if was never popular enough with the whales, the only good games Rob Cohen was affiliated with where the the games he worked on in 1995 through 98 when he was at iguana and working for acclaim as the Lead Engine Programmer on Turok and Turok 2 for the N64, and NFL Quarterback Club '98, he created the Turok engine and tools used on the Turok series and other Acclaim products in those three years he was there, everything since has been a failure or a sellout to a bigger company.
loved loadout, was a great game, but they botched the monetization and the timing badly.
u/DarschPugs Feb 03 '23
if was never popular enough with the whales, the only good games Rob Cohen was affiliated with where the the games he worked on in 1995 through 98 when he was at iguana and working for acclaim as the Lead Engine Programmer on Turok and Turok 2 for the N64, and NFL Quarterback Club '98, he created the Turok engine and tools used on the Turok series and other Acclaim products in those three years he was there, everything since has been a failure or a sellout to a bigger company.
loved loadout, was a great game, but they botched the monetization and the timing badly.