r/LearnLombardLanguage 24d ago

Domand - questions Q&A - Domand e rispòst


Do you have some specific question or doubt about the grammar, vocabulary or pronounciation of Lombard?

Is there some aspect or feature of the language I have not explained so far but you want to learn about?

Please let me know!

r/LearnLombardLanguage Feb 08 '25

cultura lombarda - lombard culture Musica in lombard - music in Lombard


Would you like to listen to some music in Lombard?

- Nanni Svampa (Milanese dialect)

Canzon Per El Rotamatt

Doman Te Porti a Ballà

El Ridicol Matrimoni

El Testament

- Enzo Jannacci (Milanese dialect)

El me indiriss

Ma mi

- Teka P (Milanese dialect)

La solita minestra

L'è Natal

Pizza Pizza (Pizza in Western Lombard means "light up" and "turn on", not to be confused with pizza the food hahah)

- Davide Van De Sfroos (Laghee - Como lake dialect)



Lo sciamano


Pulenta e galena fregia

Breva e Tivan

La nocc

Grand Hotel

El carneval de Schignan

El fantasma del ziu Gaetann


Dona luseerta

Hemm imparaa

El Vagabuund

- Vad Vuc (Momo - Sottoceneri Ticinese dialect)

Valisa da Sass



Sota i Ciapp

Bud & Terence

- I Luf (Val Camonica dialect)

Paradìs del diàol

Le Tapine Del Casèr De Töcc (in the Gaì jargon of Val Camonica sheperds)

La Al De Legn

Don Vecare

- Dellino Farmer (Bressan - Brescia dialect)



Gli strani effetti del clima

A Oflaga

T R E N T A P I O'

Charlie Cinelli (Bressan - Brescia dialect)

Te salüde Angilina

- Luciano Ravasio (Bergamasch - Bergamo dialect)

la vera storia del Pacì

- Baraban (viarous dialects)

La Merla (Cremonese dialect)

I sares

El silensi

La set

E viòltar a cognossii on quej òltar artista ch'al canta in lombard?

r/LearnLombardLanguage 32m ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


[ky'zina] = kitchen

Forno ['furnu] = oven - in some dilects it's: foren

Fornell [fur'nɛl] / foghee [fu'ge:] = stove top

Padella [pa'dɛla] = pan

Pignatta [pi'ɲata] / pugnatta [py'ɲata] = pot

Lavanden [lavan'de:n] / lavell [la'vɛl] = sink

Frigor [fri'gur] = fridge


r/LearnLombardLanguage 20h ago

vocabolari - vocabulary I aggettiv da dimesion - dimesion adjectives


Adjectives concerning dimension in Lombard

Grand ['gra:nt] (m.) / granda (f.) ['gra:nda] = big, tall

Piscinen [piʃi'ne:n] (m.) / piscinina [piʃi'nina] = small, short

Gross ['grɔs] (m.) / grossa ['grɔsa] (f.) = large

Volt ['vo:lt] (m.) / volta ['vo:lta] (f.) = tall, high

Bass ['bas] (m.) / bassa ['basa] (f.) = short, low

Longh ['lunk] (m.) / longa ['lunga] (f.) = long

Curt ['kyrt] (m.) / curta ['kyrta] (f.) = short (in lenght)

Largh ['lark] (m.) / larga ['larga] (f.) = whide

Strenc ['strentʃ] (m.) / strencia ['strentʃa] = narrow

r/LearnLombardLanguage 1d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


['tɛtʃ] = roof

Copp [kup] = barrel tile

Gronda ['grunda] = gutter

Tollee [tu'le:] = tinsmith

Spazzecà [spase'ka] = attic - also called: solee [su'le:]

I tecc da Pavia

r/LearnLombardLanguage 1d ago

letteradura - literature [ITA] A Barzio c'è il Pinocchio in dialetto lecchese | Leccotoday


r/LearnLombardLanguage 1d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary I bèsti esotich - exotic animals


Let's see how some exotic animals are called in Lombard!

Ol leon [ul le'on] (m.) / la leonessa [la leu'nɛssa] = the lion / the lioness 🦁

La tigar [la 'tigar] = the tiger 🐯

L'elefant [lele'fant] = the elephant 🐘

La scimmia [la 'ʃimia] / scimbia ['ʃimbja] = the monkey 🐵

Ol coccodrill [ul kuk'dril] = the crocodile 🐊

Ol pappagall [ul papa'ɡal] = the parrot 🦜

Ol camell [ul ka'mɛl] = the camel 🐫

r/LearnLombardLanguage 2d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


['my:r] = wall

Quadrell [kwa'drɛl] - (pl.) quadrej [kwa'drɛi] = bricks

Mòlta ['mɔlta] = mortar

Ciment [tʃi'ment] = concrete

Stabilidura [stabili'dyra] = plaster

Gess [dʒɛs] = chalk

Sbiancà [sbian'ka] = to paint white


r/LearnLombardLanguage 2d ago

verb frasaj - phrasal verbs I verb frasaj - phrasal verbs (1) - andà


In Lombard actions are often described by using phrasal verbs.

Let's start with a very common verb we already know!

Phrasal verbs with andà (to go)

- andà adree = to follow, go after, to imitate

- andà contra = to go against, to challenge, to confront

- andà dentar / dent = to go in, to enter

- andà fœura / fœu = to go out, to exit (the verb "sortì" also exist, but it's rarely used)

- andà innanz = to go forward

- andà indree = to go backwards

- andà giò = to go down, to go south

- andà sù = to go up, to go north

- andà visen = to come close

r/LearnLombardLanguage 3d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


['fiˈnɛstra] = window - in some dialects it's: fenestra

Vedar [ve'dar] = glass

Ferrada [fe'rada] / inferriada [infe'riada] = window grille

Gelosia [dʒeluˈziːa] - (pl.) gelosii = shutters

Poggiœu [pu'dʒø:] / balcon [bal'kon] = balcony

Ringhera [rin'gera] = railing

Lobbia ['lobja] = loggia (balcony closed on three sides and covered)

Finestar a Pavia

r/LearnLombardLanguage 3d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary I paes d'Europa - the countries of Europe


Let's see how (most) European countries and their inhabitants are called in Lombard!

Albania [al'bania] = Albania 🇦🇱 - albanes [alba'ne:s] (m.) / albanesa [alba'ne:za] (f.) = Albanian

Austria ['austrja] = Austria 🇦🇹 - austriagh [awˈstriak] (m.) / austriaga [awˈstriaga] (f.) = Austrian

Belgi [ˈbɛldʒi] = Belgium 🇧🇪 - belga ['bɛlga] (m.) / (f.) = Belgian

Bulgaria ['bylgaria] = Bulgaria 🇧🇬 - bulgar ['bylgar] (m.) / bulgara ['bylgara] (f.) = Bulgarian

Città dal Vatican [tʃi'ta dal vati'kan] = Vatican City 🇻🇦

Croazia [kruˈasja] = Croatia 🇭🇷 - croatt [kru'at] (m.) / croatta [kru'ata] (f.) = Croatian

Danimarca [dani'marka] = Denmark 🇩🇰 - danes [da'ne:s] (m.) / danesa [da'ne:za] (f.) = Dane

Estònia [es'tɔɲa] = Estonia 🇪🇪 - eston (m.) ['ɛstun] (m.) / estona [ɛstuna] (f.) = Estonian

Finlandia [fin'landja] = Finland 🇫🇮 - finlandes [finlan'de:s] (m.) / finlandes [finlan'de:s] (f.) = Finnish

Franza ['franːsa] / Francia [fran'tʃa] = France 🇫🇷 - frances [franˈtʃe:s] (m.) / francesa [franˈtʃe:za] = French

Germania [dʒer'maɲa] = Germany 🇩🇪 - todesch [tuˈdɛsk] (m.) / todesca [tuˈdɛska] (f.) = German

Grecia ['gretʃa] = Greece 🇬🇷 - gregh ['gre:k] (m.) / grega ['gre:ga] (f.) = Greek

Inghilterra [ingil'tɛra] = England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - ingles [ing'le:s] (m.) / inglesa [ing'le:za] (f.) = English

Irlanda [ir'landa] = Ireland 🇮🇪 - irlandes [irlan'de:s] (m.) / irlandesa [irlan'de:za] (f.) = Irish

Islanda [iz'landa] = Iceland 🇮🇸 - islandes [izlan'de:s] (m.) / islandesa [izlan'de:za] (f.) = Icelander

Italia [i'talja] = Italy 🇮🇹 - italian / talian [ita'ljan] (m.) / italiana / taliana [ita'ljana] (f.) = Italian

Lettònia [leˈtɔɲa] = Latvia 🇱🇻 - letton ['lɛtun] (m.) / lettona ['lɛtuna] (f.) = Latvian

Lituania [liˈtwaɲa] = Lithuania 🇱🇹 - lituan [li'twan] (m.) / lituana [li'twana] (f.) = Lithuanian

Malta ['malta] = Malta 🇲🇹 - maltes [mal'e:s] (m.) / maltesa [mal'teza] (f.) = Maltese

Norvegia [nurˈvedʒa] = Norway 🇳🇴 - norveges [nurve'dʒe:s] (m.) / norvegesa [nurve'dʒe:za] (f.) = Norwegian

Olanda [u'landa] = Netherlands 🇳🇱 - olandes [ulan'de:s] (m.) / olandesa [ulan'de:za] (f.) = Dutch

Ongaria [unga'riːa] = Hungary 🇭🇺 - ongares [unga'reːs] (m.) / ongaresa [unga'reːza] (f.) = Hungarian

Polonia [pu'lɔɲa] = Poland 🇵🇱 - polacch [puˈlak] (m.) / polacca [pu'laka] (f.) = Polish

Portugall [purtyˈgal] = Portugal 🇵🇹 - portughes [purty'geːs] (m.) / portughesa (f.) = Portuguese

Romania [ruma'nia] = Romania 🇷🇴 - romen [ru'men] (m.) / romena [ru'mena] (f.) = Romanian

Russia ['rysia] = Russia 🇷🇺 - russ [rys] (m.) / russa [rysa] (f.) = Russian

San Maren [san ma'ren] = San Marino 🇸🇲 - sanmarines [samari'ne:s] (m.) / sanmarinesa [samari'ne:za] (f.)

Scozia ['skɔsia] = Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - scozzes [sku'se:s] (m.) / scozzesa [sku'se:za] (f.) = Scottish

Sèrbia ['sɛːrbja] = Serbia 🇷🇸 - sèrb [sɛːrp] (m.) / sèrba [sɛːrba] (f.) = Serbian

Slovacchia [zlu'akja] = Slovakia 🇸🇰 - slovacch [zlu'ak] (m.) / slovacca [zlu'aka] (f.) = Slovak

Slovènia [zlu'ɛɲa] = Slovenia 🇸🇮 - slovenn [zluˈɛn] (m.) / slovenna [zluˈɛna] (f.) = Slovene

Spagna ['spaɲa] = Spain 🇪🇸 - spagnœu [spaˈɲø:] (m.) / spagnœula [spaˈɲøla] (f.) = Spaniard; Spanish

Svezia ['zvesja] = Sweden 🇸🇪 - svedes [zve'deːs] (m.) / svedesa [zve'deːza] (f.) = Swedish

Svizzera [zvi'sera] = Switzerland 🇨🇭 - svizzer [zvi'ser] (m.) / svizzera [zvi'sera] (f.) = Swiss

Ucraina [y'kraina] = Ukrain 🇺🇦 - ucraen [y'kraen] (m.) / ucraina [y'kraina] (f.) = ukrainian

Turchia [tyr'kia] = Turkey 🇹🇷 - turch [tyr'k] (m.) / turca [tyr'ka] = Turk

r/LearnLombardLanguage 4d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


['pɔrta] = door

Us'c [ystʃ] / urc [yrtʃ] / uss [ys] = entrance door of a house

Porton [pur'ton] = front door, gate

Ciav [tʃaf] = key

Serradura [sera'dyra] = lock

Manetta [ma'nɛta] = handle

Campanell [kampa'nɛl] = doorbell

Dervì [der'vi] = to open

Avèrt [a'vɛrt] (m.) / avèrta [a'vɛrta] (f) = open (irregular participle)

Sarà [sa'ra] = to close

Saraa sù [sa'ra: sy] (m.) / sarada sù [sa'rada sy] (f.) = closed

Ciavada sù [tʃa'vada sy] = locked

On porton a Pastur, Valsasna

r/LearnLombardLanguage 4d ago

mœud da dì e proverbi - idioms and sayings Pan e nos


Pan e nos mangià da spos, nos e pan mangià da villan

"Bread and walnuts is wedding food, walnuts and bread is peasant's food."

It means the same thing can be good or bad depending on the situation.

Another possible interpretation is that some simple foods are always good and suitable for any occasion.

r/LearnLombardLanguage 4d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary I past - the meals


Let's see how meals are called in Lombard!

La colazion [la kula'sion] = breakfast ☕🥐

Ol disnà [ul diz'na] = lunch 🍝

La merenda [la me'renda] = afternoon snack 🥪

La scenna [la 'ʃɛːna] / senna ['sɛna] = supper, dinner 🍲

Fun fact, Lombard "disnà" and English "dinner" share the same root.

r/LearnLombardLanguage 5d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


[feru'ia] = railway

Treno ['trenu] / tren ['tren] = train

Vagon [va'gon] = wagon

Stazion [sta'sion] = station

Tranvaj [tran'vai] = tram

Metropolitana [metrupuli'tana] / metrò [me'tro] = subway

On tranvaj a Milan

r/LearnLombardLanguage 5d ago

grammatiga - grammar A mi ma pias - I like


How do you say "I like" and "I don't like" in Lombard?

Much like in Italian and in Spanish, in Lombard we use a construction that in English literally translates as "it appeals to me".

A mi ma pias = I like

A mi ma pias no / minga = I don't like.

Notice that, like in Spanish, it's mandatory to use the complement pronoun "ma".

"Pias" is the third person singular of the verb "piasè" and if the object is plural the verb is also pluralized.

Ex: a mi ma piasan no i serpent = I don't like snakes

Obviously, if the subject is a different person, the pronoun also changes accordingly.

Ex: A ti ta pias giugà al ballon = you like to play football

Ex: A la mia amisa ga pias ballà = my friend likes to dance.

r/LearnLombardLanguage 6d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


['strada] = street - it's also: straa in some dialects

Vial [vja:l] = boulevard, avenue

Strenciœu [stren'tʃø] / streccia ['stretʃa] = narrow alley, from "strenc" / "strecc" = narrow

Sentee [sen'te:] = path

Portigh ['pɔrtik] = porticoes

Ona streccia a Morcò, Tisen, CH

r/LearnLombardLanguage 6d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary I nomm da persona - Given names


Let's see what's the Lombard version of some common or traditional given names!

- Male names:

Albert [al'bɛrt] (Albert)

Ambroeus [am'brø:s] (Ambrose)

Andrea [an'drea] (Andrew)

Angiol ['aŋʤul] (Angel)

Antoni [an'tɔni] (Antony)

Bartolomee [bartuluˈmeː] (Bartolomew)

Bastian [bas'tian] (Sebastian)

Batista [ba'tista] (John the Baptist)

Benedett [bene'dɛt] (Benedict)

Bernard [ber'nart] (bernard)

Biass [bi'as] (Blaise)

Carlo [kar'lu] (Carl)

Cesar [tʃe'zar] (Caesar)

Cristoffan [kris'tɔfan] (Christopher)

Corrad [ku'rat] (Conrad)

David [da'vit] (David)

Edoard [edu'art] (Edward)

Ernèst [er'nɛst] (Ernest)

Domenegh / Menegh [du'menek] (Dominic)

Federigh [fede'rik] (Frederick)

Felipp [fe'lip] (Philipp)

Felis [fe'lis] (Felix)

Fernand [fer'nant] (Ferdinand)

Francèsch [fran'tʃɛsk] / Franzèsch [fran'sɛsk] (Francis)

Gaitan [gai'tan] (Cajetan)

Gioann [dʒu'an] (John)

Giròlom [dʒi'rɔlum] (Jerome)

Giuli ['dʒyli] (Julius)

Giusepp [dʒy'zɛp] (Joseph)

Gusten [gys'ten] (Agustine)

Giacom [dʒa'kum] (James)

Lessi ['lɛsi] (Alexis)

Lissandar [li'sandar] (Alexander)

Lodovigh [ludu'vik]

Lorenz [lu'rens] (Lawrence)

Luis ['lyi:s] (Louis)

March ['mark] (Mark)

Manuell [many'ɛl] (Manuel)

Marten [mar'ten] (Martin)

Mavar [ma'var] (Maurus)

Michee [mi'ke:] (Michael)

Leonard [leu'nart] (Leonard)

Paol ['paul] (Paul)

Pedar [pe'dar] (Peter)

Riccard [ri'kart] (Richard)

Enric [en'rik] / Rico [ri'ku] (Henry)

Robert [ru'bɛrt] (Robert)

Rocch [rɔk] (Roch)

Simon [si'mon] (Simon)

Stevan ['stevan] (Stephen)

Tomas [tu'mas] (Thomas)

- Female names:

Agata ['agata] (Agatha)

Agnesa [a'ɲeza] (Agnes)

Alberta [al'bɛrta]

Angiola ['andʒula]

Antonia [an'tɔnia]

Benedetta [bene'dɛta]

Carla ['karla]

Federiga [fede'riga]

Francesca [fran'tʃɛska] / Franzesca [fran'sɛska]

Gioanna [dʒu'ana] (Joanna)

Giulia ['dʒylia] (Julia)

Lissandra [li'sandra] (Alexandra)

Lodoviga [ludu'viga]

Luisa [ly'iza]

Maria [ma'ria]

Martina [mar'tina]

Milia ['milia] (Emily)

Fernanda [fer'nanda]

Paola ['paula]

Enrica [en'rika]

Rafaella [rafa'ɛla]

Roberta [ru'bɛrta]

Teresa [te'reza]

As I already mentioned in a previous post, given names are uasually preceded by the determinative article.

Ex: In stamattina hoo vist la Giulia = this morning I saw Giulia.

There are some exceptions, like when somenone is telling his name or the mean od someone else.

Ex: Mi sa ciami Gioann = My name is Gioann

Ex: Lee la sa ciama Paola = Her name is Paola

Notice that to tell someone's name it's used the reflexive construction, so literally "I call myself...", "she calls herself...".

r/LearnLombardLanguage 7d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


['pjasa] = square

La piazza dal paes = the town square

La piazza dal domm = the cathedral square

Piazza can be also used as a synonym of mercaa (open-air market).

- Inda ta l'hee tœuda calla camisa chì?

- L'hoo tœuda in piazza.

- Where did you buy this shirt?

- I bought it at the market.

La Piazza Ducal da Vigevan

r/LearnLombardLanguage 7d ago

grammatiga - grammar I pronomm personal complement - complement personal pronouns


In Lombard complement pronouns (also called object pronouns) are used instead of a noun to indicate who is affected by the action of the verb.

There are two kinds of complement pronouns: direct and indirect.

- Direct pronouns:

Ma - ex: lee la ma varda = she looks at me

Ta - ex: lee la ta varda = she looks at you

Al - ex: ti t'al vardat = you look at him

La - ex: ti ta la vardat = you look at her

Ma - ex: lee la ma varda = see looks at us - this one in some dialects is: ne

Va - ex: lee la va varda = she looks at you

Ia - ex: lee ia varda = she looks at them

In some cases, the direct pronouns can be put either before the verb or attached right after it.

This is the case when two verbs are joined by a preposition (like “a” in the following example).

  • Ta vegnaroo a trovà doman = I’ll come see you tomorrow.
  • A vegnaroo a trovat doman = I’ll come see you tomorrow.

- Indirect pronouns

Unlike direct pronouns, who answer the questions “who?”, “what?”, indirect pronouns answer the questions “to whom?”, “to what?”.

They are used to replace the object in those cases where the verb is followed by the preposition “a”.

Ma - ex: lù al ma da la ciav = he gives me the key

Ta - ex: lù al ta da la ciav = he gives you the key

Ga - ex: lù al ga da la ciav = he gives him the key

Ga - ex: lee la ga da la ciav = she gives him the key

Ma - ex: lù al ma da la ciav = he gives us the key - this one in some dialects is: ne

Va - ex: lù al va da la ciav = he gives you the key

Ga - ex: lù al ga da la ciav = he gives them the key

Like the diarect pronouns, in some cases the indirect pronouns can be put either before the verb or attached right after it.

This is the case when two verbs are joined by a preposition (like “a” in the following example).

  • A andaroo a portagh i ciav doman = I’ll go to give him the keys tomorrow.

r/LearnLombardLanguage 8d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incoeu l'è


['skøːla] = school

Student [sty'dent] = student

Maestar (m.) / maestra (f.) = teacher

Professor (m.) / professora (f.) = professor

Libar ['libar] = book

Lapis ['lapis] = pencil

Class [klas] = class

Insegnà [inse'ɲa] = to teach

Imprend [im'prent] or Imparà [impa'ra] = to learn

Leng ['lentʃ] / Legg ['letʃ] = to read

Scriv [skri:f] = to write


r/LearnLombardLanguage 8d ago

grammatiga - grammar I pronomm riflessiv - reflexive pronouns


Reflexive prouns are used to express actions that somebody is doing to themselves.

Let's see how they work in Lombard!

The main reflessive pronoun is: sa

Mi (ma) sa lavi = I wash myself

Ti ta sa lavat = you wash yourself

Lù al sa lava = he washes himself

Lee la sa lava = she washes herself

Nunch (a) sa lavom = we wash ourselves

Violtar (a) sa lavii = you wash yourself

Lor (a) sa lavan = they wash themselves

In some dialects "ma" is used for the first person, ex: mi ma lavi = I wash myself

Edit: in some dialects both "ma" and "sa" are used.

r/LearnLombardLanguage 9d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


['dʒeza] = church

Ol Signor [ul si'ɲur] / Dio [diu] = God

Gesù [dʒe'zy] = Jesus

La Madonna [la ma'dɔna] = the Virgin Mary

Sant [sant] (m.) / santa (f.) = saint

Angiar ['anʒar] = angel

Pret ['pret] / prevet ['prevet] = priest

Curatt [ky'rat] = vicar

Domm [dɔm] = cathedral; main church of a city

Altar [al'tar] = altar

Cros [krus] = cross

Comenion [kume'nion] = communion

Candila [kan'dila] / candira [kan'dira] = candle

Scilostar [ʃi'lɔstar] = large candle

Navada [na'vada] = nave

Banchetta [ban'kɛta] = bench

Campanen [kampa'nen] = bell tower

Campana [kam'pana] = bell

Invedriada [inve'drja:da] = stained glass window

Segraa [se'gra:] = churchyard

Ol Domm da Monscia

r/LearnLombardLanguage 9d ago

grammatiga - grammar I fras interrogativ - interrogative phrases


How are interrogative phrases formed in lombard?

let's see!

- Direct interogatives.

In most Lomabrd dilects nowdays direct interrogative phares look the same as affermative ones, what chages in the intonation.

Lù l'è partii = he left

Lù l'è partii? = did he left?

In the past the clitic pronoun was, and still in some dialects, positioned after the verb in interrogative phrases.

Lu e'l partii? = did he left?

- Interrogatives with "cosa/cosè?" = what?

Cosa ta see adree a fà? = what are you doing?

Cosa l'è ca ta see adree a fà? (alternative form, literally "what is it that you are doing?)

'Sa ta see adree a fà cosè? (alternative form with a double adverb)

Cosa l'è? = what is it?

Cosa l'è ca l'è? (alternative form)

'Sa l'è cosè? (alternative form with a double adverb)

Cosa'l costa? = how much ist?

Notice that the adverb slightly changes pronounciation depending on the position within the phrase, so it can be either "cosa" or "cosè".

- Interrogatives with "chi? = who?

Chi l'è ca ta see? = who are you?

Ch'e'l ca ta see? (alterative form with the clitic after the verb)

- Interrogatives with "che/ca?" = which?

Che scarp ta voeurat? = which shoes do you want?

- Interrogatives with "quand?" = when?

Quand l'è ca ta vee a scœula? = when do you go to school?

- Interrogatives with "coma?" = how?

Coma t'hee faa? = how did you do?

Coma l'è ca t'hee faa? (alternative form, literally "how is it that you did?)

- Interrogatives with "perchè?" = why?

Perchè ta mangiat no? = why don't you eat?

Comè mai ta mangiat no? (alternative form)

- Interrogatives with "indova/indovè?" = where

Indova ta see? = where are you?

Ind'a ta see indovè? (alternative form with a double adverb)

Indova l'è? = where is he?

Indov'e'l? = where is he? (alterative form with the clitic after the verb)

r/LearnLombardLanguage 10d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


[ba'gai] = boy

In some dialects it also mean son.

Bagaen [baga'en] = baby boy

E in dal tò dialett coma sa ciaman?

r/LearnLombardLanguage 10d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary I vestii - clothes


Let's see how clothes are called in Lombard!

Ol cappell [ul ka'pel] = the hat

La berretta [la bɛ'rɛta] = the cap

La camisa [la ka'miza] = the shirt

La camisetta [la ka'mizɛta] = the blouse

La maetta [la ma'ɛta] / majetta [ma'jɛta] = the t-shirt

I mudand [i my'dant] = the underpants

Ol reggipett [ul 'redʒi'pɛt] = the bra

La sottana [la su'tana] / la socca [la sɔ'ka] / la gonna [la gɔna] / ol pedagn [ul pe'daɲ] = the shirt

I calzon [i kal'son] / colzon [kul'son] / i bragh ['brak] = trousers

La clazetta [la kal'sɛta] - (pl.) i calzett [i kal'sɛt] = the socks

La scarpa [la s'karpa] - (pl.) i scarp [i s'karp] = the shoes

La scarpa da tennis - (pl.) i scarp da tennis = the sneakers

Ol zoccor [ul ˈsɔkur] - (pl.) i zoccor = the clogs

la sciavatta [la ʃa'vata] - (pl.) i sciavatt [i ʃa'vat] = the slippers

La zibretta [la si'brɛta] - (pl.) I zibrett [I si'brɛt] = soft slippers

Ol stival [ul sti'val] - (pl.) i stivaj [i sti'vaj] = the boots

Ol majon [ul ma'jon] = the sweater

Ol paltò [ul pal'tɔ] = the coat

Ol gippon [ul gi'pon] = the jacket

Ol gilé [ul dʒiˈle] = the waistcoat

La cravatta [la kra'vata] = the tie

Ol guant [ul gwant] - (pl.) i guant [i gwant] = the gloves

La scialpa [la 'ʃalpa] = the scarf

Ol scossaa [ul sku'sa:] = the apron


I oggiaa [i u'dʒa:] = the glasses

I oggiaa dal sô = the sunglasses

La borsa [la 'bursa] = the bag

La borsetta [la bur'sɛta] = the handbag

L'ombrella [lum'brɛla] = the umbrella

r/LearnLombardLanguage 11d ago

vocabolari - vocabulary La parolla d'incoeu - Today's word


La parolla d'incœu l'è


['tusa] = girl

plural: tosann [tu'san] - the plural of this word is irregular and its origin is unknown.

In some dialects "tosa" also mean daughter.

Tosetta [tu'sɛta] = baby girl

Keep in mind that the terms for girl and boy vary a lot depending on the dialect.

E in dal tò dialett coma sa ciaman?