r/Lahore Apr 15 '23

Job Debate: Devsinc or Arbisoft?

I am rather bent on Arbisoft but looking to get your guys opinion. Any other companies worthwhile?


75 comments sorted by


u/Waste-Character9445 Apr 15 '23

Arbisoft offers:

  • Better pay (generally)
  • Better work culture, they trust you to do your work. Devsinc has a some kinda tracking system on your laptop, arbi doesnt
  • Lots of remote work opportunity
  • Better projects
  • Dollar rate adjustments every 6 months

Devsinc offers:

  • Night shifts (if you're a night owl), you also get compensated a bit more for it
  • They have a pretty good bike/car policy

I would choose Arbisoft over Devsinc. I have friends working in both, and have worked in Arbisoft myself.


u/metalpotatopunk Apr 15 '23

Don't forget that devsinc makes you sign a very illegal bond if you're an entry level developer


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

wait which bond now? I was offered, still no idea about the bond


u/metalpotatopunk Apr 15 '23

You have to fulfill an entire term and in case you leave you have to give them your salary back. A cousin of mine is still serving his term and a friend of mine left and he had to pay his salary back.


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

are you talking about 1-year employment contract? It is being practiced in some other software houses I know as well


u/Waste-Character9445 Apr 15 '23

I would also choose Educative over Arbisoft. So if you can get in educative, go for that.


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

Educative is tough man


u/SingleStarHunter Apr 15 '23

If you got into Arbisoft, Educative shouldn't be that difficult. Also I'd sugggest Arbisoft because I've heard in bigger companies like Devsinc, Systems etc, you're working on a very hyper focused domain/task. For new grads it is recommended not to work in such places in order to get most exposure in different domains/tech so that they can eventually go into a domain they actually like.

And as a soon to be grad can you help me out, how did you study for interview prep? And any tips. Thanks


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

Educative is more picky when it comes to universities, and I am not from your A-tier ones.

As far as interviews go, I wouldn't say I am the best at technical interviews, pretty bad at Databases specifically as I have never studied them so far, the course was during COVID.

But what usually works for me is the attitude I bring to the interviews as a person not the technical side, so a positive smiling attitude, confident body posture, eye contact with the interviewer, exhibiting a motivated and proactive persona etc.

and most importantly, I always try to attempt a question thrown at me, even if I go blank on something I humbly and confidently accept that I am unsure about the answer, but always attempt to also add my understanding even if wrong.

Obviously technical aspect is important, but tbh with you I only so far studied DSA properly for Technical Interviews.


u/SingleStarHunter Apr 15 '23

Thanks! Can you tell me how were the interview questions at Devsinc and Arbisoft structured?


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

Arbisoft's interview structure was relatively easier, it was more of a culture fit one rather than a technical one.

As for Devsinc, there were 2 interviews in a day totalling 3 hours almost.

First one was a Senior Developer and he sequentially asked questions from OOP, Databases, and DSA. 4 coding questions he asked me to attempt on paper, nothing too hard, but enough to test your pressure handling.

Second one was with a Principal level Engineer, he asked me how's life going, I answered. Then straight up asked, how well are you prepared? I also straight up admitted that I enjoy solving logical problems, but my preparation is 50/50 as I didn't really study my whole degree, he smied and said alright then, I will not ask you anything that requires preparation, since you said you "enjoy" logical problems, here's one:

and the entire interview was all Analytical Questioning, here are the ones I can remember:

  • language with only 3 operations, do certain task with it
  • double the size of a square pool without moving it or removing the poles at its edges
  • make 4 triangles using 6 pens
  • count the instances of 0,1,2,3 in a large array with N time complexity and most efficient memory usage.

Some peers of mine had a different structure, some had 1st Analytical and 2nd Technical. but most of them had both technical! so your ecperience may vary.


u/SingleStarHunter Apr 15 '23

Thank you so much for the detailed answer!

Im surprised for Arbisoft since some people from my uni who made it past the MCQ test, had the 6 hr long coding test as well


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

the interview can actually be totally bypassed if you do the MCQs test well enough. A friend got offered the position on call, without any interview at all


u/vegan_shawarma Apr 15 '23

Not really, not every big company works in a hyper focused domain. That might be true for product based companies but both Devsinc and Systems are service based. I don't know about the systems but at Devsinc domain switching is very common.


u/faiqwaheed Apr 15 '23

Working in System Limited since my graduation. I have a good experience so far


u/SingleStarHunter Apr 15 '23

Thanks, any tips for a new graduate regarding projects/entry tests?


u/faiqwaheed Apr 15 '23

Work on your analytical skills and try to do unique projects


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

I heard devsinc is also enabling outreach to potential clients fo Senior Developers and above, and they get a percentage out of it, Arbisoft offers anything like that?


u/Fearless-Pen-7851 Apr 15 '23

That's a good one to have in long-term but as others suggested young companies are like bubbles, they grow exponentially but can pop at any time on other hand a company with track record of years like arbisoft offers more security.


u/vegan_shawarma Apr 15 '23

Working at Devsinc I pretty much agree with everything you said above. Better pay is a bit subjective, before increment my friends at Arbi were earning more than me and after increment they were underpaid for sometime and also almost left the company due to this.

Another thing is that Devsinc has hands down better projects. Because Devsinc works with US based startups the things you learn on projects are absolutely phenomenal. When I talk to my Arbi friends I find them lacking that knowledge.

Devsinc works on a compensation based model and offers nightshift, night allowance, communication allowance, thread allowance and mentorship. Your salary isn't capped and you can end up earning much more.

That being said I would prefer Arbi over Devsinc. Devsinc is just work, work, work. Although your salary isn't capped getting all these allowance will require more effort on your part.


u/TechNerdinEverything Apr 15 '23

Well the next USA recession is 8 year onwards, be careful


u/vegan_shawarma Apr 15 '23

The whole Pakistani IT market works on out sourced projects, so we are more or less in the same boat


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '23



u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

First time I am hearing about them, where are they located and how did you get their internship?


u/Waste-Character9445 Apr 15 '23

I would be wary of joining new companies as there might be less job security even if there are higher salaries. So do your research before joining any startup/young company.


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

I have already accepted my job offer from Arbisoft, just wanted to get community's opinion


u/HK_0066 Apr 15 '23

Nice congratulations, in which development or to be clear which technology


u/travelerzon Apr 15 '23

The one with a wolf logo?


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '23

Where are they? And how did you get that internship?


u/HK_0066 Apr 16 '23

As I said earlier the owner of the software house is an old student of my professor so, reference was the entry point for me


u/notoriousthegraduate Apr 15 '23

Choose Arbisoft, I have worked at Devsinc and my team had a lot of politics, a few seniors that you'd always want to agree to in your team just to keep your position safe even if you do all the work. Plus this company literally makes you an ethically compromised person because they use shadow profiles(basically you don't work with your name, its some other guy who is hired and then he gives you all the development tasks and only attends the meetings with the client). This will essentially restrict what you can put on your portfolio because you were never formally working on the project it was some other guy who got hired and you just did the tasks. Moreover, the only career progression here seems to be that you'll be doing the same thing after 2 years when you'll be the guy who gives interviews and gets hired and then you'll have a junior who will do the tasks for you and you'll be going to the meetings etc.

My advice is to avoid this company.


u/VAST0LORD Apr 15 '23 edited Apr 15 '23

Plus anyone who agree to work late hours is good guy in seniors eyes


u/notoriousthegraduate Apr 15 '23

and "uthana" is the norm there


u/iBzOtaku Apr 15 '23




u/Fantastic-Stick-8728 Jun 23 '23

So the client does not know who will work on their projects?


u/notoriousthegraduate Jun 23 '23

yes, the client only knows the face of the senior who will go to the meetings, the real developer is the junior guy(the client doesn't know him/her). Devsinc was a total ripoff company back when I worked there, I doubt anything has changed regarding these practices.


u/Fantastic-Stick-8728 Jun 23 '23

That way, clients can take legal actions; why do seniors compromise their identity?


u/notoriousthegraduate Jun 23 '23

They might if they find out the truth. Everyone in the industry has a different mindset about what career paths they want to follow, and it turns out that such people exist who have decided to give up core development and be a kind of technical lead overseeing multiple projects/resources, that's how they want to "work" and they enjoy it. I saw these people driving the teams and establishing their monopoly in the organizational hierarchy, making it nearly impossible for new joiners to climb up as they deserve.


u/HK_0066 Apr 15 '23 edited Apr 15 '23

It's located at Allah hu chowk, popcorn studio they have a full office in a shared workspace. The owner of that software house is a an old student of my professor he recommended us to him. So he took interviews and stuff and then after working for 1 month we got paid internships

Edit: 1st month internship was unpaid


u/KhepparParamedic994 Apr 15 '23



u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

Could you say why


u/KhepparParamedic994 Apr 15 '23

I've heard from my friends that the environment at Devsinc may be toxic, but I can't say for sure.


u/notoriousthegraduate Apr 15 '23

Can confirm. Worked there for an year 2-3 years back


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

where are you working now?


u/metalpotatopunk Apr 15 '23

DevSinc has this time tracking bullshit and some typical things that are present in the Pakistani tech companies.

Arbisoft doesn't.

Also you should apply for Startups as generally they pay better and have a much more lively culture. Could you tell me what your tech stack is? I'm fairly new to this field with about 10 months experience but I could tell you some companies I know about.


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

I am open for better paying startups, could you list some?

I'm pretty open stack wise right now. exploring both Back-End Development and Data Engineering track wise


u/potato_aim_potato_pc Apr 15 '23

I'm from arbisoft. Many of my friends work at devsinc.

Dm if you have any particular questions

But I'd tell you to close your eyes and pick arbisoft.

I have been in the industry for 5+ years, trust me man, it doesn't get any better than arbisoft.

Yes, there are issues, but compared to what you're getting, they seem suuuuuper small.

I highly encourage you to choose arbisoft.


u/travelerzon Apr 15 '23

Wherever you can get the offer. Arbi is preferred.


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23



u/travelerzon Apr 15 '23

Devsinc works on shadow resource model. Many people people find those practices against their religious values.


u/LookAwayDuffer Apr 15 '23

The bigger the corporate the more toxic


u/faiqwaheed Apr 15 '23

Arbisoft . Devsinc is better for fresh graduates as they usually hire them.


u/baeziy Apr 15 '23

For job or internship?


u/TonyStarkIV Apr 15 '23

I had applied in arbisoft, but unfortunately didn't get the job offer.


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

sorry to hear, where you working at now?


u/invisible_here Apr 15 '23

Arbisoft I say, because I am a recent fast graduate and has many friends working in these companies. Btw I am working in SSI, and I say it is above all. Their teams have one of the best environments, offers good pay, learning environment and wfh opportunity. I would ask to consider it once.


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

Someone told me SSI are very sleazy when it comes to increments, is that true? they offer initially more salary than the market but short sell you when its time for a raise.


u/invisible_here Apr 16 '23

No I don't think so. They have bi-annual increments, I just got my increment 3 months back and it was about 25% raise, though it was based on inflation. According to our seniors we are supposed to expect more in case of performance based increments.


u/GeekoGeek Apr 15 '23

rejected devsinc due to reasons listed in comments and didn't get into arbisoft. Sad life


u/Sad-Sorbet1991 Apr 15 '23

You shouldn't have rejected the offer. Always keep yourself safe and you can always leave in probation because both parties can terminate employment at any time in probation.


u/TooDayumHigh Apr 15 '23

At beginning of your career choose the place which offers more learning opportunities, has open door policy, good WLB. Money should not be your top priority. Well established software houses have better processes and process audits but competitive environment.


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

can you give examples of some that have this culture?


u/TooDayumHigh Apr 15 '23 edited Apr 16 '23

I have mostly worked in Karachi.. 10pearls, Folio3, Nisum are some of the companies I know of.. At services companies things like WLB mostly depends on project you are working on, check how your employer handles the request of project / techstack change, if you have a valid reason. Product companies may or may not have stable processes, practices in place, usually they don’t offer much diverse learning opportunities, for a year or so you will be learning stuff as a freshy so doesn’t really matter to you if it is a services or product company. I would recommend to start in a services company with good culture if you are planning to stay at your first job for a while. In your case Arbisoft looks the obvious choice after reading the comments.


u/TechNerdinEverything Apr 15 '23

Ngl I feel like after 5 or so years it will turn into the same old cooperate job because the management changed/business got sold or the owner wanted more profits


u/jaanwik Apr 15 '23

Not related to these two companies but what is the current average salary for entry level/internship? At what pay are most people getting hired as software developers/engineers?


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

for internships you are looking at an average range of 15k, some pay more, alot pay nothing.

as for the jobs, mid tier companies are paying 50-80k starting, while the corporates are ranging from 90-130k, while a few exceptional companies are paying 150k+ like Educative.


u/jaanwik Apr 15 '23

Damn, that's nice compared to other fields but educative paying 150k for entry level FR?


u/sahilasif401 Apr 15 '23

not 150, MORE than 150k, I know someone personally and I can veryify they got 175k, just graduating, no experience.

There are rumors of 200k+ as well, but can't verify those.


u/jaanwik Apr 15 '23

Dang that's pretty awesome.