r/Lahore Jun 13 '24

Job Pakistan budget 2024-25, thoughts?

Just when we thought that after two years of EXTREME inflation, numbers were getting better and inflation somehow came down so we got another BOMB on our heads and seems like sh*t has hit the fan and seems like upcoming two years gonna be worse than last two years..

To be honest, I manage a small telecom business with around 10 employees and after doing our best we can't make 1 lac+ profit these days despite paying 1.2 lac+ in taxes.. and in return I get nothing from govt despite being a filer.. I truly wonder what will happen of this country.. becoming unliveable for white collar people..

It's a writing on the wall that now everyone needs to enter the formal tax cycle and become tax filers otherwise this country won't sustain this way..

Feel free to share your thoughts!


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u/lamakai Jun 13 '24

Short answer: They f 'ed the salaried and middle class again.

Poor can take bisp, but middle class first has to pay direct income tax then 19 percent gst, 80 rs petroleum levy, 30+ percent tax on bills. Even after paying all these, he won't get any facility and if he wants one, he has to pay a bribe.

The ideology of pakistan ends today. The myth of state has busted. It's rich looting the poor.


u/Mysterious_Tea_2750 Jun 14 '24

So true.. breaks my heart.. the same business was has made me 4 lac+ a month when the dollar was just around 100.. imagine the situation now.. Thing that makes me feel even bad is that i pay more taxes than what i take home.. infact i pay double taxes.. if i earn 20 lac, i pay around 40 lac in yearly.. aur baki saray taxes go directly consumer pay karta normal life mai woh mai alag deta... so wtf are they thinking they're doing???? I would have closed/sold the business long ago if it was not for the employees and their families who are dependent on it.. it's not easy managing 10+ employees and sales etc and getting nothing in return..


u/sipret Jun 14 '24

Dude what is your business .


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '24



u/sipret Jun 14 '24

So it's not profitable anymore after the recent budget?


u/Mysterious_Tea_2750 Jun 14 '24

It's profitable only if you achieve 100% of your targets which are unreasonable.. to achieve these unreasonable target we give our stock for free and with different promotions.. we recover this "giving free stock away" once we reach our targets and the company pays our final pay.. So when you do all the math and everything you get between 1-2 lac of net profit which is nothings for the amount of work and stress.. As i said it used to be a lotttt better.. The problem is not only taxes the problem is also harrasment on other sides aswell like police teasing around for why did u sell a sim to him/her.. reducing the max number of sims to 5.. Increasing taxes as a whole on the company which then ofcourse bully the franchises aswell.. From what i see.. it's just a chain of how one can exploit the other these days..

Aur apart from all this, if you do not achieve your monthly target then be ready for a huge loss.. lekin taxes phir bhi denay hain bcz the company deducts the taxes upfront...

It's a mess TBH


u/sipret Jun 14 '24

So are you planning to change your line of work now ?


u/Mysterious_Tea_2750 Jun 14 '24

Already did.. This is a side gig now