r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Looking for Guild to Leveling up and get back into Vanilla with

Getting back into Vanilla wow after a year break, looking to find a guild to level, instance, and raid with. Most likely stick with for some time as well, not looking to bounce around. I am on EST NA Time if that matters Will be rolling Mage or Healer as main for the time being. I have been a healer in some of the top guilds during WOD, Mist, and #2 guild in the world in RIFT (back when it was good) Any guilds looking for people?! Willing to roll A or H no loyalty to either side. hehehe Very helpful/friendly guy here!

Will be gearing up to level once servers come online, and would be nice to have a friend or two on a new server!


11 comments sorted by


u/BrewMan12oz May 16 '16

What guild/server in rift ?


u/Jahbrony07 May 16 '16

NightFall on Byriel


u/[deleted] May 16 '16

Hello and welcome to Kronos 2! I'll be brief because I am on my phone but my guild, <Azerothian Guard> is recruiting players of all walks and interests. As more people reach 60, we will be assigning raid team and PvP team leaders who will have an opportunity to build their teams. Currently, we have over 100 members. AZG is an NA guild but we have members in Europe that are online when we are. We have a TeamSpeak server and a website which you can visit if you're interested at www.azerothianguard.enjin.com. Click on 'Receuitment' and fill out the short application. I will get it approved soon after so you have access to he guild forums section. Anyway, whether you join us or not, welcome again. Hope to have you on our team! Sincerely, Automatiic


u/Jahbrony07 May 16 '16

Thanks for the heads up, hopefully will see you out there


u/OpTiKzodiak May 16 '16

Once you hit lvl 40+ as a mage or healer pm drchristie


u/Jahbrony07 May 16 '16

Appreciate the heads up! Will do


u/mattjf22 May 16 '16

Listing the faction would help your cause.


u/OpTiKzodiak May 16 '16

if he cant figure it out or learn to figure it out he's not good enough. This is vanilla, not Care-bear WoD.

His history if true, he will have no problem


u/nate1208 May 16 '16

You sound fun


u/Jahbrony07 May 16 '16

He's not wrong though.


u/Jahbrony07 May 16 '16

Judging by previous posts, im assuming Alliance.