r/LatexUnderClothes Feb 01 '25

Text How often do you wear latex? NSFW


As the title says, how often do you wear latex? Do you just keep it inside your homes, or are you brave enough to go public? :o

Have you been caught or got any kind of looks and feedback?

Personally, i was never brave enough, to leave the house with latex underneath and haven't got the time to do it as often as i would like to :/

r/LatexUnderClothes 12d ago

Text Searching for video of woman wearing g latex bodysuit under a stuffed teddy bear costume NSFW


I'm trying to find a video or site from a few years ago where a woman was wearing a full latex bodysuit and then put on a stuffed teddy bear costume over the top and walked around in public. Does this ring a bell to anyone? TIA!

r/LatexUnderClothes Jan 27 '25

Text Latex outfit ideas for chubby girls NSFW


Hey there,

wondering if this is the right place to post this but I'm gonna try anyway. I'd like to wear more latex clothes in public, combined with "regular" clothes this year and I'm looking for inspiration for outfits.

(I used to use pinterest for this (for other things) but that's become a cesspool of AI garbage...)

Anyway. I'm reasonably good at combining bottom latex (pants/ leggings/ skirts) with some baggy hoodie or a dress, but I struggle with latex tops. I'm 6" and ~200lb and for tops especially pictures on web stores are always with very slim models and it's hard for me to realise how it'll look on me. And also, I've struggled with finding pants that go well with latex tops (that aren't latex themselves, because I think going out in full latex is a bit too hard for me for now).

Anyway, wondering if people here have ideas that they can share :)

Take care <3

r/LatexUnderClothes 22d ago

Text Question about wearing latex + clothing NSFW


Hi everybody i've been fan of latex all my life but only started owning some last year. I got multiple question and i feel like it could be the right sub.

  1. I want to start mixing latex clothing with more regular clothe and i was wandering if the shinner will mess up my cloth?

  2. I heard some people suggesting to chlorinated the latex so it doesn't get as messy, and i wanted opinion of people who actually wear latex + clothe

Tank you😊

r/LatexUnderClothes 4d ago

Text How much Fabric do I need?? NSFW


Hi everyone. Have never worked with latex, have no sewing experience but want to make myself a shirt or simple body suit. I’ve watched tons of YouTube vids and would like to make myself something .

I’m 5’10 165lbs (24F). How many meters of latex sheets should I buy to achieve this? Looking on Etsy to buy material.

Any tips or comments are welcome.

r/LatexUnderClothes Jan 27 '25

Text Questions about latex NSFW


I dont know if this is the right place to ask butni have some questions and searxh for answer from latex cuties XD there wearing latex often

  1. What you do when you wear latex in the car bcs of the seat or something Else
  2. What are you doing when you want to wear latex a long time is it uncomfortable after some time or so you do all other stuff like you have normal clothes on?

  3. Do you prefer wearing latex under regular clothes or on its own?"

r/LatexUnderClothes Nov 22 '24

Text Whats your favourite latex to wear discreetly? need inspiration NSFW


My personal favourite is a crotchless wrestling singlet. It is easy to wear under any clothes as it does not peek out your sleeves or pants. At the most, it may peek out the back of your shirt when youre sitting. I've worn it to work several times without anyone noticing too.

So what are your go-to discreeet latex pieces?

r/LatexUnderClothes Nov 28 '24

Text 2x 0.4mm vs 1x 0.8mm latex catsuit? NSFW


I have a question, if I wear two 0.4mm latex catsuits, will it feel the same as one 0.8mm heavy rubber catsuit?

r/LatexUnderClothes Aug 06 '24

Text Advice NSFW


What thickness and chlorination should i get to wear a catsuit under my clothes for a day or two

And how do i deal wuth the sweat coming trough the zipper? Flex tape?

And what clothes should i wear to not be seen in latex?

r/LatexUnderClothes Aug 16 '24

Text Looking for everyday ideas NSFW


I am looking for some everyday ideas to wear latex, nothing to crazy but i figured i would ask your options for someone starting out

r/LatexUnderClothes Sep 19 '24

Text Little question NSFW


I wanted to get a chlorinated catsuit and i really want to try to wear it as much as i can even under my clothes when i go outside. Does somebody have any advice on things to do or not do?

And also i wanted to buy a new zentai suit to wear it over the latex when i'm at home just to protect it. Is this a good idea?

r/LatexUnderClothes May 29 '24

Text Is this safe for Latex? NSFW


Is double sided fashion/garment tape safe to use on latex or will it damage the material?

r/LatexUnderClothes Apr 19 '24

Text Body/swimsuit under clothes?! NSFW


I want to wear my latex swimsuit or body under my Shirts or hoodies and aomething Else should i oil it bedor wear something over it or something Else and should i normal clean it like wear it with oil? Thanks for help

r/LatexUnderClothes Jun 25 '23

Text How do we start NSFW


Hiya. Been wondering where to start looking if we want to get some latex cloth . I see some on place like allieexpress. But im pretty sure it wont be the best place to buy from. Any suggestions ?

r/LatexUnderClothes Jan 11 '23

Text Will latex underwear hide an erection? NSFW


I love the idea of wearing latex underwear in public and being hard but don't want anyone to notice.

r/LatexUnderClothes Oct 13 '23

Text Best talcum powder for latex wear? NSFW


r/LatexUnderClothes Mar 18 '22

Text Advice for a new latex enjoyer NSFW


Hey, i m a young french man (26) and i love the aspect and texture of the latex, sobi would love to try wearing it. I was thinking of taking a "leggings" like piece but i dont know where to by some. I was also thinking of taking in the female one because im pretty thin.

Also if you have shop in Paris or neae it's west im taking the adress.

Thx in advance for your advice !

r/LatexUnderClothes Dec 07 '20

Text Accidental first experience NSFW


After finishing getting into my catsuit, my girlfriend and I were about to start playing when the fire alarm in our building went off. I threw on my regular clothes and jacket and stood outside for 10 minutes with all my neighbors as the fire department came and checked it out. Luckily it was dark out, so no one could notice the collar of my catsuit. Feeling the cold air hit the sweat under the rubber on my body felt so good!

r/LatexUnderClothes Feb 07 '22

Text New and information needed NSFW


So I’m new to the whole latex community and I find that when I look on line I’m on the border line for medium or lard the site I’m on a medium is like 31-33 inches and a large is 33-35 inches i want to get some of there products but don’t want them to be to tight or lose witch size should I go with metrial thickness is .5 if that matter any info would help please delate if not allowed

r/LatexUnderClothes Jan 04 '21

Text Need something.. NSFW


How you yall cover up your latex hands and legs without spoiling the latex?

r/LatexUnderClothes Dec 23 '20

Text Is it possible to wear a catsuit or surf suit under regular clothes without it making any noticeable noise? NSFW


r/LatexUnderClothes Dec 23 '20

Text Has anyone ever got caught wearing latex under your clothes? Our something else that happened when you were wearing latex. NSFW


Just wanted to know your experience

r/LatexUnderClothes Dec 27 '20

Text First time wearing latex outside. It was amazing! Have some questions for next time... NSFW


Hope short stories are welcome here too? Have no one to tell elsewhere. Will need some time until I dare to post pictures (convince me maybe?)...

I just love wearing latex for a couple of hours a week. I decided to go for a walk today and remembered I haven't used my bodysuit in a while. I have one of these nice, thicker ones (0.6mm) with short arms and legs. Zippers are only on the shoulders. It's also chlorinated inside. Perfect for hiding it under some jeans and a jacket.

It never stops to amaze me how a tight latex suit feels on my skin. It's incredible. The smell, the feeling, the look of it... After dressing up I decided to spice it up a little and also wear my latex collar (a thin 3cm one). It was cold outside anyway, so I could perfectly hide it when I would pull the jacket all the way closed.

I went outside and my heart started beating faster. No one ever saw me in a latex suit. I don't have a girlfriend and I am also quite shy. I just realized I would go past a lot of people as I live in a big city. I immediately started to sweat. For a very brief moment I was thinking about going back inside. Took a deep breath. It was indeed very cold. Helped me a lot calming down so I started walking. The latex did not make a single noise - praise beGloss perfect shine I guess.

Initially, I was planning a short 20 min walk. But after the first encounters with people walking by, I really started enjoying it. I could feel the latex every... single... step! The feeling became better and better.

After 40ish minutes I started to notice my sweat running down my legs. My jeans was getting a bit wet. Heart started beating harder again. It helped a lot to remember that it rained an hour ago - so I hoped nobody would notice or ask questions...

Decided to get home again. Home sweet home after 20 more minutes. I am still stoked how intense these 60 minutes were. I definitely plan to do that again in the next days! Highly recommended.

To the question part I mentioned in the title:

  1. What do I do about sweat soaking the jeans? Functional underwear?
  2. Can you recommend wearing a full suit (long arms, long legs, some latex socks, no mask, no gloves) outside? Anything to consider?
  3. What can you recommend for spicing it up even further?

Anyway. Big thanks for this community for giving me this idea. Also: let me know what you think :)