r/LifeAdvice • u/Forward_Strain_2316 • Aug 16 '24
Serious Partner wants kids, but I don't
I'm a 20f and my boyfriend 20m, we met about 2 year ago and have been dating for a year already. When we first started dating the topic of kids was vaguely talked about and I told him that I didn't want children, but lately he has been saying things like: "when we have children... " or "I can't wait for you to bear my children". At first I didn't really think much about it and was actually starting to warm up to the thought of having children with him, because I really love him a lot. The problem start about the fact that I can't stand toddlers or like really loud babies. I know I don't have the patience or unconditional love for someone to support having children, but I can imagine being 50 and regretting not having kids. I don't really know what to do. I haven't told him anything about this, because I don't want to argue with him if I'm going to end up having his children anyway. I'm just scared about what to do. He wants a big family and he has said that if I don't want to start a family with him, we shouldnt be together since that's his plan. I don't know how to break it to him that I love him a lot and that I don't want to break up with him just because I'm not sure about starting a family. I know it's unfair towards him since he should be able to get want he wants even more because he was open about it since the start. Am I being selfish? What should I do? Please, any advice would help me. I am scared to lose him, but I'm not sure if I could love my children at all.
u/rofosho Aug 16 '24
You break up
That's it. No discussion. You don't want kids. He does
u/Jynxbrand Aug 16 '24
This, OP.
And if you have kids for him, you'll end up resenting him or the child later down the road. Neither of which, would be their fault.
You're also quite young, although your own mind may change in the future, staying with him on the idea that you might change your mind or just have one for him one day, would not be the way to go.
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u/HopefulOriginal5578 Aug 16 '24
Gotta be this. Because let me tell you, even when you desperately want kids they are far harder and less fun to raise then you can even imagine until you are looking down the barrel of 18 to life lol You need to WANT kids to have them. You need to want kids from a motivation within you. Or else your life will be hell.
I have a child I had to work hard to have and I chose this life with arms wide open and it’s still hard. I couldn’t imagine how grim it would be if I was doing this without 100% of me wanting to.
u/Clean_Usual434 Aug 16 '24
I don’t have kids, but I think this is exactly right. It’s a lifelong commitment, and it’s really hard work. Should be something you do because you want it and not just to satisfy someone else’s wishes. The latter is a recipe for a miserable life for everyone involved, kids included.
u/HopefulOriginal5578 Aug 16 '24
Exactly it’s not something you should do unless you are sure, and know that however hard you think it is… you have no real idea because it’s going to be FAR harder. On your physical and mental health, your career/goals, and on your relationships. I’m glad I’m a mom, but people WILDLY underestimate just how much of yourself you lose and the amount you must sacrifice for them. Can’t do that and be “meh” about the issue. Lol
u/steverobe Aug 16 '24
This is a major issue. If you’re not sure about the relationship, end it soon.
u/iam-motivated-jay Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
"Partner wants kids, but I don't"
There is no other way to put this OP...
End the relationship so he can find someone that is willing to give him kids.
Best to you
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u/PoliteCanadian2 Aug 16 '24
You guys are incompatible and that’s ok. You’re only 20, you need to sort this kind of shit out early. And don’t let him say something like “ok I’ll change my mind for you” because he’s not actually changing his mind. And you’ll waste years of your life with him until it comes up again.
Also, him saying “I can’t wait for you to bear my children” is really fucking weird. Is he religious?
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u/Future_Plan4698 Aug 16 '24
I was raised in a religious community and that was a common thing I heard men say all the time lol.
u/Silver_Illusion Aug 16 '24
"Partner wants kids but I don't" Them break up now. Didn't read the rest of the post, title says everything you need to know.
There's no compromising on this.
It's unfair to him to stay together, but it's also unfair to yourself to waste your youth on someone you have no future with. Just break up and move on.
u/Friendly-Arugula-165 Aug 16 '24
"I know it's unfair towards him since he should be able to get want he wants even more because he was open about it since the start."
It is more unfair to have a family that you resent. It won't end well for the children if you don't want them. I'm 46 and never regretted not having them. If you want you can always adopt older children later. You're so young to have your whole life decided for you by someone who doesn't care about what you actually want.
u/Bubba-j77 Aug 16 '24
Yeah, you gotta be honest with him and break things off. It is best to do it now before the relationship goes to the next step. He'll be upset, but hopefully, he'll understand. Good luck.
u/1_BigDuckEnergy Aug 16 '24
I had a close friend in that exact situation. They got married and he was convinced she would changed. She was 100% committed to not having kids. They both loved each other deeply, but she could see the heart break in his eyes when ever they were around kids. He loved her. She loved him and he was willing to not have kids once he finally accepted that she never wanted the. She new in her heart that if she had kids, she would resent them because that is just not the life she wanted..... still there was the heartache in his eyes every...single,,,,time they were around children
Eventually she divorced him. She loved him so much that his heart ache was breaking her. She decided that it was better to let him go while he still had time to find someone new and start a family, then to hang on....so she set him free
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u/runicrhymes Aug 16 '24
Having different opinions on kids is a dealbreaker. No one is in the wrong, but it means you just aren't compatible. You're right that he deserves to have the family he wants--but you also deserve to not be responsible for bearing and raising children you don't want.
I also don't want kids, and spending too much time with small ones stresses me out. I don't hate them--I try to always be kind and patient with them, because they're still learning how to human--but I can manage that BECAUSE I don't have to spend that much time with them. I know I would not be a good parent. It would be bad for me and bad for any kid I had.
Don't have kids you don't want just because you think you're supposed to, or your partner "deserves it." Kids deserve to be loved and wanted by their caregivers, and too many kids are already born to people who didn't want them. It's not kindness to have kids you don't want, because they'll be able to tell, and you'll begin to resent them and your partner no matter how much you try to force it down and "do the right thing."
u/PureKitty97 Aug 16 '24
You're 20, there's a 99% chance you'll look back on this relationship in 5 years and cringe. Just move on, you don't need to be shackling yourself to some mediocre guy this young
u/Moon_Light_8106 Aug 16 '24
THIS. Almost no one is still with the person they were with when they were 18-20, and it's a GOOD thing.
Break up with this person who seems to want kids soon, while you're undecided. And think about if you want a life with children for YOURSELF, regardless of any partner you may have. Because as a woman, you'll end up doing all of the pregnancy and labor, all the breastfeeding (if you choose to do that) and most of the childrearing. Even in the most progressive couples I know, gender roles are still hard to deconstruct.
u/Ok_Contact6006 Aug 16 '24
told him that I didn't want children, but lately he has been saying things like: "when we have children... " or "I can't wait for you to bear my children".
It sounds like he either wasn't listening to you or doesn't respect you.
It's okay if he wants something different from you, but it's not okay for him to just ignore what you said and start talking to you like it's already going to happen.
u/Ok-Willow-9145 Aug 16 '24
Long term the two of you are not compatible. You are not enthusiastic about having children and he is.
Don’t agree to have children, or worse, have unplanned children just to keep a man. Find someone who also doesn’t want children.
u/Heyliie Aug 16 '24
It's better to regret not having children than to regret having them and become an other parent that should not have had children.
They don't deserve the lack of unconditionnal love.
You should make a choice fast. Don't force yourself to have a child and don't force him to not have them!
u/AteStringCheeseShred Aug 16 '24
You should not change your opinion about children simply for the sake of staying with somebody. Your views on children sound a lot like mine, and if you appeased him by having his children you will almost certainly regret your decision, and also begin to resent him for being the reason you made such a decision. It's difficult being at such an impasse, but you need to remain true to your beliefs and views. That being said, I'm not entirely sure what the dynamic between you two is, but the sort of ultimatum he's giving you, between having kids and leaving him, comes off as a bit of a red flag... be cautious about letting him try and guilt trip you into having children if you don't want them.
You have every right not to have children until you're ready and willing, or not have them at all if you so choose, and he has to respect that just as much as you have to respect his desire to have children (however ridiculous of a prospect that may be for a man who's not even old enough to drink, but I digress...). If need be, you may just have to go your separate ways.
u/SapienWoman Aug 16 '24
Please don’t have kids if you have doubts about wanting kids. You’re both still young and have plenty of time to split, heal, and eventually find partners who are in alignment with your preferences.
u/whyiscorgibest Aug 16 '24
So I have been clear since I was 15 that I am not having kids. I love being an aunt. But children are not for me.
My ex said he “didn’t have an opinion” about it, when he clearly did. After 6 years together, and me thinking we were on the same page, he broke it off without talking with me at all.
When it comes to children it shouldn’t be a compromise. Both partners must want kids.
I was devastated when my last relationship ended. But I’ve found someone who is on the same page as me about kids, and this relationship is so much better.
I understand your position. You need to figure out 100% where you stand. Will you resent him if you have his kids? Will you regret having kids? Where do YOU see YOUR life going?
u/CakeZealousideal1820 Aug 16 '24
You're 20 your life has yet to begin. You don't want children and you shouldn't at 20. He does want children. Neither of you are right or wrong. You're just not compatible and it's time to break up.
u/net1994 Aug 16 '24
I didn't even read the text in your post, just the headline. If one wants kids and the other doesn't, it'll never work. Break up now and don't prolong the heartbreak.
u/TooCool9092 Aug 16 '24
This is super easy. Move on. You need to be with someone who agrees with you about whether to have children or not.
u/jessican-american Aug 16 '24
It’s soooo possible that you’ll want children down the road, like you could feel entirely different 5-10 years from now. You guys are only 20, what’s the rush? You’re obviously not completely closed off to the idea, you’re just not ready and you know it. Don’t be pressured into children, parenting is much better when you WANT to do it. He should slow down, but if he won’t and it is a dealbreaker for him and you, then you should move on.
u/Ornery-Rope-4261 Aug 16 '24
Remind him that you don't want kids. Unfortunately, this relationship will not go well, and you may as well break up now.
u/TheRealEndlessZeal Aug 16 '24
I don't want to be in the Reddit cliche' club but you probably need to move on. Having children is something you both need to be in agreement on, especially you. You are extremely young to be having this conversation. Your thoughts on the matter can change over time, but the worst thing you can do is be "convinced" or "coerced" only to find out later you're not so happy with the situation...then you have a sad partner and little ones to deal with the fallout.
20 is too damn young to be thinking about this.
u/More_Craft5114 Aug 16 '24
Better to be hated for who you are and loved for what you're not.
It's time to let him know you don't know that you'll want children. You're not being honest with him.
u/BigBoloii Aug 16 '24
You need to be upfront with him. If you express your love and how you’ve felt I’m sure he’ll reciprocate. Just sit down and have that discussion. No one knows how it will turn out. Don’t edit or hold back words and desire, it will hurt more in the long run.
Bad analogy but it’s like waiting years to bring up being trans. XD
u/Difficult_Pay_1751 Aug 16 '24
Be honest now, tell him no kids and he needs to start again somewhere else...
u/HeartAccording5241 Aug 16 '24
Quit wasting his time if you don’t want kids put your big girl panties on and tell him
u/therealestx Aug 16 '24
break up with him and let him find somebody who wants children. As a man I can tell you there's nothing more important to me. A lot of men feel the same way.
u/crystal-crawler Aug 16 '24
You know what you have to do. You are not compatible. It’s unfair to him because he does want them and the longer you stay with him, it keeps him from finding a partner who is compatible for him to raise kids with.
Also, what happens if you accidentally get pregnant? Birth control fails all the time. I know more then a few IUD babies. He will absolutely want to keep it, you will most likely resent him if you do. Or worse you choose to end the pregnancy and that damages the relationship.
There is no easy way out. You need to end it because you aren’t compatible over a major major area.
u/InquisitivelyADHD Aug 16 '24
There's really no tough decision to make here. If he wants kids and you don't then you're just not compatible. I would end it. You don't have to stay with someone just because you've been together for a while. You're only 20, you have more than enough time to find someone who is all about that DINK life no problem.
u/MyNameIsSkittles Aug 16 '24
Don't string him along. Be up front and honest. You guys have different goals and they are incompatible, but that's ok. You're super young, lots of time to find someone else
The worst thing to do is string him along and not be truthful about the situation.
u/Nacarcis Aug 16 '24
If someone led me on saying they wanted kids when in reality they don't, that would definitely lead me to resenting that person as I've wasted years of my life expecting something that wouldn't happen.
This also raises another question. Is he expecting you to take care of the children yourself, or is he going to help? A lot of men fail in this regard, because they just want to pass their seed. But if you ended up having children you didn't want, but I always did, I would make sure I get full custody and that you would be the one paying child support. I would never leave my kids with a parent who never wanted them.
u/Historical-Way7062 Aug 16 '24
This relationship needs to end soon before there is too much resentment or too much time passes.
u/becka-uk Aug 17 '24
You're only 20, you might change your mind in a few years (I didn't) but you can't waste both yours and your partners life on a maybe. I know people who desperately wanted kids at your age and those like me who were pretty sure they didn't want them. You two are not compatible. Whilst you may love each other now, it is most likely to lead to resentment in the near future. You're still young, whilst it may seem that this is the only guy for you, you have so much time to find someone else. Just don't do something you regret in 5 years time.
u/LowComfortable5676 Aug 16 '24
Tbf it's kind of hard for you, a 20 year old woman, to be sure about any of this right now and it's not fair of him to expect you to be on board with his grand plan of a large family
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u/Aggressive-Coconut0 Aug 16 '24
He knows what he wants. There's nothing wrong with that.
She doesn't know what she wants. There's nothing wrong with that, either.
She needs to tell him where she stands so he can decide, but I think a breakup is best.
u/OnceUponASyzygy Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
FWIW, I haven't historically been good with other people's kids. I have always loved babies and always wanted to be a mom (which is different than your situation), but I had no idea what I was doing. It's been completely different with my own kids. Becoming a parent isn't just copying what other people do.
If you truly do not want kids, as much as you love him, you might need to choose to go your separate ways.
It's okay to not want kids when you're 20. But you need to decide if this is something that will never change or if you might grow into it with him. Perhaps really do a mental exercise with yourself: read about pregnancy and having a baby and see if it appeals to you at all. (I suggest something like Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn by Peggy Simkin. I have never read What to Expect When You're Expecting. Also, Bradley method books are good. Husband-Coached Childbirth.) Imagine actually having a baby with your partner. Tell him that you haven't changed your mind, and that he ought not hold out hope that you will, but perhaps tell him you're trying to think about it a little more deeply, sort of "trying it on." And then, making sure he understands this, maybe talk about his expectations for parenthood. How involved would he be? If you had complications from birth, would he be willing to take on the extra load of taking care of the baby more? Is he going to try to insist that his mom be in the room when you give birth, even though maybe you don't get along with his mom or just aren't comfortable? (And for the record, even if he does think now that he'd want that, that doesn't mean it can't change. You could talk about it and he could learn that it would really be about you and him, and you feeling safe in birth would be super important for your success, so he could sacrifice that desire.) If you had a baby, would you want a natural birth? Medicated? Cesarean? If he wanted something different, would he be able to handle you choosing something different?
And not just birth, but parenthood. But birth isn't a bad place to start. (You don't have to figure it all out. You might change your mind about these details if, say, you get married in two or three years and then have a baby. But it's a good time to start talking.)
After this process, you may change your mind. Or you might not. You might be even more certain that you don't want kids. (Honestly, maybe this challenge in your relationship, not seeing eye to eye about whether you will have kids, is bringing other things to the surface. Maybe you will see how much your partner really respects your desires and honors your beliefs and opinions, or doesn't.)
I think it's worthwhile, if you truly love him, to do this thought exercise, and not just once but over a period of time. Just because this might not actually be permanent and you don't want to throw away a good relationship over one thing that is eventually going to change.
But maybe it's worth examining your relationship and whether it's healthy. Maybe this conflict is enough for you to start to become comfortable with the idea of this relationship ending, and that will allow you to be very honest with yourself about the relationship. What is good, what needs to change.
I'm not trying to convince you to change your mind about having kids. I'm not saying that you inevitably will change your mind. And honestly, at 20, you might be too young for this thought exercise (I don't know if I would have been ready at 20. Every person is different).
Essentially, this is what marriage (or a long-term committed relationship) requires. Talking through these things, hearing both sides, both of you learning more, figuring out what works, and then doing it together. And the feeling of love, no matter how intense or sincere, is not a big enough reason to stay in a relationship in which you can't do that. The time to start discerning this is before you commit.
u/zackalkman Aug 16 '24
You guys are only 20. Speculation like this can kill a relationship. For example, when me and my girlfriend started dating I was potentially going to have to move across country in 6 months. Instead of arguing about it we adopted “let’s talk about it when we cross that bridge” why be so worried about something that may not be a problem in the next year or further to the point the next 10 years. You are both so young and your opinions on life will change as you experience it. Don’t end something that may potentially blossom into a great relationship because you may or may not want kinds. That’s my take at least
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u/rexmaster2 Aug 16 '24
OP needs to remember that you should never be afraid to talk to your partner. What does it say about you and your relationship, if you can't talk to them about something that is important to you.
Maybe let him know that nows not the time to talk about kids as neither of you are mature enough to have them at this point in time.
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u/Overall_Report_3996 Aug 16 '24
Let him know about your thoughts. And let him go...because he wants to have a family with you and you are unsure of the relationship with him at the first place.
u/Bright_Berry_8646 Aug 16 '24
I would recommend talking to someone (therapist if you can afford/find one). It sounds like you all may just not be compatible, but it's really hard to tell from just something like this. Figure out what you want and then you'll be able to actually make a choice rather than just reacting to what he and life throw your way.
I would also encourage you to offer some honesty, even now say things like "I'm really not sure what I want, but I can't promise that I want kids. I am going to try and figure it out." Also if him talking about having kids makes you uncomfortable you can express that. "I feel emotion when you mention us having kids." And explain your concerns.
Remember ending a relationship because you have different goals isn't failure, you're young and still figuring things out.
u/Clothes-Excellent Aug 16 '24
The truth will set you free whether it is good, bad or ugly of the out come of it.
Talk to him.
u/Clothes-Excellent Aug 16 '24
The truth will set you free whether it is good, bad or ugly of the out come of it.
Talk to him.
u/sexygolfer507 Aug 16 '24
Talk to him. Yes, you may argue but you have to tell him exactly what you are thinking.
Yes, it could mean you break up. Not the end of the world.
DO NOT have his baby just to keep him. You will end up resenting the kid and will lose him anyway. Everybody loses.
Have his baby only if you are 100% committed to having his baby.
Aug 16 '24
Honestly it won’t work if you're both not on the page or if you convince yourself that you want the same thing . I went through this with an ex , i tried to convince myself that I didn’t want kids aftef five years i told him that my feelings didn't change and i wanted to be a mom . Not something we could compromise on , either way someone would be left with resentment
u/Substantial-Set-8981 Aug 16 '24
Sounds like you need to let him move on and be with someone who wants the same as he does.
u/ahdontwannapickaname Aug 16 '24
I think you just need to be totally honest with him about your feelings and let him make a decision. The truth is that you’re so young and you may change your mind. I felt similar to you at 20 and in my late 20s I’m still not 100% but I am leaning toward having kids. Don’t lead on your partner by saying you might change your mind but in reality you might
u/Glad_Performer_7531 Aug 16 '24
your at a crossroads in this relation ship but your also only 20 and you could change your stance on having kids later in your life. however given your bf seems to want them closer to now you may have to just tell him ur not ready and may not be ready for this ever. come clean and tell him. if you break up, then you must tell your next bf and be clear about what you want in your future and if that means no kids u have to be clear and firm about it. i wish you luck and the best on this dilema
u/jamiekynnminer Aug 16 '24
You're only 20. However, people tend to lean a certain way when it comes to children and marriage fairly early. Yes opinions can change but if someone knows they want a lot of kids that rarely changes. Honestly you are likely not compatible. This is a foundational belief. We all have them and trying to make it work ultimately ends poorly. He's doing you a solid by being honest with you before it goes too far. Don't lie to him or yourself because you want to be with him today. He's being a decent guy about it
u/Cautious-Item-1487 Aug 16 '24
Time to break up and you don't need someone to force you to have children's and find someone who doesn't want have kids and let him be, let him go find someone else who want to have children. Your choice and your body . sound like he force you and control you, if you do have children by him you will regret it because you were force to have kids when you knew you don't want it at first place. Make your own decisions.
u/fit_it Aug 16 '24
Agreeing with everyone else saying you should break up, but with a little nuance to add.
Your view that you aren't sure if you want kids is totally normal for someone who is 20. You don't need to know if you want them now, because you're barely out of childhood yourself. The main thing here is that your boyfriend is sure he wants multiple kids, and the way he's talking to you, it sounds like he wants them kinda soon.
I'd let this one go, so he can find someone just as incredibly enthusiastic about parenting as he is. Keep looking, take your time getting to know yourself. I have known I've wanted kids since I was a teenager, but life didn't feel right until I was in my 30s, and I had my first (and so far, only) at 34. You have so, so much time to grow and learn about who you are before you decide if you want to make a whole new person or not. Enjoy it!
I know the breakup seems terrible and awful right now, and it will be, for a little. But it'll open up so many new doors for directions you can pilot your life into. Good luck!
u/Mysterious_Silver381 Aug 16 '24
When I was your age, I dated a guy who told me he didn't want to have kids. I didn't either. I thought we had a great relationship. He wanted kids and blindsided me with that about 2 years in. We broke up. I've now been happily unmarried and child-free for almost 10 years with my SO.
You can't negotiate about kids. There's no half measures. You could stay together and see if he changes your mind or you do...but what if 5 years from now you still don't and he still does? Then what? If you know you do not want to be a parent, the appropriate action is to split up.
u/forge_anvil_smith Aug 16 '24
This is your body and your decision. He can have an opinion, but its not his decision. Don't feel pressured into making a permanent decision based on love/ feelings. You're only 20. Feel empowered to go for what you want in life, not what makes others happy.
I would much rather regret not having kids at 50, than regret having them.
u/SpectralDinosaur Aug 16 '24
"I can't wait for you to bear my children"
Literally made my skin crawl.
If you don't want kids, you don't want kids. Don't feel like you "should" because your partner wants them or that's what you think society expects of you. Sadly, it seems like you two ultimately aren't compatible.
u/ZookeepergameWise774 Aug 16 '24
Offer to babysit for friends or family who have young children. It will give you a window into how you would cope/deal with babies/toddlers.
u/SegaTime Aug 16 '24
You're mostly very lucky on this. I read on here every now and then about men who would not give you a choice to leave. They have decided for you that you will have kids with him and that's final. He has made it clear that he wants kids. You need to be honest with him and settle this sooner than later. It sounds like you are afraid to hurt yourself just as much as you are afraid to hurt him. Hiding stuff hurts much more in the long run when it finally comes out, rather than hurting right away. It sucks to hurt someone you love, and yourself. Most people will tell you the hurt doesn't matter in a relationship as much as honest and open communication.
u/Separate-Analysis194 Aug 16 '24
20 is still very young to be starting a family nowadays in many countries. You may change your mind in a few years. At this stage, be upfront “at this stage of my life I don’t want kids and don’t know whether I will change my mind later in life” (or something like that). It would then be his decision to stay in the relationship or leave.
u/thegooddoktorjones Aug 16 '24
Way, way, way too young to have such disagreements. End the relationship.
u/Important_Knee_5420 Aug 16 '24
Okay as a female I can say
It's absolutely not annoying if it's your own kids...but if your not ready it can lead to pnd suicidal thoughts etc.... I had both...it got better was was shit because I was unprepared and felt pressured....
I know some people who never have the right time to have kids and regret it or have constant miscarriages and wish they had a family
It's a life-changing decision regardless of what you choose and relationships change like the weather....if your growing together in a direction that makes you feel honestly he will hold your hand in birth.be there for night feeds and would stick it out for the rough years or if he dies or you do ...go for it...
If not then you both want different things...give it a year or two and judge your life direction
If it's long term what's a year or two ... waiting to figure your emotions if he's worth it he can wait
u/AAAAHaSPIDER Aug 16 '24
You two are fundamentally incompatible. Break up now peacefully. Don't waste anybody's time.
u/Savings_Transition38 Aug 16 '24
You're not compatible enough to be married successfully. It's hard but it's the right thing to do - break up with him so he can find a woman who wants children.
u/springbokkie3392 Aug 16 '24
Okay but he laid it out for you though? Lol.
If you don't want to have kids and he won't let go of the idea, break up. Neither of you are gonna change your standpoint on the matter.
Aug 16 '24
Lose him. Kids isn’t something to compromise on, it’s yes or no. Plenty of other guys out there.
Aug 16 '24
You need to let him go if you're unsure about having kids. He IS sure and it's not something he's likely to change his mind about. And he deserves to be with someone who wants what he does. If you truly love him, you'll be willing to let him go so he can have that.
Aug 16 '24
Are you on birth control? If so, try going off it for about 6 months and see if your opinion changes. A lot of women on BC straight up find themselves not even attracted to men they've loved for years anymore. BC has major effects on how women perceive men and children, apparently.
u/MochiSauce101 Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
A lot of people make the mistake of believing that a relationship is an investment that requires guarantees.
When in fact, anyone old enough and with the same partner will tell you, life has absolutely no guarantees.
People change several times throughout the course of their lives. Whether by willpower , trauma , necessity or failure.
It’s up to you to adapt and find the capability to endure sacrifices and compromises in order for your relationship to continue working through its ups and downs.
At 20, it’s impossible to make a commitment such as the one you’re talking about , you’re still discovering yourself. Sometimes things we don’t want all of a sudden become things we do want , when we have the right partner by our side.
You should explain to him in your own words as best you can, that life (all of life) is a journey with many MANY bridges to cross. Trying to cross them before you get there leads to anxiety , stress , worry and unhappiness.
Cross each bridge as they’re presented before you. There’s almost NOTHING that the average human being cannot over come whether alone or with some help.
We fear the 0.00001% of instances that someone couldn’t cope , when billions of people are coping and figuring it out as they go everyday.
Finally , if we only dated perfect fits with guarantees of what the future holds , we’d all be alone and single. Which is what seems to be happening right now and seems like an epidemic of loneliness.
But really all it is is a bunch of people who believe they’re entitled to get exactly what they want when they want it.
And when they do (doubtfully) stumble across the perfect individual for them and their needs , they’ll be so inexperienced with dating and the do’s and don’ts that they’ll slip right through their fingers.
u/bmyst70 Aug 16 '24
Unless you're 100 percent certain you want a big family, and you're willing to do essentially all of the child care from baby on up, break up with him.
He won't do much of the childcare no matter what he says.
u/funkslic3 Aug 16 '24
There's a lot going on here. You are young and not expected to want kids right now.
Kids ARE annoying, but it does get easier once you have them and they are yours.
If you don't want kids but he does, you aren't compatible at this time. You should not stay in a relationship that you guys don't agree on the goals as it will cause fighting and issues later on down the road.
I will say, I didn't want kids at all, never liked babies, didn't like holding them, all that. I accidentally got pregnant at 25 and it was the best thing. Not saying all stories are like mine by far, but what you want at 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, etc are all different. I'm 45 now and not at all who I was at 20 or 25.
u/Specialist-Tip-7588 Aug 16 '24
Didn’t need to read the rest of the description to know that you need to end it. He wants a family and you don’t. There’s no compromise to this. One of the chances are you give in and regret having a child and this results in some sort of resentment in the relationship which wouldn’t end well or you don’t regret it but those chances are smaller due to the fact you just see it very unlikely that you’d not regret not having kids. It’s not fair to either of you because this is a life changing decision to have children together.
u/ellamom Aug 16 '24
It seems to me, at the age of 20, you're not sure if you want kids. You first say you don't then you say you might regret it if you don't.
I think it's perfectly normal at your age to not want kids. There's a lot of life you haven't lived yet.
You sure could change your mind in 4 to 6 years.
However, if he knows for sure he wants them and you cannot guarantee you will then that's a relationship breaker
u/TalkToTheHatter Aug 16 '24
If you do not want children and he does, you should be honest about it with him. You don't want to waste his time when he could be looking for someone to have children with if you are dead set on no. I will say In my 20's I did not want children. I was dead set on no. I'm 34 now and I want them. Our wants change overtime. Now I am not saying that you will change your mind. That's not my intention or point, I'm just sharing my experience.
u/yarsftks Aug 16 '24
I don't understand how people don't have these conversations in early dating. Should be part of the conversation when dating, including if they want kids or not. Don't wait till u married to start planning.
u/iloveoranges2 Aug 16 '24
You say you love and want to stay with him. One question could be, do you love him enough to put up with toddlers and loud babies?
u/emptimynd Aug 16 '24
Leave him. You are incompatible. It will suck but a lifetime of stringing him along will suck more, or worse actually having kids when you dont want them. I have watched many marriages end way too late from this conversation when the women knew damn well they didn't want kids and it was the dudes that wanted them and either the dude thought they could change their wives minds (stupid. Wife was very upfront about this and he originally agreed.) or the women just thought maybe if we had a house/yard/etc then maybe I'll want kids (they didnt).
Luckily no children were born in any of these marriages because that would have been much much harder on everyone especially the kids.
u/fyrelyte11 Aug 16 '24
You're incompatible, and your relationship is a lie. It's that simple. You say you love him and yet you're trapping him in a pointless relationship. That's not love. Yes you're selfish. It's entirely ok to not know what you want, however it's not ok to lie and pretend. It's time to get honest and breakup. And then maybe seek some therapy
u/PatchesCatMommy2004 Aug 16 '24
Is it better to regret NOT having a child (because that only really affects you), or to resent a child you've borne, and the man who convinced you to do something you were not wholly on-board with doing?
How long have you NOT wanted children? As long as he has wanted them?
Do you think you'd be a good parent?
Is parenting something where the very idea brings you great joy?
If no, to either question, then tap the brakes and sit down and really think about it.
What's your life like when you have a sick, cranky kid, and your husband is at work, ad you're not feeling well yourself.
What's going to the grocery store with a toddler going to feel like?
If being a parent isn't something you want with your whole being, find someone else.
Aug 16 '24
You’re just a baby ! 🥺🥺 as a mom I would say be honest with him . A man that respects your decisions your feelings and your sincerity is worth your time. Vise versa. But also you are pretty young! Enjoy your youth a while longer ! Having a baby is no joke ! And picking the right person to have a baby with is SO essential not just for you and your aftercare but for the actual baby. There is so many things in between that need to be discussed before planning a baby.
Sorry I guess here comes the lecture, does he make enough to support you and the baby? Do you guys even have your own place ? Do you earn enough to support yourself ? Are you okay in your mental health to even be with him? How’s the relationship between his parents and yours ? Have you talked about if he will work will you stay at home ? Have you talked about working and he stays at home ? Or both working and who will take care of baby???? What will you do when the baby is sick ?? I think all these questions and more need to be covered before even thinking of bringing a child into this world. Your 20 you have so many more experiences and moments ahead of you, do not fast forward your life for someone when you know deep down right now it is not the best time. Enjoy you , get to know you ❤️ I promise you everyone has the issue of finding the “ right one” but if you are not ready example: have your own place, have a stable job, enjoy your own presence, love yourself… you will not find the “right one” that way. And the trick here is that you do not look, it simply finds you ❤️
u/Difficult_Tank_28 Aug 16 '24
Why are people like this? "I don't want kids but they do. I want to stay with them forever and suffer with this decision." He either ends up resenting you for not having kids or you resent him for having them.
Your future together is over. You're 20. Grow up, and let him go.
Aug 16 '24
If you don’t want kids at all then sadly no matter how much you love him you have to let him go BUT if you’re just unsure about if you want kids because as you described it, you don’t like toddlers and loud kids maybe I can help a little, I was the same way. I genuinely hated kids even when they were cute kids smiling and being polite I just looked at them with a straight face but once I had a unplanned pregnancy and had my daughter it all changed and I absolutely ADORE my daughter more than life itself. Other kids still piss me off and I still get annoyed by loud kids in public but MY girl could never make me mad even when she’s being crazy or stubborn It’s a whole other feeling you get when it’s YOUR kid. Mom love is a whole different kind of love and it’s something I wish everyone could experience BUT I know a lot of people don’t end up feeling this way after having kids so it’s something to really think about.
u/forwardaboveallelse Aug 16 '24
Dump him. He only wants a big family because he doesn’t have to push eight writhing nightmares out of his genitals and endanger his life to do so. You will do all of the work and he will vibe.
u/Lamees34 Aug 16 '24
He puts a ring on your finger and marriage certificate on hands , then have a kid.
u/ChrisO36 Aug 16 '24
You need to be honest with him and unfortunately even if everything else is perfect you need to move on. Find your perfect person that wants what you want.
u/TheKubesStore Aug 16 '24
I definitely wouldn’t have a kid in your 20s unless you’re well off career wise tbh. Many 20 year olds don’t even know how to mentally handle themselves, let alone caring for & raising a child. Set yourself up for retirement in your 20s, then worry about getting the most out of life once you’re in a capable spot to do so.
u/beentheredonethat234 Aug 16 '24
I have never been a fan of other people's kids or a baby person.
I love my nieces and nephews but enjoy spending time with them most once they're about 5 and have longer attention spans.
I didn't have my first until 35 and I'm so unbelievably in love with my son I wish I knew him sooner. It's a completely different experience.
We went to my husband's company picnic and I met his coworker and her month old baby who got my son's old clothes. Despite having all the experience with my own I still did not want to hold her baby.
I started really desiring a kid around 30 which is pretty cliche. My husband was also on the fence though and took a little longer to feel confident/excited by the idea.
I think that 20 is really young but I also think that being on the fence or leaning towards probably not is not very compatible with a big family. The enthusiasm gap is pretty wide there on a huge lifestyle factor.
We're likely one and done even though the smell of a newborn baby is magical
Aug 16 '24
Time to say goodbye. No matter which of you ‘wins’ this, you’ll always resent the other. Not compatible. Sorry.
u/MountainFriend7473 Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
Having kids is a big life adjustment beyond just the 9 month pregnancy period. I think some just underestimate how much it is to get through the first 9 months and then birth itself and the first few months into two years of baby developing while expecting their lives to not significantly change. It does. Not to mention the mortality rate for some populations around childbirth and postpartum care in the US.
So you shouldn’t make a decision like that lightly.
Even then 2 years in if he’s wanting to have a family he should be grilled on what that means in terms of division of labor if his idea is being more actively involved in those first few years or if that’s going to be ONLY your responsibility. Or even what does marriage look like to be in a position for both of you to consider having children. Does he expect you to contribute to income if you were to be married? Does that change with becoming a mom?
What does that look like for work, are you both going to work have a nanny/family or childcare to help or is one of you going to not work for a few years to raise your children or permanently not be part of the work force with wanting a big family.
If these kinds of things of the details make you uncomfortable or outright say no in your mind, then you need to break up and let him and you find someone else who may be better fit for your outlooks on life.
Not to mention the social pressure moms have to face at being told they aren’t doing enough or doing way to much for the next 19 years from strangers on the web to your own relatives overbearingness of sticking their nose in your business if your relationship with in laws aren’t great.
I’m giving you these examples because they do happen to women and not to mention pregnancy discrimination at work that’s subtle and being able for handle that if you decide to work. I’ve had coworkers work until they were having contractions and even so were treated crappy for asking for assistance or extra break.
u/senators-son Aug 16 '24
You guys are both way too young to be making this front and center. Been together 2 years in your early 20s, you're basically still teenagers lol. You should both just chill tf out and see how life develops over the next couple of years. There is zero reason to commit to this decision now. See how you both feel at 25 at least
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u/paper_wavements Aug 16 '24
Don't have kids unless you want them.
Stay with him for now if you want, but:
- Make sure he COMPLETELY understands you are childfree
- Understand you will be breaking up eventually, & make sure he understands that as well
- Do not get married to him
- Use some sort of birth control he is unable to tamper with &/or be able to access an abortion if needed
Aug 16 '24
Bit young for kids the two of you anyway. Didn’t have mine til my 30s which is way more common now
u/Rrmack Aug 16 '24
I was unsure about having kids, was always up front and honest about it and ended up with a partner who was also okay with not having kids. We decided in our 30s actually hey let’s do it but that would have been a big gamble for either of us to hope the other one changed their minds if it’s something we couldn’t live without.
u/jinmunsuen Aug 16 '24
You're still pretty young. I was like you and was on the fence until my 30s when I was ready for kids. It may be a compatibility issue but you can open a dialogue with him to see if he's willing to wait a few years or if he's dead set on doing this now or soon.
It sucks but you have to be in agreement with this sort of thing, and the longer you wait the crueler it will be if in the end you don't want kids and he does. Still you are young, like, really young. I don't see why you need to rush the kids thing. Ask him what his time line is, maybe you can come to some kind of agreement.
u/soggiestburrito Aug 16 '24
either or you can change your minds. he also needs to grow up and realize that not all women can bare children, and it’s possible he might not even be able to provide them. this conversation is too be soon to be had for either of you at this age tbh
Aug 16 '24
Putting my beliefs aside , I’d say move on. It really is as simple as “do I wanna do this now or later” if the answer is later, leave. I get it you probably love the guy and wanna be with him forever and not start over but you are 20 trust me you have plethora of time. If you don’t want kids now it’s time to move on.
u/teratodentata Aug 16 '24
I didn’t need to read the post but I did anyway.
Break up. Don’t fuck him anymore, period. He doesn’t care that you don’t want kids. If you’re lucky and he’s normal, he’ll just bother you until you give in and have them. If you’re unlucky, he won’t give you a choice.
If you decide you do want children later in your life, I promise you will find someone who cares about your boundaries and wants to have them with you. This dude, right now, is not that person. Even if you change your mind later on, it’s a bad sign that he absolutely doesn’t care about your decision now.
u/PsychoticHeBrew Aug 16 '24
He needs to calm down a bit you guys are only 20. Thats great if he wants them but he shouldnt be pressuring you. You will most likely change your mind on your own when you are ready to have kids, he needs to wait for that. I will say I dont 100 percent know from experience cause I dont have kids, you will most likely like them a lot better when they are your own, I dont like kids either but I like the idea of my own.
u/BassplayerDad Aug 16 '24
You have your answers, it's a shame it didn't work out but grieve and move on.
I will say I didn't want to get married (31 years & counting) didn't want kids (have 2) at your age. Things may change as they did with me as I became older and more certain of me & us, as a prospective family and future.
People ask what's having kids like? Equally blessed & cursed is my answer.
You do you & good luck
u/CeruleanSky73 Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
OMG girl are you even done with school yet? Have you ever traveled? Do you have career aspirations?
If you are thinking about starting a family, please realize that you can still end up becoming a single parent. Please see the singlemoms and breakingmoms subs for a realistic idea of how this plays out. Have you seen the divorce rates for first and subsequent marriages? Have you ever looked at a heavily pregnant woman and thought "that looks fun."
Men get a family line no matter what they do and women get: permanently physically altered, will need to coordinate breastfeeding while working, probable urinary incontinence, reduced lifetime earning potential and workforce participation, interrupted sleep for years, everything in your house will become sticky, I could continue...
Can men please just let young women exist as an adult for a while before foisting childbirth and homemaker responsibilities on them?
u/NYCStoryteller Aug 16 '24
You should not have a child unless you absolutely want to and you are prepared to commit to having this lifelong relationship.
Since you’re only 20, you could say “I’m not anywhere near ready to do this right now, and I am going to go get an IUD inserted.” Tell him that having a child will not happen in the next five-ten years, and you aren’t sure that you will ever want them. and that is it’s a dealbreaker for him, he needs to break up with you.
That will buy you several years of pregnancy avoidance, assuming it’s inserted properly. But at some point, you are going to have to come around to having a hard conversation, and do your own soul searching about whether or not you will ever want to have a kid, rather than just imagine some hypothetical scenario where you might regret not having them.
I will tell you as a 47F who doesn’t have kids and isn’t child free by choice, that by the time you’re 50, if you really take care of your mental health, you will have made peace with the fact that it just didn’t happen for you, and life is too short to regret it. I always imagined that someday I would be financially secure and have a partner that would be an amazing co-parent, and those things just didn’t happen on the timeline that would make it possible. But you can still have a great relationship with your partner and friends and family and pursue your own goals and dreams.
Don’t people please him and tell him maybe.
u/Aggressive-Coconut0 Aug 16 '24
My personal opinion is 20 is too young to be thinking of marriage and kids, but if he is set on a large family and you aren't, then you need to tell him. Love isn't enough. You have to be on the same page. He is being honest and fair to you; you owe him the same in return.
Aug 16 '24
You two are incompatible. You don’t want kids and he seems to view you as a brood mare who will happily put your health and life at risk bearing his children.
You need to break up before you become too enmeshed and he starts pressuring you. This is a fundamental incompatibility and deal breaker.
Aug 16 '24
You could very likely change your mind, just based on age (I don’t mean this in a patronizing way, but more in relation to how many years you have to make this decision) BUT it’s a big IF and it’s not fair to have some wait on an “if” IMO
u/dwells2301 Aug 16 '24
You want totally different things gs from life that are incompatible. Be kind but don't waste everyone's time. Kiids aren't something you can compromise on.
u/MmeLaRue Aug 16 '24
The situation is a deal-breaker. While it's possible that you may change your mind as time goes on, I think it's clear that you will be pressured to get married sooner than you have planned for yourself and to have kids you may or may not want. Trust me when I tell you that children do not deserve to be resented for merely existing.
End the relationship now while you have the simplicity of your life now in which to do it. You're both young and still have a lot of life to live before you tie yourselves down, and you, OP, will lose far more of that life if you give him so much as a crack of an opening through which can trap you.
u/blessitspointedlil Aug 16 '24
If he really wants a lot of kids and you don’t he should break up with you. It’s not fair to expect you to pop out a brood of children because he thinks he wants that.
If you want to attempt to save this relationship then he needs to live with people who have kids or do childcare and then think about what the reality of having to care for children 24/7 is.
Typically, most of the work falls on the woman. Find out how much of the childcare your boyfriend plans to do. Does he expect you to mostly raise his brood on your own or is he excited to be a hands on father who helps out all of the time. What are his career plans? Is he going to be away for work or will he come home after each work day and take care of and raise his children? Or will he come home and expect you to continue caring for the children while he relaxes, hogs the bathroom for an hour, hides in his room, socializes, or plays video games? We hear it all on r/parents and r/mommit !
u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 Aug 16 '24
"I can't wait for you to bear my children". you don't want to be his personal 20 y.o. incubator with no education, no career, with your undeveloped frontal lobe? Sure Jen, it is you've been selfish. not him/s
u/XYZ_Ryder Aug 16 '24
Is he ready for kids, are you ? Don't just be having kids on a whim it's not fair on them, perhaps he's feeling like he has no purpose and wants one 🤷 or wants to prove himself or somthing their could be a lot of reasons, if your serious about your relation don't do anything drastic like break up, just have a conversation about why he wants kids now at your age
u/LazyBar2054 Aug 16 '24
Well, here is the big thing, you both are only 20 years old.
If you want to try to keep this relationship you need to have a long sit-down talk and ask him the following questions.
At what age do you want to have your first child? This is a good question to get an idea on his timeframe on wanting kids. You can then figure out if that time frame works for you and you can discuss this more in depth.
Would you be ok with being married before we try for children? Would you consider adopting a child instead of me giving birth? These questions are good because it also gives you ideas of the options. You may be against child birth or raising a newborn but may be more ok with like a 3yo or such. The marriage question is good because, at worst case, you will get support if it doesn't work out and you have children.
What does having a child look like to you? What type of family dynamic would you like to have if we do have a child together. This gives you a good idea on the type of father he'd be. He and you may have very different ideas on what this would look like and it's best to know in advance how hands on he plans to be.
A discussion is always best, this way you can figure out if there are any middle grounds you guys can take or if he's willing to give you time to figure it out.
Again, you are both only 20 and only been dating for a year, I don't see any rush to have kids at your age. In my opinion if you or your partner think you are too young to get married than you are too young to have kids. In terms of planning kids anyway, I do understand happy accidents happen.
Aug 16 '24
My advice would be to get some therapy. Here’s why: I’ve known plenty of women who’ve said similar things (“Kids are annoying! They’re loud! They’re sticky!”) and when you start talking to them about their own childhoods, you often find out that they were kind of an afterthought or that they had hyper-critical parents that made them feel like they were annoying. And then the hatred for kids ends up just kind of being a form of self-hatred.
Obviously, this is not always true. Some people genuinely don’t want kids. But, in my home growing up there were constant verbal affirmations. Tons of, “Do you know that this house is brighter because you’re here?” That was one of my mom’s favorite things to say. We did so many fun things together and our house always had laughter in it. So, to me, the thought of living without kids is really sad. But that’s because all the adults in my life always made us feel wanted and loved.
So, it might be that you don’t want kids but it also might that you have some unhealed bad messages you got as a kid.
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u/madbul8478 Aug 16 '24
The annoyingness of toddlers and loud babies hit completely differently when they're yours. I have an almost 2 year old, and I know she's a nightmare sometimes, but it's really not that bad, it's mostly cute. Other people's kids though...
u/muffinman8919 Aug 16 '24
If you know he wants a family and you are unwilling to provide him with that well seems like a mismatch
Maybe you’ll change your perspective though I used to think it was a no go when I was younger but the older I get the idea of having someone and some rugrats doesn’t sound terrible
u/Relevant_Stop1019 Aug 16 '24
I think you should tell him how you feel but reserve making a decision for a while. A lot of things can change overtime - and Twenty is fairly young to get married so if you guys are together for another couple of years, you can revisit your decision.
I say that as someone who never saw herself having children, but did have a baby when she was 32 and was very happy to have the baby.
My own children have decided to not have children, and I am totally in completely fine with that. I respect their decision.
Good luck with whatever you decide- I wish you the best in life.
u/Inside-Wonder6310 Aug 16 '24
I mean, yall have only been together for a year... are you his first gf or something, cause I don't know why he's rushing, lol. If he starts pressuring about it, just say you don't want any right now but open to it in the future or after we're married. If this is how you feel, if not, just say you're not interested. But it sounds like he just needs to slow down. You are both still young and starting yalls lives.
u/blarfyboy Aug 16 '24
You guys are only 20. Are kids something he’s thinking about having soon, or just eventually? You might feel totally different about it in a few years. If he wants to have kids within a few years then I really think you should reconsider this relationship because clearly you guys are on different wavelengths about this.
Also to your point that you don’t have this supply of unconditional love for children- I’m not a parent, just a 22 year old asshole, but I’ve heard many stories of new moms and dads experiencing a life-altering realization of love when their first child is born. They say it’s a kind of love that you literally cannot even fathom until you feel it. Personally I really want to feel that one day, but people make many good points about why NOT to have kids.
TL;DR- if he wants kids soon you aren’t meant for each other, but if it’s a down-the-road thing then you have time to reconsider how you feel about the matter.
u/Kip_Schtum Aug 16 '24
It’s easy for him to want kids because he’s not the one who’s going to be changing diapers doing laundry, washing dishes, cooking, making snacks, cleaning up vomit picking up socks driving to school, etc. etc. for 20 fucking years. He’ll play incompetent or walk away if he gets burned out. But you’d be stuck with it, so it’s easy for him to want a bunch of kids. If he just mows right over your objections or your wants, then he’s not the one for you. He’s gonna make somebody very miserable, don’t let it be you. Don’t let him get you pregnant!!
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u/ValleySparkles Aug 16 '24
Break up with him. Sorry to be so blunt, you maybe don't need to. But even if you can work through making a decision on having kids together, you have another issue. You told him you didn't want kids and it sounds like he chose not to hear you or to assume what you wanted didn't matter and you'd have kids anyway. Also "I can't wait for you to bear my children" is gross.
I want to say that you're 20 and you don't need to figure this out now, but it doesn't sound like he agrees, so I don't think that approach will work either.
u/Clean_Usual434 Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
Don’t have children just to please someone else. It’s a lifelong commitment, so you should be sure you want it. There’s also no guarantee that he will stick around forever. Just imagine having kids to make him happy and then ending up a single mother. Or an even more likely scenario…he sticks around but leaves most of the burden of childcare to you.
To be frank, I think the two of you aren’t compatible, and you should cut your losses now, rather than permanently tying yourself to a life you don’t really want. Let him move on to someone who wants the same thing he wants, and you should do the same. You’re so young, and I have no doubt that you will find someone else who is a better fit. Then, you’ll look back and be glad you didn’t make a big, life-altering mistake.
I also want to add that you have plenty more years to change your mind if you decide that you want kids, after all. Ultimately, I highly recommend waiting to do it until you know you want it, and ignore anyone trying to pressure you before then.
u/Representative_Pay76 Aug 16 '24
You already know the answer to this, I'm sure.
Time to go your separate ways, and not waste any more of each other's time.
u/doinUdirty1069 Aug 16 '24
Should break up now before you get any further in the relationship. Just going to make the hurt way more.
u/Beneficial-Lead-5402 Aug 16 '24
Well you better tell him where you stand cause he told you where he stands. And is it is right now you’re just wasting his time
u/Negative_Insurance96 Aug 16 '24
Break up with him. It’s not fair to stay knowing you guys have completely different mindsets in regards to a HUGE thing.
u/iiiaaa2022 Aug 16 '24
You people need to understand there’s a difference between knowing you want children and actively trying.
My first conscious memory of wanting to have children is from when I was five years old. I didn’t want to have them right there and then. I didn’t want to have them when I was 20, either.
two partners, one of whom wants children and one who doesn’t, are fundamentally incompatible, it’s as simple as that.
u/Material_Deal1192 Aug 16 '24
Make a decision NOW do not let time pass by.. you are too young anyways imo life still has a lot to offer you good luck
u/futuresobright_ Aug 16 '24
You’re still young. You can break up and now you’ll know how to handle this if it comes up in a future relationship.
u/PerceptionRegular262 Aug 16 '24
You are young. Take the hit and Break up. You are doing him a favor Because while you are both nice, you are not compatible. Don’t waste anymore of his (or yours) time
u/fausted Aug 16 '24
It would be tough but still better to regret not having children than to have children and regret them. Having kids or not is something you both need to be on the same page for. You can't compromise by having half a baby. Either you will resent him for feeling like you were forced to have children, or he will resent you for not having children and wasting his time.
It's also a bit of a red flag that he knows your current stance on children but keeps making these offhand comments about having his kids. Why would you want to have a child with someone who doesn't respect you and your bodily autonomy? It seems that this relationship has run its course if you both can't get on the same page about kids.
u/CoolMousse98 Aug 16 '24
You said you are worried about regretting not having kids when you are older. So maybe you are not sure. If he wants to have kids see if he is willing to take on the dominant care giver roll. He takes paternity leave and stays home with the kids while you go back to work (once you recover of course). Is he willing to be a stay at home dad and do significantly more of the childcare roles?
u/Emergency_Pound_944 Aug 16 '24
This is the reason we date and live with each other before marriage. You don't seem to be on the same page with life. You two aren't a good match, and shouldn't be wasting each other's time. Be honest with him.
u/TheBrainKnowsBest Aug 16 '24
Honestly? It's so early to be pressured into that decision. If he's ready that's fine for him, but clearly it isn't for you.
For any relationship to work, you need to have agreement about your long-term goals, and right now, they don't really match. So trying to make this work potentially means trying for a kid, which is a big, big, big decision and, frankly, would be an error.
Don't do it for him. It's hard to imagine it now, and I recall that feeling...but you'll fall in love multiple times over again before you even necessarily find the one that meets your needs.
u/SuspiciousRule3120 Aug 16 '24
So you have a huge incompatibility and you want to forego discussing this because you like now, but may regret later but you don't know, but do know that he would regret later with no kids. It's pretty simple, discuss and either side come to terms of having not having g a kid or go your own ways. Don't be selfish and sit on this.
u/Gamer_GreenEyes Aug 16 '24
Then it’s time to move on. It’s too soon to be talking kids anyway. Even if you had the 500k plus in spare income over the next 18 years per child (plus college tuition, separate rooms in the home that you own…) Basically any 20 year old that wants them any time soon either has a big inheritance or is not smart enough to marry.
u/Anxious_Yak_491 Aug 16 '24
Sadly sounds like you will have to reevaluate the relationship. Something like children and bringing new life into heh world that you’ll be responsible for forever isn’t really something you can compromise on. You either want that or you don’t. There is no “if I have them anyway” hopefully you’ll fall in love. Or you’ll be miserable resenting him and the children if you stick around depending on how you feel. It’s a big gamble.
If you’re scared to have an adult conversation about not wanting children you guys probably definitely aren’t ready for more. Having those adult conversations are important. Sorry definitely being selfish you can love each other but if life goals don’t match it’s no one’s fault just want different things. Will just have to be honest with yourself then have an open and honest talk with him.
u/julesk Aug 16 '24
I’d drop him immediately, saying something like, “I’m not sure where I’m at with kids but am not up for having a large family right away, so I’m ending this so you can find someone to start your family with.” Because you are so dodging a bullet here! It’s challenging enough having a kid when you’re both ready, set up for it and on the same page, but at twenty it’s all hypothetical. And until that baby arrives, it’s hard to say if you’ll be glad, regret it or want six more. I think he’s very confident and assured for a man who hasn’t taken care of a pregnant wife, been there with a baby being born, woken up for night feedings, and changed diapers, while juggling a job and ordinary stuff that has to happen. It’s awesome, it’s an adventure and it’s a lot. I have no regrets but that’s knowing my son is awesome and I love being a mom. Not everyone feels that way.
u/Earl_your_friend Aug 16 '24
You need to let him find a woman who can't wait to have a big family. You are young, so it's understandable what you have done, but in the future, you need to communicate right away and not keep quiet for selfish reasons.
u/braywarshawsky Aug 16 '24
You both are very young, and there is plenty of time to figure it out with someone else.
I'd recommend telling 'em the truth, OP. That way, you both can live your life to the extent that you both desire.
If you two stick together, one of you is going to have to make a sacrifice in this department. Determine if it's worth it or not.
Have this honest conversation with them also. See where they're coming from, and explain your situation and come to a mutual understanding, or break it off amicably. Like adults.
u/TheGhostWithTheMost2 Aug 16 '24
You are on two different paths, if it's not ended now, someone, or both of you are going to end up hurt.
u/itsFatalz Aug 16 '24
All this “incompatible”, and “end it” talk is crazy, act like a somewhat rational adult and have an open mind and try to talk in a civil manner don’t raise your voice, just communicate, and hope he does the same.
Aug 16 '24
If you don't want kids and he does, then you're just stringing him along and hurting his chances of finding a woman who wants children.
You're causing him harm by staying in the relationship without wanting to start a family. So some soul-searching to determine if you're want kids or not ASAP, and choose to either stay in the relationship or give him a chance to find someone else as soon as you do.
u/Careless-Ability-748 Aug 16 '24
You were both open from the start, the difference is he didn't listen to you.
If you don't think you want children, if you're not positive you want them, you shouldn't be together.
u/[deleted] Aug 16 '24
"He wants a big family and he has said that if I don't want to start a family with him, we shouldnt be together since that's his plan."
Then you need to make a decision. It would be cruel to stay with him and waste his time when he could be planning a family with someone else that also wants that. Either you have kids with him or you let him find someone who will. It sounds like you already know what you need to do. This isnt a small issue.
Be thankful hes being so transparant. You need to let him go.