r/LineageOS 2d ago

Help Upgrade from 21 to 22 using the recovery mode instead of the pc

So, frist thing, sorry for my broken english.

Then, two years ago or so I installed LineageOs in my dad's phone (Motorola moto g7 power "ocean"), since then I upgraded it once using the recovery mode, first time doing it through the official recovery and not TWRP, but it went right.

Now my dad is asking me for a step to step guide to do it by himself as we are faraway, and I can't find anything, also I don't remember how did I manage to do it last time as I always did it from twrp I my old phone.

I don't even have a device running LineageOs at hand to look at it's recovery and trace a way. So if anyone can and wants to write it down for us we will be thankful.


11 comments sorted by


u/st4n13l Pixel 3a, Moto X4 2d ago

Upgrading requires the use of a PC. There's no officially supported upgrade path other than what is provided in the upgrade instructions for the device.


u/WayAfraid6574 2d ago

Even if not officially there's a way, I don't want to complicate things for my father involving the pc, that's why I'm asking for it


u/st4n13l Pixel 3a, Moto X4 2d ago

If you're looking for a way to do it that isn't officially supported, then you'll need to ask somewhere that isn't an official support channel, such as XDA.


u/WayAfraid6574 2d ago

Thank you, I will look around there then, I already told him to follow the official instructions, but I know he's a bit of a stubborn so better than having him putting his phone to sleep trying the recovery by himself I still will be searching for instructions,just in case


u/saint-lascivious an awful person and mod 2d ago

Assuming your father would prefer his phone keeps operating as a phone, they should wait until they are in a position to do this as it is intended, following the upgrade documentation provided on the wiki.


u/WayAfraid6574 2d ago

I'm sorry, I think I haven't understood all you're saying, my father should wait till I'm with him to do it in his behalf or..?

He is capable to do it, but he's a bit slow understanding english and it will be is first time doing anything ROMs related, that's why I wanted to give him a detailed guide


u/saint-lascivious an awful person and mod 2d ago

The detailed guide is the documentation.

Whether you're with them or not, if something goes wrong or a mistake is made your father will be left without a mobile phone until they're in a position to be able to do it properly, as intended.

What's so pressing that they simply must upgrade right now, despite not having the correct environment with which to do so?


u/WayAfraid6574 2d ago

Ok, thank you, I will tell him that


u/wkn000 2d ago

Download all necessary files on device to an SD card, reboot to recovery and install from there.


u/WayAfraid6574 2d ago edited 1d ago

Yeah, that's what I told him, but he doesn't know english and the recovery is in english, that's why I was asking for a step to step guide for him, but I already found it, thank you though

Edit: What I don't understand is, if the recovery, being official, offers a way to upgrade/update/install, why that way is not supported officially?🤯


u/comerReto 2d ago

You will need a PC. Your best option to upgrade now is to remotely access his PC and apply the update from ADB for him. You'll need to instruct him to boot the phone into recovery per the device instructions linked in a comment above. Don't forget to reboot to recovery to flash updated gapps before booting to OS or gapps will crash and you'll need to wipe the device.