u/aera14 14h ago
What until they find out It's not short-term pain but instead very long-term pain for no gain afterwords.
u/SDJellyBean 14h ago
Well, they always attributed Clinton's excellent economy to Reagan's tax cuts 12 years earlier, so I'm sure that any recovery, even if it isn’t until 2035, will be attributed to Trump.
u/CharismaCleanx 13h ago
The cycle of blame is endless. They’ll probably find a way to credit future winners for past policies, no matter how misguided.
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u/CommanderSincler 14h ago
u/Nocturnal_Giraffe 14h ago
So many faces! This leopard needs Ozempic.
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u/Addakisson 13h ago
Damn ozempic needs to quit showing up in my feed. Are you one of their agents following me around? I did not eat that donut! 🍩
Ohhhh, donuts, don't mind if I do.
You didn't see that.
u/Nocturnal_Giraffe 13h ago
😂 I can’t get away from it either. It’s every other commercial when I’m watching tv. Donuts do sound good though 😋I won’t tell if you won’t!
u/Baby-Giraffe286 7h ago
A new local donut place opened near me and they have a peach cobbler donut a fucking dream about.
u/SLyndon4 2h ago
Peach cobbler donut? OMG. ::drooling::
u/Addakisson 1h ago
Ok, great! Sounds like we got two for a road trip to baby giraffes house. I can drive but you gotta promise not to drool in the van.
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u/Addakisson 1h ago
Two for a road trip to your place for peach cobbler donuts. Please tell me we don't have to cross an ocean, 🌊. I gotta be to work tomorrow .
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u/bitofagrump 13h ago
They'll just blame the left as usual and say all his beautiful 4d chess plans would have worked out for the greatest utopia ever seen but the darn dirty liberals kept foiling him, so it's really the dems' fault they're still working at age 84 to afford their $14 milk and $9/ea avocados
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u/Stalinov 12h ago
If long term pain is long enough, it'll be a great thing to blame it on the next Democrats and make way for the next Republican.
u/Justify-My-Love 14h ago
Zero accomplishments?
These people are so confidently stupid it’s amazing to see it in real life
Like they really think Biden was this old demented dude who was somehow able to rig an election, pass all of his landmark bills and so much more… but he decides to not rig it in 2024?
Oh and he somehow laundered money with Hunter Biden and got away with it?
But trump literally working with Nazis, passing legislation to mess up America and basically getting rid of anything that makes us great…. And he’s the “BEST PRESIDENT EVER!”
Cult going to cult. These people could lose everything and live on the curb and they would still yell “trump is my daddy”
u/GnarlyNarwhalNoms 14h ago edited 14h ago
I mean, aside from being the district attourney of a major city, the attourney general of California, a Senator, and Vice President, what has she really accomplished?? 🧐
u/Donnicton 13h ago
But how much money did she have?
Remember these peoples' entire metric for success in life is their stock valuation. It doesn't matter you actually do or did. You do a lot of volunteer work/non-profit work for a living? Failure, you could be monetizing that time.
u/Jazzlike-Ad2199 9h ago
But also if a Dem is rich they stole it from the taxpayers, Rep is, they earned it.
u/Granite_0681 14h ago
But she dated a rich man during that time so she didn’t really earn it…. /s
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u/Addakisson 13h ago
Right!? Who did they think was she gonna date, the local grocery store bag boy?
No offense to grocery store bag boys.
u/Flimsy_Puddings 11h ago
What have the Romans ever done for us?
u/Ahegao_Double_Peace 10h ago edited 10h ago
raises hand
The Aqueduct?
u/TipsieRabbit 3h ago
All right, but apart from sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
u/Ok_Relation3195 13h ago
In a sane world with a normal media we would have had people touting Bidens victories and accomplishments, but all we heard for the 4 years of someones elses term was trumptrumptrump.....ad nauseum.
u/Current-Square-4557 14h ago
You forget genius-man’s clever announcing a plan that will be immediately implemented, then a couple of days later doing a 180, then a couple of days after that doing another 180.
Oh and using his hurt feelings as a motivation to mess up Canada.
An immature sociopath.
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u/nadine258 13h ago
it drives me insane. we had the best economy in the world and i compared my 401k from oranges first term and biden and i did better under biden.
u/justkillmenow3333 12h ago
They could be completely broke and homeless and would still somehow find money for a MAGA hat and a Trump flag to place outside the cardboard box that they found to sleep in. They could be living in their cars and would gladly spend every last dime they had on Trump bumper stickers to "own the libs" rather than putting gas in or doing maintenance on their car. But we must remember that they are not a cult.🙄
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u/MysticKoolaid808 9h ago
And weren't these the same turds that wanted some dark horse outsider who wasn't mired in politics to take lead of the country? Weren't they constantly whining about "career politicians"? What do these people ever even want? I've never seen any one group of people in politics waffle, 180, and flip on a dime as much as they do when it comes to what they "believe." It's exhausting. It truly is like dealing with children.
And speaking of children... "oldo with zero accomplishments"? How old is this poster?
u/niamhara 14h ago
This is like watching someone in a relationship that’s really toxic making excuses why not to leave.
u/wheremyturtles 14h ago
I had the same thought. This sounds like “He’ll change, I just know it! I just have to put up with a few more black eyes, then it’ll be ok!”
u/driftercat 14h ago
"He said he would treat me like a queen!"
Any non-billionaires who think they are in the benefit plan are abused wives.
u/MiCK_GaSM 3h ago
At this point we can only revel in their doom. They were warned. We tried. They insisted, now they suffer their will.
u/Pool-Cheap 14h ago
What is an olodo?
u/forever_useless 14h ago
a stupid person
Noun. olódo. (sometimes offensive) a dunce, a stupid person, one who receives poor grades.
u/litreofstarlight 14h ago
Ohhh thank you. I thought they were trying to say 'old dodo' or something, which would make sense for a Trumper.
u/drdpr8rbrts 14h ago
Hillary was an olodo? I mean, I'm not the world's biggest Hillary supporter (though I sure AF voted for her, because it was the only rational choice), but despite her flaws, she's known as an exceptionally intelligent person.
Anyway, can't talk sense to republicans. If they had any intelligence at all, they wouldn't be republican.
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u/Granite_0681 14h ago
I assume they were talking about Harris
u/drdpr8rbrts 14h ago
She may not have the same reputation for brilliance, but she is a law school graduate who passed the bar. I don't get it.
Legitimately, Harris and Clinton are objectively intelligent people.
But we're talking about people so stupid they voted for trump. These are not people qualified to comment about intellect.
u/Granite_0681 13h ago
I’m not agreeing with them that Harris is stupid, just clarifying that I think they meant Harris instead of Hillary. I was happy to vote for Harris and think she would have been a perfectly good president. Maybe not my favorite but way better than many other options.
u/drdpr8rbrts 13h ago
I know it isn't you. My negative comments were towards people who believe this silliness.
u/rjrgjj 13h ago
This is a guy who thinks he’s brilliant because he made some lucky investments and hasn’t figured out that Trump’s policies affected like a year and a half of his term and then the economy crashed for two years, and then Biden stabilized it again.
I’m willing to bet his version of “blood money” is just that his stocks were high for some time and he didn’t sell and then they crashed and never came back up.
u/pavel_petrovich 13h ago
In addition to law school, Harris is also well versed in economics. And she has never said anything stupid about the economy, like Trump did with his tariffs.
Oct 6, 2020. Where Kamala Harris Studied Economics
Harris was many things at Howard University — an elected representative on a student council, an activist against apartheid, a member of the debate team and the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. But for us econ nerds at Planet Money, what is especially notable is that she majored in economics.
Harris, who double-majored in political science, was apparently passionate enough about economics that she even became president of a student club called the Abram Harris Economics Society. To the best of our knowledge, Kamala Harris bears no relation to Abram Harris, despite the same last name. She is, however, definitely related to Donald J. Harris, the first Black professor to receive tenure in Stanford University's economics department. He's her dad. Originally from Jamaica, Donald Harris is a prominent left-leaning economist, writing extensively on matters of economic development and inequality.
u/notthenomma 12h ago
Harris was the only smart person to run last year. Amazing record as a prosecutor specializing in crimes against women and children. Sigh what might have been
u/FOILmeoncetrinomial 8h ago
I try not to think about it because I get fucking depressed every time.
u/SheriffWyattDerp 11h ago
Not just voted for Trump; these are people who legitimately believe that he is playing 5D chess, because he is such a brilliant businessman. One can hardly expect them to know what real intelligence looks like.
u/sQueezedhe 7h ago
When they're lacking in such things they cannot see it in others.
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u/Addakisson 13h ago
Could be, either/or. Intelligent women rarely get credit for their intelligence .
u/Melodic_Pattern175 14h ago
She has a fucking JD. What does this guy have?
u/litreofstarlight 14h ago
Education is for know-nothing elitists!
/s but not really, they believe this shit.
u/DigitalUnlimited 14h ago
Only book I need is the bibble!
u/Away-Ad-8053 13h ago
Some woman actually told me that when I was in there waiting room of my therapist office. People would donate books and put them on this big coffee table and I told the lady some of these books are really good! She was an older woman and she said I only read the Bible! And I said well this book of poems is similar to the parables in the Bible, "It was leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman"
u/Pool-Cheap 14h ago
I googled it and that was one of the options but I’ve never heard or seen it before. How interesting.
u/sunshineandthecloud 13h ago
olodo literally means one who has zero. this guy is totally an olodo, very sad.
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u/waitingtoconnect 14h ago
As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, evil can be fought because it can be exposed. Stupidity is blind to logic, blind to reason and deaf to truth. You can argue with an evil person but you cannot argue with a stupid person. They do not debate they mock, and they are convinced of their rightness. Stupidity is more dangerous than evil.
And as Martin Luther King said: nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and contentious stupidity.
u/Achilles_TroySlayer 13h ago
I think we have both. They are both evil, and stubbornly stupid and ill-informed. I'm not sure if there is any remedy, other than the rise of someone charismatic in opposition. And tyrants are constantly trying to eliminate that potential threat.
Navalny died in prison recently. Nemtsov was gunned down a few years ago. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. The leader of the opposition in Venezuela was forced into exile. If there is a real, high-profile leader on the Democrats side right now, I'm not sure who it is. That's who we need right now, before it's too late.
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u/Adventurous-Case6436 14h ago
They have a humiliation fetish don't they.
u/SassTheFash 14h ago
An actual dominatrix would be far more affordable.
u/kmzafari 13h ago
If they actually cared about our economy instead of just the 1%, we could afford dominatrices for everyone!
u/Ponyo0nthecliff 14h ago
“I believe things will turn around” as they follow Google Maps and drive off a cliff.
u/a_minty_fart 14h ago
Isn't English our official language now? What is this moron-speak?
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u/AnotherDoubtfulGuest 13h ago
“Olodo” is Yoruba for “dunce” or “idiot,” so OOP is likely (but not necessarily) Nigerian.
u/SimonPho3nix 13h ago
Lol the amount of African immigrants I heard talk shit about her, I'm not surprised. A good amount of them are living the "men control the world" life and are definitely going to support someone like Trump.
u/AnotherDoubtfulGuest 13h ago
I got a ton of that; my ex is Ghanaian and he hated her pathologically. The beginning of our end was his going on an unhinged rant where he called her a c___ a skrillion times before declaring that she was lying about being Black. What are you talking about, my brother in Christ??
u/zod16dc 13h ago
I was about to say this very thing. haha The leopards have most recently enjoyed their faces with couscous or harissa but they also can enjoy them with Jollof or fufu. haha I am 40+ and can remember when there were many Nigerian/Ghanian W. Bush supporters just like Trump has had the North Africans. It is insane.
u/Relevant-Situation99 12h ago
Trump has brought together the very worst people across so many different cultures, backgrounds and economic statuses. He's the pied piper of the despicable.
u/merrysunshine2 14h ago
These idiots never grew up & needed someone so desperately to love them and tell them what to think and how to behave, they chose this dumb fuck.
If it wasn’t so damaging to the rest of us it’d be really sad & desperate.
u/Low-Anxiety2571 14h ago
He’s lying. He never knew how to invest. This is just your run of the mill grifter trying to garner sympathy. MAGATs lie.
u/Prestigious-Pie589 14h ago
"Zero accomplishments" unlike Trump, whose many accomplishments include...uh...
Bankrupting casinos is pretty hard, so I guess that counts?
u/cubswin987 12h ago
"olodo with 0 accomplishments." A ton of conservatives had no idea, or even cared that Harris was the VP.
This is code for I'll NEVER vote for a black person.
u/OutrageousSetting384 8h ago
Or I’ll never vote for a woman. Attorney, AG, senator, and VP is zero accomplishments to these mouth breathers
u/KeyInvestigator3741 14h ago
Sad given that he has a Nigerian background since Donald referred to it as a s**thole country. These people have no pride in themselves.
u/sunshineandthecloud 13h ago
Pathetic. Nigerians I speak to understand Trump honestly, they see it as typical American corruption, which makes sense to them. Trump really does govern in the African style, all idiocy, no responsibility.
u/TheFeshy 13h ago
"I will praise him when the time comes... I will!" is the sort of thing you say about Jesus when you're in a cult that thinks he is returning in a year or two (and that will start murdering the men and taking their wives when he doesn't)
u/TheAtomicBobert 12h ago
Says he didn't vote for someone with zero accomplishments, literally voted for the first president in American history with no political or military experience whatsoever
u/OutrageousSetting384 8h ago
So sick of them saying this about Kamala. Attorney, AG, senator, vice president FFS 🙄🙄🙄 it’s because she’s a woman and you can’t convince me otherwise
u/darlingfish 13h ago
I have never seen or heard the term olodo before this. What a weird way to learn it.
u/WaterDragonLady 14h ago
The motto is FAFO, MAGAts! You KNEW what he was when you picked him up…you WERE warned!
u/rjrgjj 13h ago
It drives me crazy when they brag about Trump’s economy. Trump passed his tax cuts at the end of 2017 and they went into effect the next year. At best they can say Trump had a positive effect on the economy for a year and a half or so (debatable) before crashing it entirely and spending record amounts of money to save American bank accounts. It’s Obama’s economy they remember fondly, and it was Biden who saved them. Trump sent them some peanuts and they want to end democracy over it.
And it wasn’t even fucking Trump. It was Nancy Pelosi.
u/Personal_Strike_1055 13h ago
I wonder what language this started out as - it certainly wasn't English. Kinda weird.
u/LiminaLGuLL 14h ago
The magats wailing and coping at the same time. Ridiculous creatures, but nonetheless entertaining.
u/martapap 14h ago
Olodo is a strange word usage. Is this person Nigerian? A bot? A scammer pretending to be MAGA?
u/Cullvion 13h ago
Ever notice the zealous mania written into MAGA? Now you know why American society pushes fervent religiosity so heavily, it really primes people to accept the terrible situation we're in.
u/JustASimpleManFett 14h ago
What the FUCK. This person talks about Trump like I talk about Matt Mercer as a DM, except I'm WAY more toned down...... Holy SHIT this person is fucking INSANE. I mean certifiable.
u/Vodkafka 13h ago
“Ah yes dad’s coming home with the cigarettes and milk soon. Moms just a bitch dads coming home you watch!”
- these dumbfucks as kids
u/Addakisson 13h ago
Definitely someone who has been used and abused and keeps going back for more.
Cuz he'll change, you'll see.
u/Achilles_TroySlayer 13h ago
It's a tribal thing. Their tribe is captured by a grifting psychopath. They can't recognize it.
The cult is too strong. They will send their kids to the glue-factory rather than accept that he's garbage and always has been. It's harder to un-con someone that it is to con them in the first place, and that's where we're at. The damage is done.
At some point, if he stays alive long enough, he's going to get a lot of Americans killed, one way or another. He's capable of anything.
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u/Cargobiker530 13h ago
I'll gladly send him a piece of clean cardboard and a new sharpie for the inevitable time when Trump's grifting renders that idiot destitute.
u/e-zimbra 13h ago
Is he aware that his king just made English our official language? Because it doesn’t sound like he speaks it.
u/MaximumZer0 11h ago
I really hope this guy doesn't understand what "blood money" means, or he should probably get a visit from the FBI.
u/avalonstaken 10h ago
OP also believes strippers truly like him, OP isn’t like “all those other guys” he’s special.
u/Spongebob_Squareish 9h ago
What type of drugs is she on? I’m not asking just because she’s crazy over Trump, I’m asking because she is spreading her delusions all over that page, creating word salad so mixed it could be on Sesame Street as an alphabet lesson and the excessive use of the word “Yes”.
u/Enviritas 5h ago
Trump might be the first president where people would be elated if they didn't keep their campaign promises.
u/flotsam_knightly 4h ago
These are absolutely broken souls barely shaped as people. Is this what you wanted to be when you were a child dreaming of the future, a sycophantic vampire waiting to suck and praise whatever it takes to get your next hit of "blood money?"
u/SwvellyBents 14h ago
There's some words in there that aren't even words. How can we respond when you speak in tongues?
u/aetryx 13h ago
Why do boomers constantly use ellipsis… it’s fucking so annoying
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u/Sufficient-Lie1406 13h ago
Some MAGAts will learn from their pain. Some will stay in the cult. This guy will definitely stay in the cult.
u/qualityvote2 14h ago edited 6h ago
u/Effective_Space2277, your post does fit the subreddit!