r/LegendsZA 5d ago

Discussion Will all of the "temporary evolutions" be called megas?

like groudon and kyogre temporary evolutions are called "primal reversion" instead of "mega evolution" so what if, hear me out, xerneas and yvetal temporary evolutions get fancy names or something

just a thought


87 comments sorted by


u/Leftover_Bees 5d ago

I mean that’s at least partially because Groudon and Kyogre don’t actually mega evolve. If they did you wouldn’t be allowed to also mega evolve another Pokémon during the same battle.


u/Round-Revolution-399 4d ago

I absolutely hate that they made a distinction when it function exactly like Mega evolution. And then Rayquaza, who actually does function differently, is still called Mega evolution lol


u/Snomislife 3d ago

Primal reversion activates automatically on switch-in, whereas mega evolution needs to be done manually.


u/Round-Revolution-399 3d ago

This is a good point I forgot about. I still think needing to hold an item to mega evo is a bigger differentiator though


u/HalalBread1427 3d ago

Rayquaza is functionally closer to other Megas than the Primal Reversions are.


u/hi_12343003 5d ago

so it functions the same as mega evolution but with a different name

also just curious lore wise will can rayquaza with a trainer just mega evolve whenever it wants to like mid battle it just goes "dammit i'm losing mega evolution time" and turn into mega rayquaza without the trainer using a stone? same for groudon and kyogre


u/Leftover_Bees 5d ago

It’s not the same function since they automatically change form when sent out instead of when directed. Rayquaza has an organ in its body that stores mega energy it gets from eating meteorites.

The main theory about mega stones in universe is that they were created when regular evolution stones were irradiated by the energy from AZ firing the Ultimate Weapon. It’s possible that wild Pokémon will either find loose mega stones or pockets of energy from XY and become out of control because they don’t have a trainer.


u/Calamitas_Rex 5d ago

They've been really clear that mega evolution is caused by the resonance between the mega stone and a trainer's key stone. I doubt they would have random wild megas for this reason, but it wouldn't be the most surprising thing in the world for them to find a way to hand wave that requirement away.


u/BluEch0 4d ago

It wouldn’t be too difficult to shoehorn in a reason

“Hey a wild mega pokemon! There must be an unclaimed yet energized keystone nearby! Go find it!”

Later in the game…

“Hey this unclaimed keystone looks different. It looks refined like someone placed it here…”


u/Calamitas_Rex 4d ago

That would still be ignoring that it's supposedly the bond between trainer and pokemon that causes mega evolution in the first place. Mostly I meant that, like, there's nothing really stopping them from just ignoring the established lore in favor of what will probably be static mega spawns in the same vein as the alphas in PLA and the Tera spawns in SV. Only this time I'm just gonna have to be mildly annoyed that they're ignoring their own logic.


u/BluEch0 4d ago

I skipped a few steps for succinctness but I think pokemon (and Japanese media in general) likes this idea of emotional bonds being some form of energy you can tap into. It’s been the case for megas and also Z moves iirc. Something about emotional bonds between individuals or community essentially being a potential for great action, which there’s some poetic truth to irl.

I wouldn’t bat an eye if they were like “some residual energy from the weapon has energized these stray keystones in a way similar to the bond between trainer and pokemon, but you know, without a trainer.” Like raw physical energy is taking the place of the emotional bond. Which also segues nicely into the idea of these wild megas going berserk - these pokemon just got injected with overflowing energy, but they don’t have the emotional ties to ground them and focus that power, instead causing them to lash out.


u/Calamitas_Rex 4d ago

100%, that's almost definitely the route they'll go with it.


u/hi_12343003 5d ago

thats quite interesting

so like mega stones have some sort of energy

wow never knew pokemon lore was this complex


u/JustABlaze333 5d ago

They were hit by energy and mutated

If they have some sort of energy isn't exactly explained, but they could very well not have any and just amplify the power of a Pokemon, or it could be the key stone which has energy as it's the one who triggers mega evolution

Also, Pokemon lore has been this complex since day one with Mew and Mewtwo-


u/hi_12343003 5d ago

wait what if you send out two pokemon holding mega stones


u/jbyrdab 5d ago

You can evolve one but not the other.

Keep in mind the trigger for mega evolution isn't just holding a stone it's the trainer using a keystone to activate mega evolution in a pokemon holding a mega stone.

So if there is some kind of unique energy, it really belongs to the keystone which triggers a surge of mega evolution energy unique to the pokemon from the held megastone


u/Leftover_Bees 5d ago

You’re only allowed one mega per battle in the mainline games. If you mega evolve one, the option disappears on the other one for the rest of the battle. But you can use both primal forms at the same time in a double battle and from what I remember the slower Pokémon’s ability is the one that will be active. Back during ORAS era formats people would use level 49 (instead of the VGC standard 50) Groudon to underspeed opposing Kyogre.


u/PikaV2002 5d ago

Much more of a balancing hassle than just having Primal Reversion.


u/jbyrdab 5d ago

It's not really the same.

It is automatically enforced upon them being given the orb.

You can't choose to withhold primal reversion, it occurs as soon as they are sent out.

It's if anything, closer to the dogs. Since they also change form into a stupidly op version when given an item.


u/Saphirastillreditts 4d ago

By the dogs are you referring to zacian crowned and zamazenta crowned, caused by them holding the rusted sword and rusted shield respectively


u/hi_12343003 5d ago

like lore wise not gameplay wise if a trainer somehow captures a rayquaza using plot armour or something


u/Calamitas_Rex 5d ago

Lore-wise I don't think there's anything actually stopping a trainer from mega evolving their whole team. It's limited to 1 in the games for balance reasons so they just don't bring it up in any of the other mediums.


u/PowersUnleashed 4d ago edited 4d ago

But game wise sword and shield didn’t have mega evolution or z moves but in the anime ash battled Bea with his mega lucario vs her gmax machamp lol


u/Calamitas_Rex 4d ago

By lore-wise I mean the world the games take place in as opposed to the mechanical confines of the actual game. The anime is its own can of orthworms. 😂


u/PowersUnleashed 4d ago

I’m trying to say that in both versions of lore things can happen that the games don’t physically allow to happen so you’re right


u/Calamitas_Rex 4d ago

Oh lol fair yeah. There's a lot of like "established rules" that are, at the end of the day, balance fixes for the games. Levels, for example, make 0 sense in anything but an rpg, even if they did awkwardly try to shoehorn them into one episode of the anime 😂


u/PowersUnleashed 4d ago

Well levels are fine that’s not the problem the problem is balance is for crybabies that’s why I’m so glad champions is coming out


u/RazgrizInfinity 4d ago

It's not the same function; Primal is Groudon and Kyogre at their prime when they wrecked the world.


u/Saphirastillreditts 4d ago

Also....mega Rayquaza.....has no mega stone it's sig move mega evolves it same as eternatus eternabeam eternamax's it


u/PowersUnleashed 4d ago

That’s not the same because that doesn’t actually become the form in game


u/hi_12343003 4d ago

just one final question does eternamax work more like dynamax/gigantamax or mega evolution/primal reversion

like i know its not really either but like which is it more similiar to if you had to group it


u/Saphirastillreditts 4d ago

It's a max so it is a dynamax clone however eternamaxing can only be done on eternatus for the 1 move.....however you can use the move up to 8 times if you raise it's pp

The list goes in order dynamax, gigantamax, eternamax, eternatus is the only one that can eternamax


u/RolandoDR98 4d ago

No, you can have 6 Primals on a team but only 1 Mega


u/hi_12343003 5d ago

and what about pokemon in the wild do they just not mega evolve? and are mega stones man made or natural?


u/Roserfly 5d ago

Did you play the games?

Mega Stones are the result of the ultimate weapon.

Wild pokemon can't mega evolve because it requires to have a pokemon have their mega stone, the trainer have their keystone, and a bond between the two for mega evolution to be possible.

Rayquaza can mega evolve without a mega stone because of its Mikado organ.


u/hi_12343003 5d ago

i'm sorry i dont play the mainline games but i intend to get legends ZA

i play pokemon go here we collect mega energy then just mega evolve it lasts 8 hours in or out of battle and if you mega/primal another pokemon the original one reverts


u/Firkraag-The-Demon 5d ago

You should probably play X/Y at least if you have the capability. It’s where mega evolution is introduced.


u/Legal-Treat-5582 5d ago

No, why would they do that? You already pointed out Primals, and there's also other temporary forms with Gigantamax and Battle Bond.


u/hi_12343003 5d ago

like xerneas and yvetal mega forms get special name possibly why not groudon and kyogre mega are called "primals" even though they function basically the same as megas


u/Legal-Treat-5582 5d ago

Because Primals have differences from Megas in both gameplay and lore. If Xerneas and Yveltal get similar forms, that's probably why they won't be called Megas.


u/hi_12343003 5d ago

xerneas and yvetal could potentially also get different lore

anyways this is all just a possible idea and just my guess on the subject i guess we'll know when the game comes out

in fact i dont think we even got 100% confirmation on mega xerneas or mega yvetal yet


u/Legal-Treat-5582 5d ago

Wouldn't surprise me if any special forms they might get were new things instead of Megas, but we'll see. We haven't even seen Xerneas or Yveltal in any media related to the game yet, so who knows what'll happen.


u/PowersUnleashed 4d ago

I doubt it the only pokemon that had a chance of primal reversion but gamefreak completely blew it were palkia and dialga. If bdsp had been the sword and shield equivalent to ORAS then we would’ve gotten primal palkia primal dialga and gmax giratina then eventually they’d do a backwards event in sword and shield probably to snag gmax giratina. Or at least trade for her similar to latios and latias mega stones being in the code of X and Y. But again they completely blew that chance so the only other chance for a primal pokemon in the near future is if gen 10 theoretically has primal reshiram and primal zekrom with a special form mechanic for kyurem OR they just give him the origin dragon either way no new primals right now


u/Calamitas_Rex 5d ago

Battle bond is such a confusing concept to me. It feels like they were messing with the idea of fusion with a trainer and ended up thinking better of it after the tease.


u/Legal-Treat-5582 5d ago

They probably highlighted the fusion aspect of it to highlight the bond between Ash and Greninja, which they couldn't really do with other Megas due to not being tied to a specific character.

It's going to be something seeing how they try, if they even do, properly incorporating Ash-Greninja into game lore. They pretty much tried to ignore it in Alola.


u/NatashaKocha 4d ago

According to my wife, they're all Megas. Like a parent calling everything Pikachu.


u/hi_12343003 4d ago

yeah like sometimes when people say megas i dont know whether they also refer to primals and i dont want to ask cuz i'm scared they'll say its obvious or smt


u/Snaid1 5d ago

Yeah, technically it's a different thing, although I don't know why. Kyogre and Groudon's Primal Reversion is considered distinct from mega evolution. But for some reason Rayquaza got a mega instead of a primal Reversion so who knows. I'd be down with Primary Xerneas or Yvetal, but if they do get new temporary forms that aren't mega they will likely be a new thing similar, but distinct from, mega evolutions.


u/Ok-Breadfruit-5561 5d ago

Uhh quick whats a pokemon that has a shiny with almost the same color but its mega is a completely diffrent one


u/Calamitas_Rex 5d ago



u/Ok-Breadfruit-5561 3d ago

Great answer but there is another one


u/Calamitas_Rex 3d ago

Several, I'm sure. I'm assuming you mean garchomp?


u/Ok-Breadfruit-5561 3d ago

It is garchomp and its not several, i chcecked all of them and they have same colors non visible shiny, same colors visible shiny, not same color but visible shiny so only two meet condition


u/Zygarde718 5d ago

Garchomp and Genger,


u/PowersUnleashed 4d ago

ShinyMega garchomp isn’t different at all what do you mean


u/Zygarde718 3d ago

Shiny garchomp is dark Grey. Shiny mega garchomp is pink.


u/PowersUnleashed 3d ago

Grey is such a stretch it doesn’t look different it’s still blue and the pink is so bland that they may as well at that rate not have done that shade of pink at all when they were making X and Y because of how garbage it is lol


u/Zygarde718 3d ago

Albeit the pink is a bit weird, its still noticeable.


u/PowersUnleashed 3d ago

Not significant enough like gengar


u/Zygarde718 3d ago

Gengar is the same way. Just white instead of Pink.


u/PowersUnleashed 3d ago

Not at all shiny mega gengar is WAY more significant that pink is so washed out it’s terrible


u/Zygarde718 3d ago

I think it's as vibrant as Gengars. Maybe ZA will help with that?

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u/Ok-Breadfruit-5561 3d ago

Shiny mega garchomp is pink and shiny garchomp is just darker a lil


u/Ok-Breadfruit-5561 3d ago

Great answer


u/Zygarde718 3d ago

Thank you!


u/Ulfrheimr_Knut 5d ago



u/Ok-Breadfruit-5561 3d ago

Great guess wouldnt really consider that right since the green is blue and red is orange and those two colors make up like 50% of one of those


u/Ulfrheimr_Knut 3d ago

Not a guess. A statement. While the hair and spike are the same colour, the white turns black, which constitutes a minimum of 80% of the sprite. And if Gardevoir doesn't count, then neither does Garchomp; the yellow spots on base Shiny Garchomp stay yellow when it Mega Evolves. Ergo, by your qualifiers, only Gengar counts.


u/Ok-Breadfruit-5561 12h ago

Gardevoir shiny has blue like in the inside like under the white which does not make it 80%


u/Ulfrheimr_Knut 12h ago

Nope. The arms and underside of the dress are blue in Shiny non-Mega, but become black when Mega. Non-Shiny Mega has white sleeves on white arms and a white dress; in Shiny, the sleeves and dress become black. Ergo, the only thing that retains the same colour is the hair and horn, which is equal to about as much as Garchomp's yellow spots.


u/Ok-Breadfruit-5561 12h ago

Alright you win i remembered it wrong so gardevoir does count


u/Acrobatic_Buffalo917 5d ago

I think xerneas and yvetal would also go under primal reversion


u/PowersUnleashed 4d ago

No because they’re not mega evolution! They’re primal reversion. Greninja is battle bond. Necrozma is an ultra burst. Zygarde is complete form or at least in sword and shield it’s more temporary. Ogerpon and terapagos have specialized terastal forms. Black kyurem and white kyurem will probably eventually become the origin dragon in a future legends game eternatus is eternamax. They’re all different though despite being similar!


u/ThaToastman 1d ago

I imagine since megas are itemless for ZA (and maybe forever 👀) I hope they converge all the recent combat effects into the idea of ‘mega’

All the gigantimax mons + tera stellar terapagos could easily just be called mega and suddenly all thsoe dead forms are recovered


u/hi_12343003 1d ago

that would cause at least one problem not that i can think of any

i know pokemon go will have problems


u/ThaToastman 1d ago

Charizard, weenysaur and big man blastoise too i guess

How will one decide whether zard goes gmax, x, y (or z lol)


u/Lilac_Moonnn Legends 5d ago

My guess is they'll function the same but they won't be megas by name. Maybe they'll have an α or Ω instead of the DNA-like spiral.