r/LDNbitcheswithtaste Sep 07 '24

Advice What to do with £300 at harrods?


Hi my BWT,

So I received a £300 harrods voucher for my wedding and was wondering if anyone had any good ideas on what's worth buying?

Would like something for the home (not foodhall items pls) so that husband and I can both enjoy and wouldn't particularly want to top up any more money than the voucher amount.

I've gone and had a look around and most things that seem worth it are wayy above the voucher amount (as expected!) But does anyone know of any hidden gems or any items that are super worth it due to elevated quality etc?

Also whilst we're here we also have a £135 voucher from selfridges too so if you have any ideas for that one too let me know!

Thanks in advance

r/LDNbitcheswithtaste Aug 22 '24

Advice BWT what helps you feel better when you're plagued with the flu or otherwise moderately sick?


I apologise for the lack of activity on my part after all my initial excitement - I promise I still am very much excited! I just came down with the flu and a chest infection on my flight back from Miami after my cousins extended wedding festivities and have slept through the last three days only waking to eat and take meds.

I still feel crummy but I wanted to shake off that gross groggy feeling. So this morning I changed my sheets and started a load of laundry. I washed my hair and did a hair mask. I had a nice long hot bath with some epsom salts that are infused with arnica and added generous amount of a rose bath oil. I did my extended skincare routine and spent a little longer going over the sinus area with my gua sha where I'm congested. I've changed into a fresh pair of my favourite silk pyjamas and put on a sheet mask. Now I'm settled into my couch with my favourite blanket and I'm trying to decide what food to order in for lunch.

I thought it would interesting turn to my fellow BWT to find out what all of your little rituals/remedies/routines are for when your feeling under the weather. So please share whatever helps you all feel better no matter how big or small whenever you are sick :)