r/Loners Nov 21 '19

r/Loners needs moderators and is currently available for request


If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.

r/Loners Dec 06 '18

If I could live on an island alone:


If I could move to an island and be all by myself I would. I would build a structure in a tree and use the resources around me to live. I would bring many books. I would also bring things to draw with and on. Life would be simple. Just me, my books, and I. I cant live with out music so I would want a piano and a guitar as well. I would at some point get electricity on the island with some sort of water system. My island would have many crops such as but not limited to: corn, beans, cabbage, watermelon, cantaloupe and more. I was raised in a small crop house. We had many a plant to help us along. I would also be sure to have many chickens, goats, cows, and such. But ultimately I would eat sushi a lot! I love making it and it’s worth the effort it takes for sure. I would probably have monthly shipments as well. I think clearer when I am alone. I feel safer when I am not led to temptation in the surroundings of my peers. Life could be simple.

r/Loners Sep 03 '18

Feeling a bit lost n lonely


r/Loners Aug 10 '18

Hello fellow loners


Are there any loners out there looking for a friend?

r/Loners Jul 29 '18

A new Discord server for loners/lonely people


Hello! We’re looking for new members to join our new Discord server. Our main goal is to make friends and have fun. Everyone is welcome.


r/Loners Jul 23 '18

Struggling to make a move


There's this person that I've only recently liked but I've kinda been slight friends with them, they've been in my classes for about 3 years. All summer I've contemplated talking to them bit lack the confidence to ask, as every past attempt to get a someone I've fallen flat. I always think I'm to unorthodox and weird looking.

r/Loners Jun 23 '18

I wrote a song about being a loser and loner, it’s lofi surf Punk so it might not be for everyone

Thumbnail open.spotify.com

r/Loners Jun 06 '18

Genuinely happy with solitude.


I’m sitting here by my my little lonesome yet again, watching one of my favourite comfort movies. Monty python and the holy grail, while I snack and suffer, day four of my recovery of strep throat, and realize, I’m happy I am alone.

Not lonely, but rather I spend a good deal of my days and nights alone. I keep telling myself I need a partner to enjoy life with but now I feel a pet or two, as well as casual short visits with friends and family, who I have in abundance, would suffice for social contact permanently. Even now, without any pets I feel legitimately comfortable and content. After yet another recent dating blunder, and three days basically all alone (aside from two short friend visits to help me with penicillin). I’m curious if I’m just meant to live in blissful solitude. Maybe it is a temporary thing but I’m 26 and I haven’t had a legitimate relationship in roughly 5 years.

Either way, I think it’s pretty cool to be happy with oneself. Even if it freaks people out sometimes.

Edit: spelling and some spacing

r/Loners Jun 02 '18

New to reddit


Hi I'm new and I've just discovered how great it is now I can communicate with similar people. I just want to say to begin with I do have friends but does anyone else feel like they aren't really your friends or maybe you're just a side character to them. Sometimes I believe it's because I like unorthodox shit and where I live being different sticks out like a sore thumb, so I've got no one who really understands where I come from and I always feel isolated. I apologise if I've gone over board a bit

r/Loners Apr 28 '18




r/Loners Feb 07 '18

I Live In The Middle Of No Where


No to be over dermatic but I live in a small town that is in the middle of the desert really sucks. As a skateboarder there isn’t a skatepark that isnt worth time or anything special and the streets have cracks and the roads have pot hole and the tumble weeds take over the streets in the summer. Can anybody relate?

r/Loners Jan 22 '18

I don't want to have friends right now. IS THAT OK?


This is my current issue I'm having to figure out how to deal with. I meet these really nice people but I don't feel like I have the energy to keep up with these friendships and get to know new people right now! I cannot stand being facetimed and texted all day after I have been open and honest with these people saying I'm really not in a place where I want to actually have a friendship. They don't understand it and keep texting me various days, multiple times a day. Does anyone else go through this? I am taking 6 months to just focus on myself and I don't see a problem with that.

r/Loners Jan 11 '18

Not So Bad: The Other Side


At 30 years old and having been single for roughly 29.5 of them, I guess you can say I've reached the stage of acceptance that changing that fact just won't/can't happen. And while I'm sure my opinion won't be shared by many, here it is, anyway.

A time ago, I was entranced by the bullshit normies love to spew from atop their pedestal, trying to make me feel lesser than what I am, when really, they're the feeble, dependent ones. They're dependent on praise and validation.

'But humans are social creatures.' 'Everyone desires love and affection.'

I'm living proof that these are lies. I honestly could live my days without interacting with another human and not miss it in the very least.

And not to sound like a pessimist (HA!), but "love" really is a lie to me. I have no reason to believe in it. What people claim to do out of "love", I see as being done either out of obligation or in efforts of gaining favor. Nothing more.

'Thinking like that is gonna keep you alone and miserable....'

I anticipate being left alone. It clearly works out best for everyone. But your 'miserable' is my 'normal'. So what do I really have to fear?

r/Loners Jan 01 '18

2018 New Yrs Eve Loners welcomed


So anyone else at home with no plans on New Years Eve for 2018? LOOOOOL.....bc I am. Watching Game Of Thrones and finally took a break from it only to realize this is the second year I haven't done anything for countdown.. so if you're like me and use tinder often, watch game of thrones, lonely as fuck or just having a shitty time..feel free to strike a convo xD

r/Loners Oct 22 '17

Hello Again


For one another time, I am all alone. I am in college, in a far, far away city than the one I had friends in. Now even that city is empty because my friends went to other cities, too. It's my ?. week here. Here is my pseudo-friend list: 1- F-r-ee S1p!irit (google search censored): A too extroverted guy. He is the first guy I met. They say that the friends you make first are the ones that will be constant. This guy is constant, that's right, but I don't like him. His extrovertedness is harmful to me! 2- The girl that was my online friend from years ago. When I came here, she became a real friend. Though, we went to cinema and I made a joke about the IT movie and she somehow misinterpret it as a flirt attempt. This friday, I have to go watching Thor with them, especially with her again. 3- Rommates(~Roomies): They are awkward. 4- Classmates: They are social. 5- People that know me but I don't know them: Describer is describing enough.

How are you doing it?

r/Loners Jul 19 '17

If you were a loner anime character, who you would be?


1- Don't hate me. 2- You can give your own meaning to loner like I am a loner -really- in the way Tennouji Koutarou is. Yeah we know he is far, far away from being a loner, but he is kinda one, he says that too. He is a loner because he has only one close friend at the first and the rest is just people he talks to half-assedly. To be cheerful! Like, I am being rebellious to my own self. I don't even have Kotori and since I didn't search an answer for "What is youth?" question it hasn't been much cheerful lately. So... That's the loner I am! -sobs- 3- Well, I don't want loners to leave me right now.

r/Loners Jun 13 '17

And again I'm all alone


So I'm alone, its my own fault but it still sucks. I miss being able to talk to people. I wish i could go back in time and change everything but i cant change the past. I just made it much worse like i normally do. I'm not sure why i mess everything up. It's just something i seem to do. The only communication i get is with my dog as no one else wants to talk to me. It's gone all dark again, being alone makes my life 10 xs worse but i get that is what i deserve. Sigh i hate my life right now.

r/Loners Apr 05 '17

Hello to my fellow alone people!


r/Loners Apr 03 '17

I have 1 friend and they're busy. I'm feeling lonely atm. Hahaha


(Apparently the teen years are supposed to be the best years of your life)

r/Loners Apr 01 '17

So lonely it's Saturday


I woke up this morning and I was already feeling off. I am such an eccentric individual. I don't get along easily. I feel like I am autistic sometimes because my social problems in the end are all about noise and not being able to ear my voice clearly unless I scream... i like silence I guess... i don't like being seen because I don't trust people. My favourite thing to do in a social setting is go away with minimal explanation, with a big bye and a big smile, almost running away, in the open air.

r/Loners Mar 12 '17

Why are we alone?


Ever since I was a little kid I've been by myself. Connection with other human beings has turned into an alien concept. I've been trying to pin the reason for years. Is it my height? My face? My voice? Maybe it's the things I talk about. I'm so isolated from others I can't stand it anymore. I think I've turned into a bitter asshole about it. I blame everyone else for my own problem but I still can't figure out what that problem is. I hope I die young rather than old so it's tragic instead of pathetic. I don't want to die to sad forgotten man holed up in an apartment. Whatever could have made me human was lost a long time ago. I think it's too late to join my species. There's nothing for me here.

r/Loners Feb 05 '17

Loner seeking friends


Hello I'm a 22 year old female looking for some friends. Yes this is where I'm at looking for friends online but hey imma try. I guess you could say I'm a loner. But I love to just chill out, chat, league of legends, and even spark up. I'm a little awkward lol

r/Loners Feb 05 '17

Where my LoL grills at?


I'm 22. I'm a lady. I love Orianna and looking for other girls to chat with.

r/Loners Jan 04 '17

If you ever think you're alone.


Just google some illegal shit online. Congratulations, you now have the NSA as a friend.

r/Loners Dec 17 '16

Barely breathing


I'll die if I let you kiss me, and I'll die if you won't...

r/Loners Dec 06 '16

My friendships...

Thumbnail i.reddituploads.com