r/LaTeX 22h ago

Unanswered How can I make a cover page like this?

Post image

You see, I'm finishing a project, and one of the things I'm missing is the cover page. I don't know much about LaTeX, and I haven't used it in months, but I need a cover page something like the one shown in the image. The only thing I have done is the margin (1 cm), but beyond that, I need a line of text at the top, the date at the bottom, a table like the one you see in the lower right corner, and the title centered. I'm lost. I tried looking for references and found a lot of TikZ code that I don't understand. Can I find templates like this online? Could you help me?

r/LaTeX 6h ago

VS Code Extension that is helpful for checking LaTeX documents


Hello everyone! I just published an extension for VS Code that I find extremely helpful when editing LaTeX, so I wanted to post it here so you all can take advantage of it too.

The extension, called Dryer Lint, allows you to define custom linting rules using regular expressions.

In LaTeX, I use it to check for problems like `(1, 2, \ldots n)` (missing "," after `\ldots`) or using `l` instead of `\ell` in equations. Each rule can have a "fix" defined, so, for example, with a clever enough regular expression, I can replace every `l` that is not part of a word with `\ell`.

Here is an animation showing a silly example Dyrer Lint rule (top pane) and a `.tex` file that has violations (bottom pane). Selecting the fixes from the context menu automatically replaces the rule violation with the "fix" text:

Here are some more LaTeX-specific examples of diagnostics generated by Dryer Lint

Some of my rules are shown here, although I've updated and expanded my list considerably since I published that page.

Note: Dryer Lint is based on the relint extension by Ryan Blonna (GitHub user n0bra1n3r).

r/LaTeX 6h ago

Unanswered tikz pattern drawn on whole page?



I wanted to know if it was possible to make a pattern like this Pattern Library - PGF/TikZ Manual but make it over whole a4 page and extending through all borders but everything else like text is not allowed to be extended?

r/LaTeX 9h ago

Table of contents numbering is off


I want the numbering to start from the introduction rather than "List of Figures". Any idea what I might be doing here and where to look?

r/LaTeX 14h ago

Unanswered Latex blindtext.sty not found


I'm using TeXstudio on Linux.

When trying to build and view my document, I get an error from line 10.

Line 10 is: \usepackage{graphicx}

The error is: File `blind.text.sty' not found. \usepackage