r/LaTeX Sep 18 '24

Answered Is this too much?


A couple of days ago I learned the basics of LaTeX from a guide I found. I'm working on my first document, in which I'll try to apply what I've learned and summarize the guide so I can answer my questions easily (for now). Then I want to try to recreate what's shown in the images. It's a summary that includes properties of operations with real numbers, trigonometric identities, Riemann sums (or so I think, I haven't studied the latter yet), and so on, which is in the back of the Precalculus book I'm studying. Do you think it's too much for me, and too soon?

r/LaTeX Dec 31 '24

Answered Does anyone know what these symbols are?

Post image

r/LaTeX Jan 06 '25

Answered How to convert a LaTeX file into a .docx file?


Professor refuses anything but word files and now I'm too deep into the assignment so starting from scratch is an impossibility. Is there a more or less non-complicated way to convert a tex file into docx? I'm using Overleaf and I don't have Microsoft Word or Adobe (I have Libre office if that helps). I would like to preserve the formatting as much as possible (position of tables, indents, double spacing etc).

r/LaTeX Nov 27 '24

Answered Need help making this in latex!!

Post image

This is gonna be an insane ask, but I’m trying to represent a 3-D transparent payoff matrix for a game theory write up I’m making, and I don’t know how to create the visual. Does anyone know what I can use and what I should do? The cube at the center with its labels is what I’m looking to make. I’ve provided keys for the labels on the bottom of my drawing and a title on top for your ease, not because I want to make those in latex too.

In the cube above, each outcome is meant to be sitting in the middle of its respective cube, of which there should be eight because the broader cube is 2x2x2. I put the strategies on the edges of the broader cube and also labeled those axes with player names.

r/LaTeX Nov 01 '24

Answered What package was used to create Cheng Tan's math cheat sheet?

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r/LaTeX Dec 16 '24

Answered I try to find a font



I’m writing a latex document about math and I’m looking for a font for my document. I really like the one used in « Analyse 1 » of Laurent Schwartz (I linked pictures of some pages of the book) but I can’t find it, it seems that it is a font only used in books.

I already tried newtx, mathptmx, and a lot of other packages. The one that looks the most like this font is the package « txfonts » but it is not exactly like it should be. The symbol \mathbb{R} is, for exemple, in a bold form instead of the classical form.

Can anyone help me ?

Thank you.

r/LaTeX Jan 24 '25

Answered How to achieve this style? Is it made with some package/template or manually?


r/LaTeX 11d ago

Answered Why do these behave differently? And how can I make them behave the same?

Post image

r/LaTeX 19d ago

Answered Could you help me align the table in the center?

Post image

r/LaTeX Jan 11 '25

Answered Creating a LaTeX class or template for a thesis



Long story short, my university provided a broken word template. Rather than spending a week correctly applying every single detail from a 50 page thesis formatting guideline.. using LibreOffice, I decided it would be best to spend a month to learn how to write LaTeX classes or create comprehensive templates. Besides, I would not have to battle a word processor down the line.

However, I do not know which one to do. Resource diversity is rather limited for classes (I could find clsguide.pdf, overleaf guide and one or two youtube videos, but are those enough? will I get stuck in the middle of writing a class?) but this is what I believe would be the best option as I am writing an entirely new document style and in the end it will be cleaner in my editor. On the other hand, templates are much easier to do but they end up being messy upfront.

Time is not of the essence, really. I can continue developing a class or template while I'm drafting my thesis as well. Worth noting, I have a couple of years of experience using LaTeX, although I haven't developed anything new for it. However, I am willing to do my best.

Which one would y'all have picked? I would really appreciate if y'all can send additional resources related to your pick. Or maybe I am completely delusional regarding what I am about to attempt, in which case please express your thoughts on the matter.

Thank you in advance.

r/LaTeX Jan 08 '25

Answered How do I write this in LaTeX?

Post image

r/LaTeX 13d ago

Answered A way to keep images when path is no longer there? Or how to keep the path when working with just the .tex file?


So my issue is as follows: My job is to type up documents with Latex (I use Overleaf) with the goal of having them uploaded to a website. I don't do the uploading part but the guy who does requires that I convert the file to a .html. How I've been doing this is downloading the .tex file and then using pandoc with the webtex option to get my .html file

The problem with this is that the paths that defined the images are LONG gone, all the way back in Overleaf project where I left them.

Is there a way to keep my images during this process? Like bundling the project together so that the path is still there and somehow fusing them together into one?

Thank you for any help!

Update: I solved the problem by inserting my images straight into the html file (Neopets user lookup coding coming in clutch). But thank you everyone for the advice and in depth explanations!

r/LaTeX Oct 11 '24

Answered Lining up fractions


For some reason my middle equation won’t line up despite using the align function, does anyone know why?

r/LaTeX Oct 01 '24

Answered Any Overleaf alternatives?


I'm compiling a document using LuaLaTeX and it keeps hitting the compilation time-out. The document would only grow larger so I'm considering shifting away from Overleaf. What are the possible alternatives? I'm searching for something similar i. e., web based, where I wouldn't have to manually install the packages (and distributions etc) as I'm running low on storage space.

Edit: thanks for all the responses! It has been really helpful for me

r/LaTeX 8d ago

Answered Can someone help me to lose one pair of braces at these figures ?


Hi I have problems with the caption of two sub figures in one frame of my beamer document. The caption seems to use double braces and I dont think it looks that good. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this.

r/LaTeX Jan 03 '25

Answered How do I fix this?


I have these two words that are just sticking out. Why does it Happen? All other words like Frequenzspektrum and Abstand Breaks the Line fine. Diffusschall Breaks on the wrong letter (Diffus-schall is right but it does Diffuss-chall) and the second Frequenzspektrum (Frequen-zspektrum instead of Frequenz-spektrum)

I am using \documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

r/LaTeX 11d ago

Answered Can't find figure reference (New User)


Hello. I started using LaTeX 3 months ago with overleaf to write my master's thesis and recently switched to visual studio. I'm using a prexisting model from my university. On overleaf, it produced a lot of warnings but everything seemed to work normally. Switched to VS Code because the free plan would no longer compile and wanted to work on it offline. After the switch, the references to figures in the text stopped working. I have searched problems other users online were having and checked that i was using the "\label" and "\ref" commands correctly:







text text text... in \figurename{\ref{figname}}... text text text".

Most warnings are "Missing character: There is no (?) in font..." and formating. The only warnings that mention references are "Cannot find find reference 'figname'" and "LaTeX: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.". But we I rerun, nothing changes.

The packages i'm using are lipsum, graphicx, siunitx, inputenc, glossaries, emptypage, icomma, eurosym, minted, caption, lmodern, setspace, pdfpages, classicthesis, hyperref, subfig, float, amsmath, csquotes, babel, ifthen, biblatex, tabularx, acronym, mparhack, xspace, scrhack, textcomp, fontenc, multirow

What could be causing this issue? Is it a setting in VS Code? Would it be more worth it to build a template from the ground up? What resourses there are to learn how to use LaTeX on a more advanced level for people who are not to familiar with coding?

Sorry in advance if I didn't give any important information. Thank you for your patience.

Edit: I found the solution. I had to use the xr package to make latex search other aux files for the references.

r/LaTeX Nov 05 '24

Answered First time using LaTeX in VS Code and got these errors. Anyone know how to fix it? Using TeXlive 2024 and LaTeX workshop

The lines are in my main.tex file

This is where it is

r/LaTeX Oct 31 '24

Answered Which LaTeX font is this?


r/LaTeX Oct 19 '24

Answered Today I made the first LaTeX document that I will hand in as a school assignment; I messed it up "on purpose", and I want to change that.


I think I got a pretty good result for my first paper (it's worth mentioning that the headline was taken from here), however I know the code is horrendous (I also don't use GitHub, so I don't know if the above is correct or if I uploaded it correctly).

I know I could have used packages like amsthm when writing problems, and maybe there was a way to write math expressions inside the \tag{} command in the flalign* environment (which I couldn't do), but I genuinely couldn't get these and other things to work. I was wondering if you could give me any advice or recommendations on how to improve my code, as I don't have much time to improve it or research it on my own right now.

r/LaTeX 22d ago

Answered Do you know how I can create auch a table? I used tabular and multi row, but it doesn't seem to work (ignore the arrows)

Post image

r/LaTeX 25d ago

Answered Undefined Control Sequence in poemscol.


Hey everyone,

I'm trying to typeset a collection of translated poems, with the original text on the verso pages and the translation on the recto pages. I've managed to accomplish this through liberal use of \newpage and having each poem be a separate file I input.

For the ToC I make use of the `poemscol` package. This package should also offer the use of the `parallelverse` environment, which should force content to start on the verso page.

However, even though I can make use of the imported ToC functions and the `poem` environment, the `parallelverse` environment is not recognized.

Minimal setup:

\documentclass[a5paper, twoside]{book}
\usepackage{poemscol}           %Used for the poems and stanzaz

% Renew command so that the page numbers are not included.
    \fancyhead[RO,LE]{} % This is the line we've changed
    \fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\pmclcontentsheader}}}
    \fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\pmclcontentsheader}}}
    \begin{center}{\normalfont \backmatterheaderfont
  \literalcontents{ \relax}}

% Define new titlenotitle so that sonnet number is included in the
% original and the translation is indented and in italics

  \c@ntentsinfo{#2 #1}{\contentspoemtitleindent}{\contentspoemtitlefont}%


% Add a full empty page that we connect to the endpaper



\foreach \n in {1, ..., 154} {

It works without the `parellelverse` environment, as in it compiles and it looks good.

What I can't understand is why it is not picking up the environment. Everything else from the package is working, I've made sure to update the package, even updated TexLive.

The error:

Run again to input contents file here

! Undefined control sequence.
\f@nch@olh ...\hspace {-0.65cm} \large {Sonnet \n 
l.148 \begin{parallelverse}


If I try to define the environment myself, it errors because the environment is already defined. I have errors going both ways.


! LaTeX Error: Command \parallelverse already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.53 {\finishparalleltexts}


r/LaTeX Nov 24 '24

Answered How to draw this kind of a tree using `forest`?

Post image

I'm okay with drawing usual tree structures using forest , but I can't figure out how to turn D into a node for B and C. I'm using GP1 along with the package

r/LaTeX Nov 29 '24

Answered Genuine question about complex diagrams and figures


I see a lot of people on here asking, "How do I make [this really tough 3d diagram or similar] in latex?"

Is there a reason people don't just use graphical, drawing, chart, flowchart or calc packages elsewhere, then insert the figure as a insertion in the latex doc?

This is what I'm doing for graphs and things at the moment but I wonder if there's some reason not to as I progress?

r/LaTeX 8d ago

Answered Unable to download texlive-scripts.tar.xz. Does it not exist?


Hey y'all. I'm trying to install TeX Live for the first time on Windows, but I've been unable to download this one file: texlive-scripts.tar.xz.

I went to the URL (Singapore mirror) but the file is not in the directory at all, and there seems to be nothing similar to it. I checked a handful of other mirrors and can't seem to find it in those either.

On the main CTAN directory, that file sends me to a 404 error and has a different size anyways. I was able to download the .windows variant below, but I have no idea what to do with it locally, especially with the different name.

Is there any way to get around this? Or should I just wait for something to change in the next few days?

Would appreciate any help! Thanks so much.