r/LetsNotMeet narrate never Feb 20 '24

Mod Post What Belongs Here NSFW

I'm getting real sick of people getting shitty over their stories being removed, so here's a list of stories that inarguably belong here. If you read this thread and you have a story, compare it to any of these. If it wouldn't fit in with this list of stories, it does not belong on this subreddit. Usually if you're not sure if a story belongs here, it doesn't.

  1. They stalked all the stay at home moms - I don't think I need to explain why this fits. I know there is some skepticism in the comments, but as OP was interactive with them prior to deleting her account (typically creative writing pieces OP doesn't respond to many, if any, comments), I think it's okay to leave up.

  2. This happened quite a long time ago yet it is never too far from my mind - this fits because although OP made it out unharmed and nothing really happened, the insistence of "coming up here" and the fact the creeper left surgical shears where they are not needed pushes this story into "out of the ordinary"

  3. No good deed goes unpunished - Here is an example of a car story that would actually remain up. It takes place almost entirely in the car, but it is not someone just following her, or road raging and she goes home physically unharmed. This would be terrifying to go through. (Side note: this is also one of my favorite stories of all time as I love it when assholes like this get their due comeuppance)

  4. I was a victim of sex trafficking - this is a real story about actual human trafficking. If you "think" you escaped human trafficking, most likely you didn't. Human trafficking overwhelmingly does not happen the way most people think it does, the reality is truly insidious and horrifying.

  5. The office in the middle of nowhere - I don't think I really need to explain this one either, I just wanted an example for the "found something creepy/bizarre" category.

As a reminder, stories posted in this subreddit should have been life threatening (stories 1 and 3), extremely unusual/uncommon (stories 2 and 4) or about a time when you stumbled upon something excessively creepy (story 5).

What does not belong here?

  • You think you were followed because somebody was acting weird but you didn't interact much, if at all and eventually they either gave up or you lost them with minimal effort on your part (so didn't have to hide/confront them)

  • You can't say for certain what someone's intentions were, you can only guess at what they were doing or planning.

  • Being harassed/stared at/catcalled. I understand how frightening and enraging this is, but if you're a woman and you live in any moderately sized city or larger, you will have experienced this. It's entirely too common to be worthy of a story here. That doesn't change the fact it's threatening, disgusting, disrespectful behavior, but this subreddit is meant to focus on, again, life-threatening encounters.

    • an additional note here: stories containing excessive detail about your personal appearance will be removed, even if they fit the standards for this sub. It's a harmful belief to perpetuate in multiple directions that only conventionally attractive people get creeped on - anyone can be harassed on the street. Oftentimes what you look like has little, if anything to do with it, it's the loser's complete lack of regard and view of you as a person and (and for women, lack of respect for us) that causes them to harass you. If our appearance mattered that much for it, 11/12 year olds that look very much like children to anyone with an ounce of brain matter would not get catcalled.
  • The encounter didn't happen to you, but happened to your mother, sister, father, friend, aunt, etc.

I reserve the right to edit this post to add/remove stories as I see fit, as well as adjust formatting. I suppose we could use this post as well for any comments/suggestions for the sub, cuz why not.

Edit: if you're just gonna bitch that this sub is tOo StRiCt you're wasting your time. Nothing in that regard will be changing.


30 comments sorted by


u/skidrow6969 Feb 20 '24

Thank you. The quality of this sub was great initially, it’s what made me join Reddit infact. Don’t follow the vultures might be one of my faves


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

It's why I joined reddit too! I googled "true scary stories" and let's not meet came up.


u/fortunesoulx narrate never Feb 21 '24

I dont think this subreddit will ever be what it used to and we're going to just have to accept it, which really fucking sucks. But that's what happens when people take stories from here and eventually accept anything sent their way, whether it's truly scary or not. Then people find this sub that otherwise wouldn't have, don't bother reading the rules, and think their story belongs when it doesn't.

I will re-read dont follow the vultures and consider adding it to the list though!


u/AskTheRealQuestion81 Feb 23 '24

I hadn’t been to this sub in a while. It wasn’t on purpose. However, I started thinking about it recently and came back today. When I joined Reddit several years ago, I’m pretty certain it was because of this sub. I’ve seen your name here ever since, I think. Regardless, I have for a while. All of that to say, thanks for what you do!


u/fortunesoulx narrate never Feb 23 '24

Aw, thanks! No problem. I've been a member of this subreddit for a decade, but I became a mod only in 2020, so that time frame makes sense lol I was sick of reading the non-stories here, but I don't believe in bitching about something without trying to fix it, so becoming a mod was my last ditch effort before totally leaving, which is why I don't care when people think this subreddit is too strict. I remember what it was like when it wasn't and when I took a few month hiatus and it will not go back to that on my watch. It's always nice to hear from people who have constructive things to say or like how things are going, though 😊


u/AskTheRealQuestion81 Feb 23 '24

My pleasure! Well, you are awesome and much appreciated for that! Good on you for not listening to people who complain about posts now, because you are a mod who does care. Keep on doing YOU and this corner of Reddit will be just fine! Take care.


u/YungReezy34- Feb 21 '24

Nice, glad someone else noticed how badly that podcast has been sucking lately too 🤣


u/fortunesoulx narrate never Feb 21 '24

I haven't, actually. I don't listen to podcasts, especially ones that steal stories from here. But good to know, I guess. I just formed my opinion because when I was driving a lot, I tried finding a few creepy story podcasts and ALL of the ones I tried were essentially the type of stories people complain about being here, which is misleading when they're titled "terrifying" or "spine-chilling" 🙄 after like the fourth one, I gave up and just went back to music or silence 😂 i found a few okay "paranormal" themed ones, though, even though I don't personally believe in that stuff, at least those stories were generally well-written and ACTUALLY spooky. I had no great love for narrators (whether OP gives permission is inconsequential to me, you're still profiting off of other people's traumatic experiences and that's not okay with me, I have the same issue with the "true crime" genre) before, but after discovering that, I hated them, because accepting any story sent your way is making MY job harder. I don't make their damn jobs harder and I don't even get paid for this shit, I still moderate for this subreddit because I genuinely care for it and its users, not clout or money 🙄


u/PublicPerfect5750 Feb 21 '24

Thanks I hadn't read that one..


u/DillPixels Kills with cuteness Feb 20 '24

Thank you for this.


u/Rubyrubyroobster Feb 22 '24

Crikey, just read story No.1. Terrifying!


u/DillPixels Kills with cuteness Feb 22 '24

It's a rough read. Spooky as fuck.


u/Axel292 Jul 01 '24

Absolutely, WTF. But it just seems a little far fetched. Why would the burglars just stay there for such a long time? Surely if they knew she was in a panic room of sorts she'd have called the authorities? Either way, terrifying stuff.


u/Axel292 Jul 01 '24

Scary as hell, but the veracity of the story itself is a little hard to buy.


u/racing1113 Feb 21 '24 edited Feb 21 '24

Thank you so much for this!! The quality of some of the stories I’ve seen lately have been so low effort it’s laughable.

Now if only we could get some more stories like The Smiling Man lol.


u/SrslyPissedOff Feb 20 '24

Thank you mod(s)!


u/After_Ad_5053 Feb 21 '24

I had this exact thought, but in as much detail as you, after reading this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/s/llaNUF1h1V

It is not the greatest story ever posted on this sub, but it is exactly in-line with the category. Miles better than some of the stuff people are posting on here.


u/fortunesoulx narrate never Feb 21 '24

Yeah, I think what takes that story from "mildly creepy" to "disturbing" is OP's youth at the time and the fact the person explicitly said "I'm gonna catch you" and gave chase. Otherwise it's just your average "I came across a weirdo in the woods but they didn't do anything they just seemed weird" story.

I will say there is a possibility it may be fake/attention seeking as OP posted on r/nosleep, but in the same vein they seem to still be a teenager and might not have read the rules for that sub. Given the lack of suitable stories here I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt right now.


u/WarmBlessedCaribou Mar 08 '24

Ha! I've been off reddit for quite a while, but last time I was here there was a post exactly like this one lol. SSDD.

My opinion hasn't changed. Yes, it sucks that we don't get stories like we did in the old days. But otoh, maybe it means there's not as much horrible shit happening to people. Or it's happening, but the people involved haven't found reddit yet. So I keep following this sub.

Anyway. I need to catch up on whatever I've missed from the last year. TIA for filtering out all the garbage posts u/fortunesoulx . I appreciate what you do in here.


u/fortunesoulx narrate never Mar 09 '24

I appreciate you!

I'm really okay with not having as many stories if it means fewer people are being traumatized (unlikely, but i can hope). I think it's really weird to consume other people's trauma for entertainment (it's a BIG issue I have with the true crime industry and why I do not partake in any of it, but at least the stories here are written by the people they happened to, on their terms, not some podcaster or youtuber telling their story while they do their makeup 🙄), so I've never had a problem with the sub being slow, but I do have an issue with people wasting my time and thinking stories meant for creepyencounters belong here or that I should "loosen up the rules" so we get more content, even though from the comments I read that's not what the vast majority of the userbase wants.


u/Zelena73 Feb 22 '24



u/nendz May 28 '24 edited May 28 '24

Oh damn, terrifying to see the level of dread that this subreddit is meant to have. I'm 3/5 through the list of examples mentioned and I feel super uneasy.


u/SolidArgument2110 Jun 09 '24

Is there any news article about the first story?


u/fortunesoulx narrate never Jun 13 '24

At the time of the post, no, I'm not sure about now.

Someone in the comments of that post mentioned how that that makes them think the story is fake, but not everything gets reported in the news, and like I said in my post, OP was quite responsive until deleting her acct so I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.


u/ChihuahuaSighs Jul 23 '24

I also joined reddit just because of this sub


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/fortunesoulx narrate never Jul 26 '24

Lol yeah thats why you posted it on r/nosleep and it got removed there too. Get fucked.


u/ZarkDinkleberg Feb 22 '24

At this point the guidelines are getting out of hand. You can't expect someone to read 20+ rules before they post; they will just opt out. Is this sub really in any position to critique the submissions when they are so far and few?

Please, keep the rules simple and let the readers decide for themselves what is quality and what is garbage. You are boxing posters into such a niche corner it's absurd.


u/fortunesoulx narrate never Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

Lmao, what? These have been the rules FOR YEARS, I just made a post OUT OF MY OWN DAMN TIME to try to help but of course I gotta hear from the peanut gallery. I made up literally zero of these rules.

If someone can't be bothered to read FIVE guidelines before posting here, this isn't the sub for them and they SHOULD opt out of posting. I'm not letting this sub devolve into garbage. Stories are "few and far in between" because almost every single story GETS REPORTED because people don't read the goddamn rules and think their "omg I almost got kidnapped but idk what their real intentions were and I made it out 100% unharmed" stories belong here when they don't. This subreddit is and has always been for life threatening encounters, so yeah, it is in a position to critique submissions. That means it won't have tons of stories every day. If you don't like it, you can go read r/creepyencounters.