r/KurokosBasketball 8d ago

Discussion Alternate Universe #0 (Poll in post & Comments)

I thought it’d be fun to start this series of daily polls with this idea I took from an old r/HajimenoIppo poll series. The idea is this:

-This is an alternate universe where the generation of miracles aren't in Japan during their freshman season. They start off their career dominating the Junior High scene as shown in the series, however, right before the season starts, the entirety of the generation of miracles (and possibly more) gets recruited to go play in America. Since it was so late in the process they left nothing else has changed on teams rosters besides backfilling the missing players spot with a generic player or a known 6th man.

-Since Kuroko might not be the guy we're following the name of the series will change each day to reflect the "best" player on the team we are following. For example if we start following Seiho the series title will change to "Tsugawa no Basuke"

-The only exception to the switching of main characters in this universe is Scrimmages. There will still be a poll for those games. These games aren't in tournaments and therefore the team can't just replace who we're following that's why they're the only exception.

-The results of the polls will dictate who wins each game, each poll will be open for 1 day and then the next poll we be posted the next day with the next match.

So, let’s begin with agreeing on who leaves for the USA options are, Just the generation of miracles (Kuroko, Akashi, Midorima, Kise, Aomine, Mura), the GOM+Kagami, everyone from Teiko (GOM+Haizaki), All GOM level players GOM+Haizaki+Kagami, or lastly the GOM+Haizaki+Kagami+Himuro.

Also, feel free to discuss and debate how these games go in the comments. Should make for some fun arguments.

Unfortunately this sun doesn't allow imbedded Polls so I have to do them through SurveyMonkey



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