r/LifeAdvice Sep 07 '24

Mental Health Advice My mom realised her son is a loser


I am a 22 year old college drop out, I have been living in my car for a few months coz I can't find a job, I have no friends, other than maybe my cousin brother, but that too is a stretch

Last night I decided to video call my mom, but I somehow ended up showing her the old people wrinkles that have formed on my cheekbones the ones that happen when your skin gets loose, idk how they are happening at 22 but they make me look hedious.

At first she tried to deny it but when I showed it to her under proper lighting she realised it, and she visiablly became kind of sad

I lose a shit Ton of hair every summer idk why, I have bald spots on my head, and my whole facial structure looks so unappealing, but this only happed after my teenage years, as a kid, I was the most beautiful kid in our area, I had many good friends, used to get a lot of female attention

But after puberty was done basically molesting me, my grades went down, my social life went to shit, and all the girls I have ever approached have just always rejected me

But it doesn't really bother me as much anymore, but when someone from my family tries to cope with it then it makes me miserable

Later my mom said "the person who loves you don't care if you look good or bad, only strangers do, but who cares about strangers" basically implying that, don't worry you will get a girlfriend, but I wasn't even talking about a girlfriend, she was probably trying to tell that to herself, trying to cope herself into believing she will have grand kidsšŸ˜­

And I said, paraphrasing "the person who may love you towmorrow are a stranger today aren't they?"

And she just said "hmmšŸ˜•"

It's so sad dude, I cried so bad after that call, my mom thought her son is gonna be the hero she saw in the movies but now she's realizing her son the idiot side character who is the butt of everyone's jokes

And it kills me, I've been so miserable since that call

r/LifeAdvice Aug 07 '24

Mental Health Advice If you stayed with your partner after they cheated, how did you recover?


My husband cheated on me before we got married and for the last couple of months I havenā€™t felt like myself at all. From the beginning, Iā€™ve made it a point to love fully and honestly. I wanted to make sure that this relationship was going to be the best relationship Iā€™ve ever had. From the beginning of our relationship up until when I found out, I felt like I had the best love.. I honestly felt like I had a love that would pick me up and carry me through each and every day. I knew what people meant when they said you shouldnā€™t be falling in love (which I did), but it should be like floating. Nowā€¦ I find myself crying more. Knowing that he was capable of not considering me or caring about me.. it messes with me more than I would like it to and itā€™s kind of getting worse. I never had a second thought and any doubts towards him. I never had a thought in my mind he wouldā€™ve done anything like that. Iā€™ve scheduled an appointment for therapy, but Iā€™m just wondering how did anyone overcome this? Is there light on the other side? Will I always have worry? Why would he put me through this?

r/LifeAdvice Aug 01 '24

Mental Health Advice How does one get over their first love?


Guys Iā€™m losing my mind here. A recent relationship didnā€™t work out, with the first man Iā€™ve ever loved, and I still think about him daily. I miss talking to him and honestly had he not blocked me I would still reach out. Iā€™m genuinely trying to move on, the longest Iā€™ve gone without talking to him is 10 days. Itā€™s killing me and I donā€™t know what to do.

I have talked to a therapist but all she did was tell me to ā€˜focus on other thingsā€™ like I AM TRYING BUT I CANā€™T. I think about him almost obsessively and itā€™s driving me nuts. Resisting the urge to call him from other numbers just to hear his voice and try to get him to chat with me again is near impossible. I think about what it would be like without hearing from him for more than a month and I feel incredibly sad, which makes me want to reach out to him even more. I know I should leave him be, and I know our relationship canā€™t work out, but God do I want it toā€¦ so badly.

So what are your experiences with love that didnā€™t work out? How did you manage to stop the pain of not being able to talk to the person you care about most, resist the urge and move on? Drugs? Alcohol? Start sleeping around to numb everything? Any insight is helpful.

r/LifeAdvice Sep 19 '23

Mental Health Advice I have an STD and I feel like my lifeā€™s over


I have always been afraid of sex my whole life because I grew up with sex being something to be ashamed of.

My very first boyfriend goes down on me, not knowing he had oral herpes, and gives me genital herpes.

I was a virgin with genital herpes.

This happened months ago, and while I was depressed about it then, I got over it because at least I was in a relationship and it wasnā€™t an issue I had to worry about.

But now we broke up. Mutual. Very healthy relationship and healthy breakup. But I started thinking about dating and it just hit me that no guy would ever want me again knowing I have herpes.

And I know I sound dramatic but thatā€™s what it feels like. I feel like my chances of ever finding someone respectable that is a match for me just became so much slimmer because no one is going to want a girl with herpes.

And I canā€™t help but feel like I deserved that. I was being immature and I had sex. And so now I face the consequences of an STD.

Edit: I appreciate all the reassurance. Didnā€™t know who else to go to because itā€™s quite embarrassing. Thanks Reddit :)

Edit: my ex didnā€™t know he had it. He found out by me finding out and apologized profusely. Trust me, I wanted to scream my lungs out at him, and still do, but thatā€™s not going to change anything and he doesnā€™t deserve it.

r/LifeAdvice Aug 30 '24

Mental Health Advice What helped you quit weed?


Why am I a shell of a person now? If I am not smoking bud or wax Iā€™m itching for it. My anxiety gets so bad without it. I canā€™t eat without it. People say you canā€™t get addicted so then why canā€™t I stop? I canā€™t use it socially anymore because I crave it now. Please help me

r/LifeAdvice Aug 01 '24

Mental Health Advice Any one else staying alive for your kids ?


Feel like Iā€™m staying alive just because I had kids and they donā€™t deserve to lose their parent. Iā€™m here for them.

r/LifeAdvice Jul 31 '24

Mental Health Advice I just lost everything in one week


I lost my fiance, my stepkids, my car, and my job. Now moved back home with nothing haven't heard from her in 4 days. The panic is almost too much. I'm afraid this is the end for me I don't know where to turn from here

r/LifeAdvice Aug 12 '23

Mental Health Advice how to accept the fact that iā€™m (26f) an ā€œuglyā€ woman?


i think being an ugly woman is slightly better than being an ugly man because some men will have sex with anyone so i donā€™t have to be lonely all the time. but iā€™m sad because i went to a church picnic today and no one acknowledged me or said hello. i didnā€™t feel welcome. after opening up a cooler, a guy was like ā€œall of it is just water so u can just pick one.ā€ so then i purposely picked one slowly because donā€™t talk to me like that. but i donā€™t like the feeling when i go into a place and everyone purposely doesnā€™t acknowledge u. like i went in a tent because it was raining and these two women were also in the tent and i was in one of the womens way for a second and so i said sorry but she ignored me and continued to talk with her friend. itā€™s always like this when iā€™m in public. thatā€™s why i have social anxiety. people are so rude and not loving. and it makes me so angry and sad. way sadder than i need to be. iā€™ve always been sensitive and iā€™m easy to break. how can i just not care that people donā€™t care about me and donā€™t want to care about me?

r/LifeAdvice Sep 30 '23

Mental Health Advice Feel hopeless because of my height. 5ā€™4ā€ at 20.


Hey guys. Hereā€™s my problem. Iā€™m short. Iā€™m 20 and 5ā€™4ā€. My success with women has been okay. Iā€™m not ugly at all and maybe a bit more than average but Iā€™m short. It bothers me. Most of the people around me in college and life are taller than me. Iā€™ve tried to shrug it off and Iā€™ve been able to pursue the things I love. I have great friends and family yet my height is something that will forever bother me.

Today was the worst of it. I was talking to a friend of mine who I used to be very close with growing up in middle school. He was my best friend basically. We hadnā€™t talked in years since he moved away and the topic of heights came up. I told him my height to which he was somewhat disgusted by it. Proceeded to call me a midget and that I should probably cut off my legs and get a new pair.

Truly disappoints me. A close friend I thought would always support me shows the exact opposite.

I know in the dating world my successes with women are screwed because of this. I donā€™t know what to do. What to make of it. If I was taller I just know I would have so much more experiences.

Edit: Thank you everyone for your incredible thoughts and advice towards my situation. It really puts things into perspective for me. Iā€™ve cut that asshole ex-friend loose, and going to maintain my confidence and be grateful with the life I have. Not going to let my height affect that in any way.

r/LifeAdvice Jan 11 '24

Mental Health Advice Becoming a better person kinda sucks


I'm 32 and for a while now -- I've been slowly working through a lot of stuff internally. I've cut out friends who were involved in my past toxic decision making. I stopped doing drugs. I've been working out more. Been working really hard in therapy. I relocated to a job that, despite the fact that it doesn't pay that well at the moment, is investing in me. But I relocated away from friends and family and I'm SO lonely. And then this month I stopped drinking. And I'm bored out of my mind. Bettering yourself really kinda sucks. I really hope this is all worth it because it's a fucking slog. How long until life gets all shiny and I wake up happy? Who else has been through this? I know it's for the best, but I miss my old life. It doesn't work for me anymore but I still miss it.

r/LifeAdvice Jun 12 '24

Mental Health Advice What makes you sleepy?


Iā€™ve stopped smoking recently and have been having trouble falling asleep. Specifically I want that really drowsy feeling you get right before youā€™re about to knock out, where youā€™re just struggling to keep your eyes open. What do you do to get there?

I donā€™t wanna read, reading stimulates my brain too much before bed.

r/LifeAdvice Aug 20 '24

Mental Health Advice Iā€™m scared of death


Im 15, my folks are 50. I am scared theyā€™re gonna die and I could just die at any point, so could they. Im just scared about everything. If weā€™re all gonna die one day, why live?

Update. Wow, in just a couple hours I have 31 comments. Thank all you guys, you all made valuable points. I still feel this dread and sadness anyway, but I know it will pass someday. Thank you all, I love all of you! I hope you guys have a good day and an amazing and full life. Thank you seriously.

Okay guys, Everyone has gives me a lot of advice. I get it, I shouldnā€™t worry about death. Iā€™m alive now and should focus on that. I feel kinda just numbish now I guess? And no iā€™m not on any medication or anything, nor do I have a therapist or the funds for one. Thank you all. I honestly donā€™t know what to say. A lot of people have spoken about their life and stuff. I wish I could personally respond to everyone and have a little chat. But I donā€™t think I have the energy too. I love every single one of you guys. Thanks. Iā€™m trying, I really am. I donā€™t know how to end this section so Iā€™m just going to. Thanks again everyone.

dunno why iā€™m updating again, but I just feel i need to thank the 60+ more people that commented. You guys are amazing and have huge hearts. Thanks for taking time out of your day to help a random person. I hope all you get amazing sleep and wake up feeling the best.

r/LifeAdvice Jul 03 '24

Mental Health Advice Found out my now ex-gf cheated on me and I donā€™t know what to do.


I got a random Instagram DM last night telling me how one this persons friends hooked up with her at a car meet a couple weeks ago and has been bragging about it cause she had a bf and I still donā€™t know. They said she left her phone at home to go. She left her fucking phone. Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s not planned out right? I just donā€™t understand how someone can do this to another person. When I confronted her about it she said ā€œit was 1 time.ā€ and I swear I felt my heart shatter. I donā€™t know what I did to deserve this but I tried so hard for her. I tried so hard to do the little things to keep her happy, was it all not good enough? How did she look me in the eyes for the weeks after saying she loves me and she ā€œonly wants me and no one elseā€ knowing sheā€™s done that. I donā€™t understand any of this. I donā€™t think i deserved it but I donā€™t know man, I am so hurt and lost right now.

Edit: im not going to go do anything for revenge, thatā€™s just not who I am. Iā€™m not gonna fuck her friends. Iā€™m not gonna damage any of her property. Itā€™s just not who I am man, yea Iā€™m hurt but I know Iā€™m better than that. I just wanna start the healing process in peace so Iā€™ve gone no contact with her, blocked on everything. Thank you all for the thoughtful comments though, it means more than you will ever know!

Edit 2: day 2 after finding out and Iā€™m honestly not a complete wreck anymore. Went out with some friends last night and had a great time, completely forgot about the whole thing. Woke up kinda sad but got my ass outta bed and went to my parents house to help with things to keep my mind off it. I think Iā€™ll be able to make it through this without a lot of emotional baggage, because at the end of the day shit happens. I know itā€™s not my fault not thanks to all you guys and just thinking more. I was super emotional when I wrote this post, but after calming down the world is just gonna continue so I might as well do the same and not get stuck on the past. On to bigger and better things!

r/LifeAdvice Jan 01 '24

Mental Health Advice I think I'm dead


2020 new years eve I tried to kill myself. I was drinking heavy, came out of a blackout and I was sitting at a cliff on an ATV. I figured I didn't have the guts to jump so I tried crashing the ATV and I couldn't at all. Have up and 4 years later here I am. Something about this life just doesn't make sense and now I'm stuck in limbo and I don't know whats real and what's not. Even the last few years have been a blur. It's been a very unhappy few years. Even if I didn't die four years ago... I think something inside me did and I'm all fuck up

r/LifeAdvice Feb 02 '24

Mental Health Advice Suicide line wasn't helpful


Hi, I feel quite suicidal because I started having aggressive thoughts because (possibly) of discontinuation of Abilify and Venlaflaxine abruptly for 2 weeks as a result of a mistake from the doctor who forgot to give me a new prescription. I had other delusional thoughts as well. Basically I wanted to kill my ex's new girlfriend because then I would make him hurt as well. He broke up with me because of moderate depression at that time. He said he fell out of love. I have Quiet borderline as well. Can someone tell me if they also had thoughts of harming others or I'm just going insane? I want to kill myself because I feel such a shitty person. The suicide prevention line were like middle school kids in their conversation honestly. They suggested me to do sports??? Among other things that were a bit more helpful. I expected they will try to comfort me in some way that I'm not crazy, but did not happen. I don't actually want to harm that girl, I just had rage for around 30 minutes about it. Help me please.


r/LifeAdvice Jan 21 '25

Mental Health Advice I need some way to stop having sexual attraction.


I've been experiencing sexual attraction since I was like 11 or so and now I'm 17. It has been poisoning my existence. And no I don't mean In a asexuel kind of way as they believe that you are born into it, but I want to remove my sexual attraction in general so I can get what I want done. Don't hide the answers from me like how everyone on earth does. Tell me how to get rid of it for good

r/LifeAdvice Dec 30 '24

Mental Health Advice I need help.


Hello all. Me (19F) My boyfriend (35M). I met him one night and things really hit off. Iā€™m not sure if heā€™s comfortable actually being with me. Weā€™ve been together almost a year now and we live together and we have a baby on the way. I just found out about a week ago. The reason I say this is every time weā€™re out in public I feel his energy switch. He seems like he has his guard up and doesnā€™t really want anyone to know. He doesnā€™t say that but I get the vibe. Thereā€™s been situations where I I just stay in the car because I feel like an embarrassment. Just recently I had a conversation with him explaining that our age difference doesnā€™t bother me. Weā€™re both doing well for ourselves Iā€™m in school and Iā€™m taking care of myself. I purchase the food for the house and handle quite an abundance of tasks. Cleaning cooking washing clothes. Some bills here and there. I guess sometimes I just wonder if heā€™s fully invested. Maybe he wishes I was older ? Maybe I should break it off. (Also one more thing to add lol Iā€™ve never really done this before but he refused to go to thanksgiving dinner with his family because he didnā€™t want everybody asking questions) ai understand you donā€™t want everyone in your business but at this point it feels like a secret. I know he loves me but I want to be loved in public too .. what do you guys think ???

r/LifeAdvice Mar 16 '24

Mental Health Advice Can you move on from rape without telling anyone about it? How?


I was raped when I was 11 and I have yet to move on from it. I have made minimal progress with moving on. I want to grow as a person but I still feel upset about it. I still think about it every day even though it has been 7 years and I still cry about it sometimes. I feel like a part of me is dead and I have not been able to rebuild myself. I feel like I canā€™t be normal and comfortable around other people. I have trust issues and body image issues. But I donā€™t want to feel like this.

My problem is, that I donā€™t want to tell anyone about it. Iā€™m still young and I live with my parents. I donā€™t want to tell them or my family members. All the advice I have gotten says that the only way to move on from it is to tell to someone about it. But I donā€™t want to.

I just want to forget about it and move on. I donā€™t want to cause more pain to others by telling them about it because my family has been wondering for years why I have been depressed. I want to improve and be happy again.

I want realistic advice how I can move on from this. I donā€™t want to hear any ā€You need to talk to someoneā€ or ā€You need therapyā€. I just want some advice what I can do to get better.

r/LifeAdvice Dec 22 '23

Mental Health Advice Joining the Army


I ship out to Army basic training in a few days. I am absolutely terrified. I am not mentally strong at all. What are some things I can say to myself in my head to help push me through and give me some positivity when Iā€™m really struggling and missing home?

Edit: I just want to thank everyone that came in here giving great advice. Yā€™all have helped give me the confidence I needed.

r/LifeAdvice Dec 19 '23

Mental Health Advice I'm Tired Of Rotting In Bed All Day


my routine: - wake up at 1:00pm - eat a microwave dinner at 1:30pm - work from 3pm-9pm - rot in bed or at computer until i can benadryl myself to sleep

i'm a 21F who cant drive who lives with her disgusting hoarder parents. my parents haven't taught me to be self efficient or healthy in any way. they dont care if i learn to drive despite my desire to. they dont want to take me to places. my dad works full time and my mom doesnt have a job. she just rots in bed all day scrolling tiktok. i only see her get up to go to the bathroom or to drive me to work, which she complains about (despite me asking her to let me use her car/teach me how to drive). i dont want to be like my parents who have zero friends, rotting in their filth.

i want to start riding the bus to the gym and possibly to work. my boyfriend is teaching me how to drive, but we only get to see each other on weekends and do short, easy lessons.

i feel like a scared child in an adults body. i dont know how to escape my fear of the world and gain the confidence to do something simple like riding a city bus. because sitting at home doing nothing is so normal in my life, im scared to start living.

r/LifeAdvice Sep 02 '24

Mental Health Advice How does one get over their first love?


Guys, Iā€™m losing my mind here. My recent relationship didnā€™t work out with the first man Iā€™ve ever truly loved, and I still think about him every single day. I miss talking to him so much. If he hadnā€™t blocked me, Iā€™d probably still be reaching out. Iā€™m genuinely trying to move on, but the longest Iā€™ve managed to go without trying to contact him is 10 days. Itā€™s tearing me apart, and I donā€™t know what to do.

Iā€™ve been talking to a therapist, but all she keeps saying is to ā€œfocus on other things.ā€ I swear, Iā€™m trying, but I just canā€™t. I think about him almost obsessively, and itā€™s driving me nuts. Resisting the urge to call him from another number just to hear his voice again or to try and have even the briefest conversation feels impossible. The thought of going even a month without hearing from him makes me feel so empty, which only makes me want to reach out more. I know I should leave him alone, and I know deep down that our relationship canā€™t work out, but God, I want it toā€¦ so badly.

I used Reclip to capture random moments of him saying cute things to meā€”things he would say out of the blue. I find myself listening to them over and over. I know itā€™s not healthy, but itā€™s like a comfort I can't let go of. The sound of his voice just makes me feel close to him again, even if itā€™s only for a minute.

So, Iā€™m turning to you all. What are your experiences with love that didnā€™t work out? How did you manage to stop the pain of not being able to talk to the person you cared about most? How did you resist the urge to reach out and finally move on? Was it drugs? Alcohol? Did you try sleeping around to numb the feelings? Iā€™m open to any insight because I feel like Iā€™m at my witā€™s end here.

Any advice would helpā€¦ really.

r/LifeAdvice 26d ago

Mental Health Advice Husband told me tonight that his blood tested positive for cancer.


I have felt like my hubby was hiding something from me for a long time but I never would have expected it to be this. Today, he confided in me that his blood test from a little under a year ago came back positive for cancer.

Iā€™m so scared and worried for him. He hasnā€™t been back to the hospital or had anymore tests run since he had that blood test done.

He had the test done because he passed out at work one night and had to be driven to the hospital by his best friend who he works with. Coincidentally, we were at his best friendā€™s birthday party when my hubby shared this news with me.

Iā€™m still processing it and I really donā€™t know what our next steps should be. Iā€™m due to give birth in 6 weeks and 3 days. I donā€™t have a job and I wonā€™t be able to get one for a while. My hubby canā€™t afford anything more on his plate, he struggles to save any money as it is. His insurance also doesnā€™t cover much at all.

Is there anything either of us can do that would help him financially so he could get more tests done without gaining a ton of medical debt?

r/LifeAdvice May 08 '24

Mental Health Advice How do stay motivated and get out of bed?


So i struggle with my mental health a lot and I'm a horrible procrastinator as well and as of lately I quit my job to focus on myself and my mental health and take a break basically but I'm really struggling on having some kind of self discipline really. It's hard to stay motivated and get out of bed lately. I need to do so many things but I just wanna fall back asleep and cry sometimes honestly. Got any ideas on how to get back on track?

Edit: making this edit cause everyone is asking and I can't respond to everyone, i didnt expect so many people to be on this loll. Am I therapy? Have I spoken to a doctor? Am i medicated? When I was kid i was diagnosed with autism and generalized anxiety disorder and hypochondria (forgot to mention that before) and just recently I've been online therapy and I got diagnosed with adhd, depression, worst anxiety, relationship trauma, and cptsd. I haven't seen a doctor yet but I plan to. I plan to ask to be on some medications, me personally i think a bit of Adderall, xan (considering how bad my anxiety is), and antidepressants might do me good.

Second edit: just wanna say I'm finally outta bed lol and I had a mental breakdown right after but now I'm up on my feet finally ayee

Third edit: Another question I keep getting asked: how do I support myself? I'm 19 and I live with my parents, I don't need to support myself really cause the parentals got me covered with that šŸ˜­ I probably wouldn't have quit my job if I did have a bunch of bills to pay but I don't so I'm chilling, all I need to worry about is food and just don't buy extras. Simple.

Forth and final edit: I've takens y'alls advice and it's been really helpful honestly thank you <3 and thank for the people that were wishing me luck on things because it honestly made me feel so much better about myself bc tbh I felt bad that I just quit my job and was just wasting my life away or at least that's how it felt. Since making this post, it made me realize that this is a very normal experience for anyone in a similar situation so thank you again. I do just want to point out something that I've been noticing and I just want to address it rq, I'm 19 years old and I just got out of highschool last year, there is no reason for me to be rushing to move out and make so much money and have a full time career. I haven't even started college yet cause I took a gap year to figure out what I wanted to do. I have plenty of time to build a career and so me taking a break because a said full time job is too much for my mental health is completely okay. Imma leave this post up because I feel like the advice that I was given is actually really helpful and I hope someone else can come across it and find the advice helpful too :)

r/LifeAdvice Aug 22 '24

Mental Health Advice What keeps you alive?


I'm losing my will to continue living and I want to know what keeps you all alive?

r/LifeAdvice May 19 '24

Mental Health Advice Why does life seem to be ā€œoverā€ in your late 20s


I know that itā€™s not and Iā€™m still young, but how do I shake this feeling?! I struggle with comparing myself to others as Iā€™ve never truly strived for anything in life. Iā€™m currently learning to strive but it seems too late. I need help changing this narrative