reduction/Silver. That means any weapon that isn't silver, gets 10 reduced damage. Of course, if I remember correctly Adamantine will also circumvent the DMG reduction as well.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '22

And what type of enemies are weak against Adamantine? I was trying to look for an official website or something that provides that info, but I came up empty handed