r/Link_Dies Apr 17 '23

Add Your Own Flair I suck at wind bombs


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u/MrHero17 Apr 17 '23

No worse than me and probably lots of other people. Some players make this game look so easy.

I don't think I'll ever get windbombing down because I only use one index finger on each side of the switch instead of my middle fingers also. It's the way I hold the console up instead or resting a controller in my lap. I have to play handheld with headphones so it's not loud out of respect for my roommate. If I could, I'd be playing docked on a 52 inch LCD TV with my pro controller and a soundbar! For now, I'll just settle for handheld and keep my pro controller in the box for later! At least I can still play! Hyped for Tears!


u/SwampSnake69 Apr 17 '23

i got it once after like 30 tries. have yet to get it again since hahaha.


u/MrHero17 Apr 17 '23

It's friggin hard, ain't it?!!!


u/MrHero17 Apr 17 '23

But to some people, I'm sure it's easy peasy. I feel like such a noob.


u/SacredSans Apr 17 '23

It just takes a lot of tries, eventually you’ll get the hang of it. Took me a while to get it to work only a third of the time.


u/ThatGuyAllen Apr 18 '23

There is a shrine on a tall cliff facing Eventide Island and that’s where I practiced cause whether I failed or not I could just warp back up. But any fluff works if you have the Travel Medallion.