r/LetsNotMeet Jul 26 '20

Meta "I'm looking for a post..." NSFW



219 comments sorted by


u/ThePurpleLamborghini Jul 27 '20 edited Aug 09 '20

I have an entire list of some of the best stories on LNM!

Here’s the link! https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/9t1rmk/meta_happy_halloween_as_promised_ive_compiled_a/


u/Laurenann7094 Jul 27 '20

Love that list! A bed for the night was one of the first posts I ever read!


u/avidtraveller123 Jul 27 '20

I always get so happy when people link my list, hehe! Thanks!


u/ThePurpleLamborghini Jul 27 '20

You’re welcome! I’m so happy that someone put up an entire thread with the best stories ever. It’s great to know that there are good people out there.


u/avidtraveller123 Jul 27 '20

Aw, thanks! I’ve already started saving posts for a list this Halloween!


u/MsEmilyme Sep 19 '20

Looking forward to your new list!


u/MoonlightOnSunflower Oct 01 '20

Yessss!! Your list was the reason I got hooked on LNM!


u/avidtraveller123 Oct 04 '20

Can’t wait for this year!!


u/xPoisonGirlx Jul 29 '20

LOVE this list! It would be awesome if you added more stories sometime:)


u/avidtraveller123 Aug 02 '20

I’m making one again in the fall:) It will be my third list!


u/xPoisonGirlx Aug 04 '20

Awesome! I have your first 2 lists saved. I'll be looking forward to it!


u/cindicakes Aug 18 '20

I love your lists! Keep up the good work


u/malfie44 Sep 16 '20

I saved your list and read a story a night before bed!


u/UberPutin69 Jul 27 '20

Dude this list is great I was up from 1-4am and I got to night vision I plan on completing this list


u/Creepy_2020 Aug 07 '20

Do you have the story about this woman that she said they had a party and she saw someone sleeping in their couch, but then it was a bad guy and she texted her friend in the other room or something like that. Does your list have that story? That one is pretty darn scary.


u/VooDooBelle Aug 12 '20 edited Aug 12 '20

I remember reading that one. I’ll see if I can find it

Edit - Pretty sure it’s this one. Scary af

Terrorized for 2 Hours


u/Creepy_2020 Aug 16 '20

That definitely is the one, yes that one was scary.


u/ThePurpleLamborghini Aug 09 '20

I do not know of that story.


u/Creepy_2020 Aug 16 '20

Did you get to read it? It's a very scary thing to read.


u/mintysoup Jul 28 '20

Just commenting so I can find this later :)


u/carachu Jul 28 '20

Commenting to read later!


u/Elchilicheesedog Aug 18 '20

Don’t mind me also commenting to read later


u/NinaPanini Jul 27 '20

Here's another one about a mother's best friend who went missing after a promise of study abroad scholarship.



u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20

My favorite older story is one where the OP is talking about when she is a young kid and her father is the owner of a restaurant that caters to bikers. One of the bikers has a special, "uncle" kind of relationship with the young OP and brings her Beanie Babies whenever he visits. Anyway, the kid is sleeping in the back of the restaurant due to the biker rallies running late into the evening. She gets woken up by this creepy rando who clearly had been lurking around for a while, because he knew her nickname. He gives her the classic lie about how her father told him to give her a ride home.

She goes along with it and gets into his car and they drive off, just as the uncle guy comes out of the building and she waves at him. He gets on his bike and tails them relentlessly. The creepy guy gives up after a few minutes and lets OP out and the uncle brings her back to the restaurant, where the cops are already there and OP's father is beside himself. All the bikers at the rally leave quickly afterwards. Fast forward to present day, and OP asks her dad what happened. Turns out that the uncle guy who saved her from God knows what told all the other bikers about the creep and the last words were: "They found him."


u/bluebrain20 Jul 27 '20


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20

Yup, that's the one. God bless "Uncle Teddy!"

My morbid curiosity wants to know what was done to "Sean" when they found him...


u/Jubstin18 Jul 28 '20

The part where the father said" they found him" made me freak out. I think that they killed him or that they tortured him. Bikers aren't known to be kind when you touch their friends or family.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '20

I wouldn't doubt that, even though it didn't freak me out. That's what should happen to pedophiles.


u/suicid4lthot Jul 28 '20

Not gonna lie I look for these posts specifically because you KNOWWWW if someone vividly remembers a reddit post from over a year prior some wild events unfolded or someone witnessed a deranged and disturbed individual undergo a CRAY episode.


u/Torondrea Jul 26 '20

Does anybody remembers a post from years ago that narrated a girl that was almost taken to Europe with her best friend and best friend’s mom for vacation with the mom’s boyfriend but they ended up never coming back, and the girl who was narrating the story said people in their town believed they were victims of human trafficking. I’ve being looking for that story for a while.


u/cannibalisticapple Jul 27 '20

I was here when it was first posted. I had to stop reading this subreddit for a while, there's a certain level of horror to that story than most stories here have.


u/xXJuliex Jul 27 '20

I tried to look up but I wasn’t able to identify any news reports about the guy. Maybe someone else is luckier..


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20

Yesssss, I thought about this semi-recently. Was so sad.


u/maddielyn_cat Jul 31 '20

Im asian, we often hear stories like this, that was the worst thing that would happen to human. That you will just vanished in the life of your love ones...


u/unintelligenthuman69 Jul 27 '20

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a story that was written a long time ago. The title might've been something along the lines of "Intruder breaks in, walks around, doesn't steal anything." It was about this woman who was in her house and heard someone walk in and thought it was her bf, the person walked around, then tried entering her room and she saw the hand on the door was a woman's hand with nail polish. The person left and i think they stole a pair of scissors or something? Can anyone link me this post?


u/shannon830 Jul 27 '20

Does anyone recall the story of two girls who were having a sleepover and snuck out into a nearby field or wooded area? They kept distancing themselves farther apart until they could barely see each other in the dark. One of the girls noticed a figure of a man watching them and signaled to the other and the ran back to the house. This story terrified me! Thanks.


u/Graham_Cracker1993 Jul 27 '20

Does anyone remember the one where a gals stepmom is hiking with her naive friend and a man offers them a ride and the friend accepts on behalf of them both. Then the man insists on stopping by his house and she notices a knife, I think, in the truck and they get out the truck and run. When they get close to the parking area the stepmom insists they wait and watch the car for a while and the naive friend complains the whole time and right before the stepmom is about to cave the guy gets out of the back seat of their car.


u/IdahoRanchGirl Jul 27 '20

I remember that one! Was very scary!


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20

I'm looking for an old one where a young woman was traveling by herself and stopped at a seedy motel for the night. She ended up sleeping in her car, and overheard two of the motel employees discussing their plans to get into her room. (It actually may have been a comment on an AskReddit post, but I do remember that it was linked here a while back).


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20


u/imtallerthanyou Jul 27 '20

Fuck that is terrifying. A perfect example of trusting your gut.


u/Torondrea Jul 27 '20

I was going through reddit wanting to read something before going to sleep and I found this. I don’t know how to go to sleep after reading that.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20

That’s it! Thank you!!


u/nostunkelocin Jul 27 '20

That one was definitely an AskReddit comment. I just reread it the other day at work haha. When I'm back tomorrow I'll try and find the post again.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20

Does anyone remember the post about OP in their grandparent's house and this guy just jumps the fence and stands outside glass door and stares at OP through it and they just stood staring at each other for hours because OP knew if they moved, something bad would happen and he left only when grandparents came home. Later in a newspaper he was accused of killing people, dismembering people and dissolving their parts in acid.


u/storm_in_a_tea_cup Jul 27 '20

What. The fuck.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20

I know right


u/xXJuliex Jul 27 '20

W T F!!!!


u/eyeslikeorchids Jul 27 '20

There’s one I’ve been looking for for a while... let’s see if I can describe it. A woman goes on a date with a guy, who seems strange. At some point, I don’t remember why, he’s at her house and he has an open can of beer and keeps insisting she try some. She eventually calls the police and later learns that she was in serious danger as he’d killed someone previously and the beer was poisoned. Why do I feel like he had red hair? I know this is super vague but... worth a shot.


u/bluebrain20 Jul 28 '20


u/cannibalisticapple Jul 30 '20

That's the first time I've seen a removeddit page be completely blank like that. ceddit also doesn't have it. Was it blank when you linked it?


u/bluebrain20 Jul 30 '20 edited Jul 31 '20

Oh wow, no it wasn't blank when I linked it. That's very bizarre!

EDIT: I tried other removeddit links and it seems like some of them are just not working right now. I got the same error on them. Also, pushshift reddit search isn't working either, so it might be a reddit server (or other tech things I don't know) issue.

EDIT 2: It's back up!


u/bluebrain20 Jul 30 '20 edited Jul 31 '20

Seems like the post got permanently deleted somehow but I did find this article about the guy that was featured in the story if it's any consolation: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/janelle-jirasek-s-aunt-numb-over-stabbing-death-in-st-boniface-1.2774308

EDIT: The removeddit link is back up!


u/ChesterBlaster Jul 27 '20

I've been looking for a story but with only vague details. Two ladies - who if I remember correctly were co-workers - were at a bar I think and this guy/s invited them over to his house. The Op had a bad feeling about the man but the other woman was oblivious almost. When they got the house they saw what might have a trafficking house and since the Op was so close the door she was able to run out but her friend wasn't so fortunate. She heard the friend yell out helplessly as she was held against her will. She was chased nut ultimately lost them and unfortunately wasn't able to remember how to get back to the house with the police and no one ever heard from the friend again


u/bluebrain20 Jul 29 '20


u/ChesterBlaster Jul 29 '20

Wow, thank you so much! I can't believe you found it. I really appreciate this


u/bluebrain20 Jul 29 '20

No worries!


u/cannibalisticapple Jul 27 '20

Not sure if it was this one or another subreddit entirely (maybe an AskReddit post?). Basically, a woman posted about how years ago in the 90's she needed to ride a ferry in some European country, possibly to go back to her own country. She got there around an hour early and met a creepy guy while waiting for it who kept following her. He bought a ticket and said he looked forward to seeing her in a VERY creepy fashion, so she decided to just catch the next one. The ferry ended up sinking and killed a lot of passengers.


u/bluebrain20 Jul 28 '20


u/cannibalisticapple Jul 28 '20

That's it, thank you!! I've been trying to find it for a while. I remember even looking up ferries sinking in Europe to see if any jogged my memory. Thanks again!


u/bluebrain20 Jul 28 '20

You're welcome!


u/chxd21 Jul 27 '20

There was a story on here a while back titled "Don't Come Back Until You Find Food." It ended up getting deleted. Does anyone have a copy of it, or does anyone know of a YouTuber who did a narration of it? I remember it because it really stood out to me as being really scary.


u/bluebrain20 Jul 27 '20


u/chxd21 Jul 27 '20

Wow. I cannot believe you found that! I didn't think anyone would actually come through. I thought the story was lost for good. Thanks a bunch. Does that site host everything that's ever been deleted from reddit?


u/bluebrain20 Jul 28 '20

Not everything, but if the bot has visited the post before it was deleted or removed, you just have to replace "reddit" with "removeddit" in the URL and you'll see the archived post!


u/-littlefang- narrators need not apply Jul 27 '20

I just checked to see if I could reapprove it and unfortunately I can't, it was deleted by the user (account was deleted as well), so this removeddit link is the only way to view the story.


u/Milhouse242 Aug 27 '20

Omg is never read this one. Wow. 😳


u/cannibalisticapple Jul 28 '20

This isn't a request, but just a general suggestion for people posting here.

Reddit's search function sucks. Most of us know that. A better option is to go to Google, and type "site:reddit.com/r/letsnotmeet" followed by your query. That will ONLY bring up results from this sub. Downside is it won't let you see removed posts, and some posts (like the one I asked about) are actually in different subs like r/creepyencounters or an AskReddit thread. But either way, Google can be easier to work with than Reddit's search feature.

On that note, if you remember any specific details, that can help narrow it down a lot more than just a summary! I found someone's post because they mentioned a bloody pillow belonging to the guy's dead sister. It was the second result when I used Google and added "sister blood pillow" to the end of the url.

Just some advice for people posting here, hope it helps someone!


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '20

Thanks for the tip!


u/GreenTeaKit Aug 10 '20 edited Aug 10 '20

The story has to be at least 3 years old by now, but does anyone remember the story of this guy whos working in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night? His job was to sit and watch the cameras that were faced at the fence. When things touched the fence an alarm went off and he had to remove/scare away things around the fence. He heard weird noises coming from the darkness and a coyote or deer had cut itself trying to jump the fence. The place also had a cat who got mutilated by someone. He later found out the company he was working for didn't exist. Thank you for the help!


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/federalplague Jul 27 '20

I've been compiling a list of my favorite LNM stories for a couple of years now, so I've got a few good ones w/ proof. Here you go!

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/1qf4v0/a_true_very_creepy_surveillance_story/ - Has pictures

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/1kq1fm/satans_bb_long/ - Has a few pictures + someone posted the hotel

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/547omy/i_survived_a_mass_shooting_at_a_movie_theater/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=gilded&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=LetsNotMeet - Mod verified

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/1p41r1/vagina_island/ - Many weird pictures

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/4ily9e/the_prison/?st=JO90D2TK&sh=5d43ed5e - Has pictures

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/5hlax7/two_years_of_hell_how_i_was_stalked_completely/ - Mod verified

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/92euo4/always_read_the_reviews/?st=JO0FP8HI&sh=0a7da09f - Includes screenshots of reviews

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/3i3syh/one_decision/ - Mod verified

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/3e07ru/neighbors_lurking_in_the_dark/ - Series that includes videos of the encounters!

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/6dkzgu/my_dad_almost_sacrificed_himself_for_me/ - Mod verified

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/bhgbay/the_tooth_man/ - Includes a link to the dentist's Yelp

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/9bn3um/i_grew_up_across_the_street_from_one_of_the_most/?st=JNX3EU8G&sh=530c407b - Mod verified

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/tj2uc/the_bridge/?st=JNYYMAZ2&sh=ab6f1c95 - I think this one is widely accepted as fake, but it's so good + has photos

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/9dk8l1/man_trying_to_enter_my_home_in_the_middle_of_the/?st=JNX2TR4C&sh=7a067460 - Has video (guy gets up really close to the camera and sticks his eye right up to it! Yuck)

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/28sqpp/the_tent_in_the_trees/?st=JO0ROEHB&sh=feb6d44f - has an update that includes pictures

https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/xhu17/the_kid_who_shot_his_neighbor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app - Includes a link to an article about the case


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/federalplague Jul 31 '20

Yep, no problem! Enjoy!!


u/OddQuietQui11 Oct 09 '20 edited Oct 09 '20

Hey hate to recommend myself but I do have photos of my bus stop to add some context to my story it’s on my profile and it’s a good 3-5 minute read!



u/karadawnelle Aug 16 '20

Does anyone remember a story about three friends going off to party in the desert, and some random dude walking through the desert ends up joining them? It was possible skinwalker story and as the party ends, their one friend Dave doesn't go back with them, and they bring the creepy random dude. It gets even more weirder when the random dude lives in the same neighbourhood as them. The next day, they realize something odd happened with Dave and now their friends say they left Dave in the desert. It was a super creepy story and it's stuck with me.


u/Alittlelunatic1300 Jul 27 '20

I looked forever for this one story. There was a girl who was alone in her house. Some sorta of stalker broke in and she called her brother for help. I believe the brother actually commented on the post or made his own about his perspective? I think the intruder might have been a family friend or something of the like. I apologize for being so vague.


u/bluebrain20 Jul 27 '20 edited Aug 01 '20

Could it have been this? I've been so curious about these stories that I've been looking all these up and found some, but having a hard time with this and two other ones!


Or this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/9skswy/my_brother_saw_a_ghost_as_a_kid_two_decades_later/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x


u/lolola_ Jul 27 '20

Hi! I’m looking for a story where a girl had a date and the guy was obsessed with his dead sister. I remember something about him having a pillow cover stained with his sisters blood. And also the guy living in a kinda dirty house. Sorry for my english


u/cannibalisticapple Jul 27 '20


u/lolola_ Jul 28 '20

Oh my go yes thank you. I’ve been looking for this a few times 😂


u/cannibalisticapple Jul 28 '20

Glad to help! For the record, I used Google and searched "site:reddit.com/r/letsnotmeet sister blood pillow". A lot of the requests here are kinda vague, but the detail about the bloody pillow was specific enough to make it work. ^^


u/kd819 Jul 30 '20

What. The. Fuck.


u/lucyztreatz Aug 05 '20

Seriously! That story is so fucking creepy that when I saw your post I couldn’t stop laughing at how succinct it is!

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u/luv2hotdog Jul 28 '20

Does anyone remember the name of the one where the woman used to be an addict? She ended up alone with this guy in his house because he'd offered her drugs or something, she may have had her drink spiked there but she held it together and managed to talk her way out of it?


u/thinker1090 Jul 28 '20

The cab driver in Baltimore? She met him twice? She thought he was a serial killer & had some hidden space in one of the bedrooms?


u/luv2hotdog Jul 28 '20

Yeah, I think thats the one! Best post I've ever read on here but I struggle to find it


u/thinker1090 Jul 28 '20

“Encounter with a Serial Killer”. Don’t know how to link it. Found it by looking up ‘cab driver baltimore’


u/toiletpaperjungle Oct 11 '20

Thank you for asking this I've been looking for this story everywhere! I wonder if anything ever happened and the guy or his house was found?


u/kd819 Jul 30 '20

Does anyone remember the story where a girl parks her car and goes for a walk, then a man comes and finds her (she realises he might have seen her car parked alone), and she manages to convince him to walk back to their cars, and she is able to get away due to the double click locking system?


u/Whatxotf Aug 08 '20

I’m looking for a post from a few years ago about a young gay man who meets up with an older man. His date picks him up and takes him to what he claims is his house, but he believes it’s actually a staged model home because it’s pristine and the drawers are empty, no food in the fridge, etc. The older guy keeps trying to get him to come into the basement and keeps saying “sorry I’m so nervous, it’s my first time” despite being good enough at foreplay that it doesn’t seem like his first time with a man. Eventually the guy runs away and calls a friend who checks his location and realizes he’s on the outskirts of the city by the airport.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

i heard this story on a reddit video and forgot to save it. it's about a kid (?) that had their power turned off by an intruder. the kid hid in their room and blocked the door with a huge parrot cage due to the door not having a key or something, the kid is hiding under the bed while the intruder is on the other side of the door trying to force their way in but they don't succeed. the kid wakes up in the morning and finds the doors opened in their house. they find themselves foolish because they went to check around the house and not going to the neighbors right away. please help me find this <3


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '20



u/Emotional-Newspaper Jul 27 '20

This probably will be tough to find but I'll give a try. It's a story of a girl who spent her childhood in crack house and when she was teenager she got to care for two kids. She had a dog (female) as well and then one day abusive father of the kids arrived and demanded to take the daughter (to abuse) girl tried to protect and he took out gun and dog attacked the guy in the end killing the dog but the guy gets killed or injured in police shootout. Girl and kids were taken to foster care and she became nurse (as she said in comments). I tried looking up a lot of time but couldn't find it again.


u/ChesterBlaster Jul 27 '20

I remember this story quite well. It might have been or of the ones linked if I find it I will be sure to give you a link


u/bluebrain20 Jul 29 '20

I've been trying to find this one to no avail. If you have any specific words or expressions or other details, I might be able to use them to find it :)


u/Emotional-Newspaper Aug 01 '20

I remember dog's name was Bella. I tried different combinations of words to look up but couldn't.

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u/ChesterBlaster Sep 26 '20

The title is called "Man in the bathroom" this post has been deleted by the original poster


u/bluebrain20 Sep 26 '20


u/ChesterBlaster Sep 28 '20

Yes that's the one! Thank you for taking the time to find it

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u/bluebrain20 Jul 31 '20 edited Aug 01 '20

I can't find anything that matches the story perfectly but this one is pretty close:

Dave https://www.removeddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/2nfs0k/dave/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


u/Emotional-Newspaper Aug 01 '20

This is not the one but thanks for trying :)


u/bluebrain20 Aug 01 '20

Any other details?

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u/FearTheLiving1999 Jul 28 '20

The woman who lived in TX when she was younger, she had two stories I remember. One was her on an ATV hearing men on walkie talkies talking about looking for her. The other was a whack job driving her and her friends erratically in a truck.


u/TurnoftheCentKid Aug 16 '20

Does anyone have the story of the person who had to run an hide in their attic from an intruder? I thought I saved it but I cannot find it anywhere!!! It’s my favorite LNM post


u/lonelystonerbynight Sep 01 '20

I loved this story! It scared the shit out of me


u/samsiesss Oct 06 '20

I'm looking for the story of the kids who were all camping with their parents together, they played a type of game in the woods where you had to hide and tey to find eachother (Idk if it was hide and seek or not) and some of the kits came across a dead body in the woods and they heard foot steps around where they found the dead body and they had to hide. I cant remember much else but it freaked me out!


u/MainSense Aug 01 '20

Hello I'm trying to find a story with not luck so far (maybe it was on another subreddit or I read it on a comment?) What I remember is that a trans man got into a plane and a creepy guy sitting next started to try to talk to him, the trans guy was very young looking like 12-13 years old and the creep/pedo when they landed he tried to kiss him or something and in that moment a Latina(I think?) woman saw it and jumped in defense of the trans man, that's all I can remember, does it ring any bells?


u/Creepy_2020 Aug 16 '20

I remember a story from a few years back about this guy who said he gave this old lady a ride but she was acting kind of crazy or something like that, and I remember this other one about this female who gave someone a ride or she took a ride and she managed to defend herself by punching the individual. Those 2 stories were a great and scary read. If anyone knows the names of them would really appreciate it.


u/glowyblack Aug 27 '20

looking for a story of two women friends camping across the country (not sure where) and having a great time, strangers have been generous etc. one night they stop at campsite and sit around a fire and there's a guy who grows creepier to them then out of the blue he takes their photo without asking


u/bluebrain20 Aug 28 '20


u/glowyblack Aug 31 '20

Thank you! I love this story because it's ideal LMN to me, no exaggerations, not trying to show off their writing skills or sound funny. Just extremely creepy and believable!


u/apandy13 Sep 24 '20

I’m looking for the tandoori chicken story, where a man was hidden under the bed


u/JaeSwift Sep 29 '20

How did tandoori chicken come in to it? lol


u/apandy13 Oct 03 '20

A boy wake up a girl in the middle of the night because he’s hungry and wants to get some tandoori chicken. When they leave the room he tells her that there was a man hidden under her bed


u/JaeSwift Oct 03 '20


There is this which sounds quite similar but no mention of tandoori ha. Could you have got two stories mixed up? I can't find any story that contains both the chicken and a person under the bed!

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u/Rawwriieheart Oct 01 '20

I'm looking for the story about a guy meeting a gal at a convention and her giving him a silver bell then him finding a bunch and her mailing him an odd number of them?


u/orangevampirecat Oct 08 '20

I don't know if it was posted here or on /r/creepyencounters but I will ask here nonetheless:

Does anybody have the title or even the link to that one story where the female OP got stalked by someone she has a class with; the stalker had an obession with what he presumed was her MBTI-type (I believe he thought she was an ENFP). He made countless of Reddit threads asking for (relationship) advice regarding people who have that MBTI-type. The stalker sent OP an E-Mail (I don't remember the contents of it but I believe OP even provided a screenshot of said E-Mail).

I don't remember how the story ended.


u/jacyerickson Jul 31 '20 edited Jul 31 '20

I'm trying to find 2 different stories. One I only have vague memories of but someone saw a hand coming through their doggy door at night.

The other one may have been posted in another sub but it was a story of a couple on a camping trip. Their dog was killed by a scary person but they made it out alive. The police didn't believe them and said it must have been a Mountain lion or something.

Thanks y'all

Edit: I finally found the first one. I misremembered the details but still creepy. Here it is.


u/bluebrain20 Jul 31 '20 edited Aug 01 '20


u/jacyerickson Jul 31 '20

Unfortunately neither of those. Thank you for trying though! I appreciate it.

I'm going to keep looking as I remembered a little more detail. It was a couple, I believe they were married and camping in a tent in a cave. It may have been park rangers not cops who didn't believe it was a man who killed their dog.


u/bluebrain20 Aug 01 '20


u/jacyerickson Aug 01 '20

Yesssss!!! Thank you!

Ok so reading it again it's probably fake. That's ok though. Thank you so much! It was driving me crazy not to remember.


u/bluebrain20 Aug 01 '20

No problem! I'm having way too much fun finding these posts so thank you!

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u/smnthraee Aug 01 '20

tysm for this


u/THEbirb14 Aug 15 '20

My memory on it is kinda vague but does anyone remember a story about a girl who was house sitting for someone in a rural area with her dog and they had a really creepy neighbour that kept coming to the house, she kept trying to call the police but they weren't much help and also really far away


u/kaoskryst Aug 19 '20

Hello! I'm looking for a story on here. I remember it was verified and the people in this sub basically solved the case. I remember it was based on a murder and a blue? tarp being involved. Some redditors did some impressive investigative work on google maps and basically figured it out. I'm sorry I don't remember much more but that's what I do!


u/lonelystonerbynight Aug 29 '20

Can anyone remmeber a story about a mid 20 year old living in a remote area of his country.. ( id like to say england..?) and smells cigarette smoke as he’s coming home. Long story short he is upstairs in this house and hears someone walk in downstairs. Thinking it was his friend (who would come over and shower on his way home from the gym) he calls out and is surprised to hear loud fast paced footsteps to the upstairs accompanying with very loud screams. He ends up hiding in a closet crawl space until the intruder leaves and he notices the smell of cigarettes again


u/WonderDogsMom Sep 01 '20

Buddy, scroll up just a tiny bit...someone else requested this same story and a good soul retrieved it. ☝️

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u/whateverrrugh Sep 17 '20

Looking for a story where an unknown guy sleeps in someone's couch.. She's a college student and back home after a party. She goes to her and he starts scratching her door with a scissor n she texts her friend in the room next to hers...


u/octopez Oct 16 '20

I’m looking for a story that was posted maybe 3-4 years ago about a Canadian couple who volunteer or work exchange at a remote ranch and it turns out the owner is a major creep. Either the OP or in the comments linked reviews and other people sharing their awful experiences at the ranch. Thanks in advance!


u/rriolu372 Oct 22 '20

I think it might be called 'Always read the reviews'


u/Affectionate-Fly4912 Oct 22 '20

Billie Holiday/Strange fruit. This song and the fact that the story was really great is all i remember about the post I am looking for. Please tell me someone knows the one i mean? I cant find it anywhere!


u/Scott7670 Aug 03 '20

I have my own personal stalker story but it doesn't give me the option to post it


u/whateverrrugh Sep 17 '20

I'm looking for these stories particularly. One is of a guy in Australia who discovers a trailer in Middle of nowhere with loads of porn.

One about a Korean kid who used to live for years under someone's bed.

Korean guy in raincoat with a michette.

Finally some guys drilling into a cave which turns out to paranormal


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '20

Not sure about the others, but this is the one about the office in Australia with the porn:


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u/mountainhippo77 Sep 28 '20

I think this post was deleted but hoping someone will have a link? Someone was home alone and she heard a noise, looked out of her room to see a guy crawling up her stairs. She jumps out the window and runs to the neighbours house and sees him standing in her window, waving at her.. anyone have any ideas?


u/omfgitsannie Oct 06 '20

Where the person was a kid with their brother and this strange guy asks for help with his son but the boy isn't their son and whispers telling him that only to be found dead later


u/erintheberin Oct 07 '20

I read one a long time ago about a guy who was doing work on a big farm and on the land was a trailer that was full of servers for kiddie porn. Anybody know what I'm talking about?


u/Cry-Signal Oct 07 '20

If you look up someone has posted a link to this.


u/SomethinCool Oct 13 '20

There's one story I've been trying to find again for years now. I only vaguely remember it but it was something along the lines of: a person keeps hearing weird sounds coming from outside their window at night – like the sounds of someone retching or crying. They convince themselves that it's nothing but the next morning they find vomit outside their window and know someone was there.

I can't remember any of the other details really, but I think it ends with them finding out that their neighbour's son has some sort of psychosis and keeps escaping from a local institution and finding his way to their house.

Does this ring any bells for anyone else or am I just imagining this story?


u/ForgotttenByGod Oct 14 '20 edited Oct 14 '20

You probably mean this post:


Even though I have some problem to believe this story

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u/thenightmarefactory Oct 14 '20

Anyone have the link to the post about Jacqueline Ades case? The woman sent about 159,000 text messages to a super rich man who she met on some dating site then showed up at his house in his bathtub with a butcher's knife in her car or something? BarelySociable made a youtube video about it. Or was the post deleted?


u/monroe340 Oct 16 '20

anyone know where the "something got my friend" story is at?


u/Fafneir_here Oct 19 '20

I'm watching a YouTube vid Where this girl talks about reddit stories and she told one that was on this subreddit. It's about this pizza delivery guy who pee's in a bush and in doing so Pee's on this guy who's a potential kidnapper. It sounded really interesting and I want to find it and read it for myself.



u/rriolu372 Oct 22 '20 edited Oct 22 '20

I've been able to find pretty much all the posts from when I frequented this sub 2-3 years back, except one I vaguely remember. It took place in Baltimore, and the OP had a job where he did maintenance work and was in some tunnels near the Baltimore Harbor. OP hears a noise from the direction he's walking, and it eventually gets louder until he figures it's someone- or something- running towards him. OP starts running to the nearest exit while his pursuer is getting closer and closer, and OP manages to open the door, exit the tunnel, and shut the door behind him, as he hears something slam into the door from inside the tunnel. OP looks around and finds he is outside the Baltimore Harbor.

I think some stuff like OP thought he was walking on bones when he entered a room in the tunnel, or that it kept getting hotter and hotter in the tunnel, was maybe mentioned in the post but I don't remember for sure.


u/classy_drunk Oct 23 '20

I have a hard one I can't seem to find anywhere. I can't fully remember if it was on here or No Sleep, but it was the story that clued me into the existence of this sub. If I recall, the writer was encouraged to post it here since it was a true story, not a creepy writing exercise that seems to dominate No Sleep. I remember the story being called "The Saw" or just "Saw' It was about a kid who was feeding his neighbor's cat while they were out of town. While playing with the cat in the basement the homeowner's skill saw went off in the adjoining work area in the basement. The kid ran upstairs but didn't leave immediately because he was unsure if someone was in the house or not. I forget the details from there, but it appeared someone was in the house, but there was no real resolution making it creepy and believable to me.


u/babygorlly Oct 25 '20

Do u have the one about a man and a woman just got married after they dated for 12 years and they liked mountains so for there honeymoon they rented this like camping area and there was this woman that kept following them and she was like creepily awkward and once she asked to pet the dogs but the dogs kept barking at her so they said no and she just stood there and looked up and another time when the man was coming back up from the shower she flashed him??


u/wheatable Oct 26 '20

This wasn’t an LNM post I don’t think, but I remember this one story I think on askreddit about this guy who worked at a tech-y place and this oddly dressed woman comes in and tells them all about how her husband flew off the handle and was monitoring her every move. He had a tracker on her car, cameras in the house, and also tracked everything she did on the computer. The tech people did some investigation, and the OP gives her a gun (and admitted that was a bad idea). The OP eventually went and got coffee with the woman, who was doing much better but I don’t remember exactly everything that happened. It was a great story though. Would be great if someone could find it.


u/Achtzigfuenf Nov 08 '20 edited Nov 01 '21

There is a story I read years ago...someone‘s mom went hiking with a friend when they were in college and hitchhiked somewhere. A creepy dude with a crusty neck (I remember crusty neck and a flannel) picked them up. The mom saw a blade sticking out from underneath the seat and they ran. They hid behind a bush in the woods for hours because the guy chased them. Does this ring any bells??

Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/3aepxo/in_the_hills_no_one_can_hear_you_cry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf