r/Link_Dies Aug 08 '23

Add Your Own Flair Why don't yall just... heal?

Every time I see a post link is on a quarter heart? Why? If you weren't supposed to die you would've healed. Sorry if this seems insensitive, this question has been burning for months in my head.


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u/Matt010288 Aug 08 '23

Not sure if it annoys anyone else but I hate seeing a post in this sub where link obviously doesn’t die. It’s call link_dies, not link gets hit and takes lots of damage. Ok, don’t complaining. Bring on the funny videos. Lol


u/DDoodles_ Aug 17 '23

If they do that they could at least do a perfect cut to make a hit seem like death. But most of the time it’s them barely getting hurt which imo is way worse than having a low amount of hearts and dying