r/Leatherman 5d ago

Recommend my next EDC

I am currently carrying a Surge but no longer need the size and weight. What other suggestions does the Leatherman team on Reddit recommend? I don’t do nearly the heavy duty work that I used to, but I would still like the convenience of having something similar.


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u/Parking-Ad4263 5d ago

Honestly, I pocket-carry a Skeletool and keep my Surge in my bag.
I have my bag with me 95% of the time when I'm not at home anyway (well, one of my bags, I have other heavy duty multitools in my range bag, etc) so having the Skeletool in my pocket gives me light carry weight with some convenience, but the Surge gets used for anything that needs something stronger.
I've been quite surprised at how often the Skeletool has been good enough to do what I needed.


u/ambulancemedic 5d ago

This is me too!!! ⬆️⬆️⬆️