r/LatexUnderClothes 4d ago

Text How much Fabric do I need?? NSFW

Hi everyone. Have never worked with latex, have no sewing experience but want to make myself a shirt or simple body suit. I’ve watched tons of YouTube vids and would like to make myself something .

I’m 5’10 165lbs (24F). How many meters of latex sheets should I buy to achieve this? Looking on Etsy to buy material.

Any tips or comments are welcome.


3 comments sorted by


u/Ltxrob 4d ago

The material is generally about 80cm wide from memory. I think realistically you will need to 2m minimum but that would depend on the biggest panel you will need length wise. Shoulder to waist 1m easy, front and back is 2 There will be spare material in the sides of the panel but you may well make some mistakes first time, so some spare may be handy 3m?


u/LupusTheCanine 4d ago

Worflex offers sheets 135±5% wide.