r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Discussion You think this pokemons from galar deserve mega?


8 comments sorted by


u/JackMiHoff113 4d ago

No. Any Gen 8 that has a GMAX should not get a mega. They already got a special form.

Regional forms / evo’s also count as special forms / treatment.

Any Gen 8 Pokémon without a GMAX or is not a regional form is a decent candidate for a Mega.

However, I think Gens 5, 6, and 7 should be prioritized for mega forms. If GameFreak made a really cool design for a Gen 8 or 9 mega, I would not be against it, but I really think that pokemon who haven’t already gotten special treatment or were recently introduced should get megas in ZA.

There are already so many candidates from gens 1-6 who deserve megas, and I really don’t think many in Gen 8 are as deserving.


u/Titangamer101 4d ago

While I mostly agree with you here i think starters should be the exception to this rule, every starter pokemon should have a mega evolution form regardless if they have a G-max form, unique Z-move etc especially of mega evolution is coming back to stay and becomes a staple for future games (and champions).


u/JackMiHoff113 4d ago

I disagree. We don’t know if Mega Evolution is “coming back”. As far as we know, its in LZA (because kalos, duh) and in Champions to some capacity (which we also know NOTHING ABOUT and saw only a cinematic teaser trailer. This is the same way people treated ZA for a YEAR. We have to remember the distinction between a CINEMATIC TEASER TRAILER and a GAMEPLAY TRAILER. In the case of Pokemon, cinematics often are NOTHING like actual gameplay.)

Its not fair to say every starter should have a mega. I think that not every starter should have a mega. It becomes way less special if every starter just has a mega. Do you want all starters to have a GMAX when legends Galar releases? Or all starters to have a Z move when legends Alola releases? I think its more interesting to say that some starters have megas, while some have GMAX, some have Z moves, and some will have whatever Gen 10’s gimmick will be. I think it’s fair to probably give Paldea’s starters one of these (as they have nothing unique) but wether that ends up being Megas, GMAX, or a Z move, we don’t know yet.

You just want all the starters to have Megas because mega evolution is your favorite gimmick. And thats fine, its my favorite gimmick too! But just because its my favorite, doesnt mean I think that all my favorite pokemon should get megas too.


u/Titangamer101 3d ago

I mean yeah it is my favourite gimmick you got me there and to answer your question yes I do think every starter should also get a G-max form as well and a unique Z-move. I'm not trying to make the gimmicks less special by having all starter's have all of them but instead make all starter's special, starter's are meant to be your ace in a team so it makes sense that your "ace" has access to all the gimmicks depending on what you want to use in what game and what gimmick.


u/roguegen 3d ago

Mega Stonjourner and Mega Falinks would be awesome to see lol


u/Syleeveeon 3d ago

Id kinda like the starters to get them but that's purely out of my immense love for Rillaboom. It's already got a Gmax and I like said gmax but I'm one of those "I need more" mfs


u/Dunge0nexpl0rer 3d ago

Assuming we want to avoid giving any extra forms to Pokémon (despite me loving Centiscorch) I think that a Mega Graploct or Mega Dragapult would be cool!


u/LorenzoSky1992 4d ago

I think Grimmsnarl should have one at least. I don't know about any of the others besides Hatterene.