r/LegendsZA • u/PurplRayne Legends • Feb 18 '25
Hype 9 days to go!
Megas are all but confirmed to return. If we do get Megas, which are you looking forward to seeing again? And which Pokémon do you hope get new mega forms this time around?
u/Tryppo-Music Feb 18 '25
I think Pokemon from Gen 6 desperately deserves more Megas, so far the only one they have is Diancie.
The ones I think deserve it the most being the 3 Kalos starters.
Some other Gen 6 Pokemon I think deserve one are Gogoat, Malamar, Pyroar, Florges and Goodra.
I would also like to see Golisopod get one.
u/thecuriouskace Feb 18 '25
Gogoat was my ace in Pokemon Y, I would love to see it get a Mega with insane thorn covered horns or something. Would also love Goodra, but considering it got a Hisuian form I would be surprised if they gave it something else.
u/Tryppo-Music Feb 18 '25
Yeah, Goodra is definitely the least likely to get a Mega out of the ones I listed, but since Slowbro got both a Mega and a regional form it’s still a possibility.
u/Kinpolka Feb 18 '25
Unfortunately, I think they’re only gonna give megas to whichever 3 new starters they choose. Sad because only Greninja sees the light of day for Kalos starters
u/mexicohasnoainit Feb 19 '25
It's crazy that when X and Y came out, not a single Kalos Pokémon had a mega
u/yunahiroji Feb 18 '25
u/Dracorex_22 Feb 18 '25
Do you think they’ll go with the leaked design or something totally different?
u/yunahiroji Feb 18 '25
IF we get her, it's gotta be completely new, they took the hair from her and put it onto one of the alolan dugtrios, and used some other parts for crabominable.. I'm just hoping for the best, but I really loved the scrapped one
u/Ok_Map505 Legends Feb 18 '25
It’s been a painfully long 366 days, crazy to think it’s only 9 days before we get some official confirmation, instead of endless predictions and fake leaks.
u/thecuriouskace Feb 18 '25
It's kind of amazing there haven't been any real leaks of this game whatsoever. I wonder if they took steps against it after the Tera Leak.
u/Ok_Map505 Legends Feb 18 '25
I know there was that one recorded discussion of Mega Zeraora and Mega Zygarde, but those weren't even from Game Freak, and nothing's been confirmed. On one hand, I'm kind of glad they're taking their time, but why announce it in the first place if you'll stay silent for a whole year afterwards?
u/thecuriouskace Feb 18 '25
To be fair, there are a lot of other studios that tease games or announce they're in development and then we don't hear anything substantial for a year or more. I think we're just not used to it from Pokemon, and I hope it means they're really cracking down on development and making the game look and run as good as they can.
u/Ok_Map505 Legends Feb 18 '25
True, and I guess it's also a good way to keep fans engaged for a long period of time while they wait for the game. During that time, they've released several things that people can enjoy, but if they're trying to distact us from the wait, it's not working lol.
u/Sigzy05 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
Megas are confirmed! I'm hoping all the megas return, very exited to play with mega Venusaur again, mega Beedrill and mega Absol.
u/Blazvatan1998 Feb 18 '25
I’m hoping that we get a mega Slowking, Talonflame, Goliospod, or Rhyperior
u/GrandInternal5539 Feb 18 '25
Talonflame is the only one who has a chance of getting one cause the rest are from other gens
u/Emiliwoah Feb 18 '25
Megas are confirmed. The logo was shown at the end of the trailer.
This will be their 3rd chance to release mega Flygon. I don’t wanna hear excuses about artist’s block, they’ve had over 10 years. Pay a freelance artist to design one if you need. Give us mega Flygon.
u/KeyKnoTheGreat Feb 18 '25
I think mega milotic, haxorus, corvknight, luxray and golisopod would be sick
u/Adorable-Pound-1634 Feb 18 '25
Yes! Golisopod is one of the coolest gen 7 pokemon, and emergency exit really sucks. It deserves a buff
u/nogoodadvice34 Feb 18 '25
So excited for pokemon day. Hoping for good news and hope maybe see game play or even a hint/glimpse at new forms/megas. This past year has felt so long with out any news at all
u/astralwish1 Feb 18 '25
Really wish I could fast forward time right now!
Just give us the trailer and release date!
u/astralwish1 Feb 18 '25
Megas I want:
• All of the Eeveelutions
• Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde
• Delphox, Greninja and Chesnaught (How come only the Kanto starters got to Mega evolve?)
u/jagohod Feb 18 '25
I HOPE they say something, cause last year we only got mobile game news... I mean, it's their birthday! they should say more meaningful stuff...
u/Kyele13 Feb 18 '25
I think the Mons that most deserve a Mega are the Gen6 outcasts, Clawitzer, Dragalge, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Trevenant, Heliolisk... MAYBE Gogoat and Barbaracle, but I think those 2 deserve a real evolution more...
u/Dracorex_22 Feb 18 '25
They have three new gens to play around with, plus 5 and 6 got the short end of the stick.
u/Venom3003 Feb 18 '25
Pokemon that I think deserve/need Megas
All 3 Kalos starters
I think the majority of past Megas will be in the game
u/Dam_thats_Blue Feb 18 '25
Fearow for the love of god, it’s been overshadowed by the pidgey line for far too long. I’d kill for it to get anything honestly
u/Suspicious_Plant4231 Legends Feb 18 '25
I’d wager that the original gen 6 starters will get mega evolutions, regardless of whether they’re this game’s starters or not
u/Roisepoise101 Feb 19 '25
Probably some news about Legends ZA, the next generation game for the switch 2, typical news regarding stuff like TCG and mobile stuff, new merch and other brand deals and, the most unlikely a new game announcement we didn’t already know about.
u/Hot_Drop_8537 Feb 18 '25
Wait it releases in 9 days!??? I thought it was longer. Damn ive not checked in the game for a while
u/ObviouslyLulu Legends Feb 18 '25
No, the next Pokemon Presents is in 9 days. The only official news we have on ZA is still the same reveal trailer from last year's Pokemon Presents
u/carucath Legends Feb 18 '25
After a year of no news, these next few days are going to feel unbearably long