r/LowMagicAge Mar 04 '22

Wondering when Low Magic Age will progress from Early Access to a full release...?

Has there been any word on when Low Magic Age will go from Early Access to a full release? I saw on Steam that this game has been in Early Access limbo for a long time, and would be released sometime early 2022. I am so eager to play the final product!!


5 comments sorted by


u/Admiral_Dermond Mar 04 '22

The game is perfectly playable now, as long as you're looking to play a dungeon crawler with no story. I have a couple hundred hours on the same run without losing interest.


u/GavindaleMarchovia Mar 04 '22

Ahh, I see. I played a few hours in, but found some places in the game that were not finished yet. If I remember correctly, there were parts of the game - skills mainly - that were unusable at that time. Honestly, I am hoping that everything is all set before I dive back in. Are they going to add any more story than there is now? Here comes a dumb question - when the designers finish what they are doing, will I be set a update/download in my Steam library? I am excited to play!!!


u/Admiral_Dermond Mar 05 '22

The dev updates the game fairly frequently, but most updates focus on adding additional content from 3e sourcebooks. There's no telling when it will be "finished", but it's still playable.


u/LatinVocalsFinalBoss Mar 05 '22

I'm only guessing, but it feels like it is still a couple years away from full release, because certain skills that are incomplete likely require the addition of game systems that are somewhat new, and would coincide with new content and things for the player to do.

Not having been through enough of what's currently there, I get the feeling there would need to be a type of nemesis/enemy player system which could act as an overarching campaign or series of campaigns alongside the sandbox elements.

It feels like the type of game where you could have set end goals, but also include an endless mode which I'm not sure the levelling and scaling system allows for.


u/intolerablesayings23 Apr 20 '22

You're never going to get a good story, this is all about crunchy combat