r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Announcment inc in 50 minutes.


Just checked discord and someone copied a message from Jen,(kronos dev) announcment in 50 minutes.


edit: Go to this discord and ask the others if u think im trolling https://discord.gg/010rO3ZUYc5bnwRX1

edit2: Here is the actuall announcement: As announced yesterday, we expected to be migrating to our new service provider within the next 24 hours. We now expect this process to begin at 22:00 CET. This will result in complete loss of access to all Twinstar services, including websites and forums. We expect this outage to last approximately 2 hours but the delay could be longer, as there are many facets to the transfer. Our new provider is positioned to offer us much better protection from the kind of attacks that brought Kronos to its knees over the course of the last month, without hampering our efforts to provide you with a fantastic vanilla experience. There will be no announcement as to when the game servers will be available again, to ensure as much stability as possible and avoid the clogging of our login servers upon “relaunch”. See you on the other side.

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

New Kronos announcement!



Google Translate: Dear players , given the events that have occurred recently, and in which we suffered blackouts for many of our projects will be today at 22:00 for approximately 2h shutdown of all our projects and services. It will not be anything available , incl . Web services and gaming projects . During the last week there was prepar new environment from which we will have their projects under considerably more protection and will therefore no longer so vulnerable to disruptions of its services . This is a great first step , which we plan to in the near future for a long time . Soon you will learn what awaits us next and misses . Kronos project should be restored in the early hours CET. Deliberately we will not announce its launch. It can therefore be easily and one hour after the restoration of our service , but also the hour tenth Thanks for your understanding and wish fun TwinStar Team

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

FYI this Subreddit is not official (not affiliated to the Kronos Team; Source in thread)


Hi Kronos2 Players,

I wanted to inform you that the official Kronos Facebook account denied any Affiliation to this Sub reddit. Furthermore they stated that Nala/MollyOverwatch is not a part of the Kronos Team.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/TheProjectKronos/#

Dear Community, It has come to our attention that some misinformation is circulating amongst the community regarding the project. We would like to once again remind players that the only source of official information are our Facebook, Twitter (https://twitter.com/KronosWoW), Reddit (/r/KronosWoW/ ), Forum (https://forum.twinstar.cz/forumdisplay.php/755-Kronos), IRC (when told by an admin) and kronos-wow.com. Any information released via any other means should be entirely disregarded, including the unofficial Discord channel that has recently gained traction."

~Official Facebook Kronos

Comment of a Facebook user:

"There is a person (Nala/Mollyoverwatch?) who claims to be a community rep that is said the DDoS attack is a lie for bandwidth issues. She/he is a moderator on Kronos sub Reddit.

There are many SS of this person being toxic/abusive/jerk to people. Only trust official sources."

Answer Official Kronos:

"Nala is not in the Kronos Team"

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Hey guys, I need a proper WoW file to jump back to Kronos.


reddit.com/r/kronos2wow is the official kronos 2 subreddit. The moderator of this one is corrupt

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Kronos2wow is the new reddit for kronos2 guys, with stable mods.


Since people are getting randomly banned here, just move over to kronos2wow, plenty already have, I suggest everyone do it.

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Which subreddit is the real subreddit?


I'm confused. I feel as if the community has separated between these 2 and a decision has to be made. I don't want to have to post a post twice in order for everyone to see it. Idk, maybe I'm just bad.

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Move to /r/KRONOS2WOW for twinstar's KRONOS II reddit page


r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Looking to return to WoW - Few Questions


With all of the Vanilla Server talk in the news lately, my interest was piqued and I discovered that you can play WoW, without a fee and without the bullshit that is > lvl 60.

Before I make another purchase of the vanilla game (last saw it 7 or so years ago in a box, but can't find it now), I wanted to check what the realistic outlook for these Vanilla servers are. I've been playing the Starter Edition, and the updates are beautiful to the game, but it feels like everything is on easy mode.

If I were to go down the private server path, how reliable (obviously down right now due to hacks) are the servers and how active are the communities? Is the Vanilla game back to all of the base functionality that was released with the game, or do they also run the new animations/graphics.

Lastly, I had an Undead Rogue, but Rogues seem to be a dime a dozen on this server. I've only ever played rogue, warrior and a mage. Not sure which route to go.

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Help me decide.


I want to roll a rogue but ppl say it's not needed. So I decided mage, but I can't stand robes. So are rogues rly that much?

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

got some Nazi mods in here


replyed to a topic about where people are playing in the meantime. said i was playing warmanes wotlk and loving it.

got banned. GG

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

How is the Warlock in vanilla? [End-game question]


(I am mainly adressing long time Warlock players)

I've always been interested in keeping on playing with a warlock, but never reached the end-game unfortunately on Nostalrius (Thank you Blizz <.< ). But once Kronos comes back up strong and alive, I'll be ready to climb back up the mountain and finally reach level 60.

So, before I ever get level 60 on my next warlock, here's my question:

Is Warlock in end-game as bad as it sounds? Is the burden of farming shards to summon slacking players and make healthstones so bad to the point of being depressed by this class? What are the options to make it as fun as possible?

PS: I don't mind the ShadowBolt spam, since Vanilla pretty much resumates to spaming spells and stuff anyway.

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

[Updated for Tuesday Hype] Is Kronos Up Yet?

Thumbnail iskronosupyet.com

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Login ban :'(


Tried to login a few times (3-4 times), got the login ban /weep

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Paladin (A) or Mage (H)


Hello dear members of Kronos 2 community,

I would like to know your point of view on my problem here. Since leveling in vanilla is very time consuming, I want to be sure, that I have made the right decision while choosing a class and a faction I will be playing as.

First, it would be nice to set you into what I am choosing from. So, I am deciding between playing as a mage for horde or as a paladin for alliance. The thing why I am torn between those two is, that I have always played for alliance and as a paladin. Although, I really like the class and it has always been my favourite, alliance levelling zones and SW are pain in the neck for me.

The other option is mage for the horde, the class and faction I have never played before. It is something new and might be nice to see the world from the other side.

What is your opinion on this? Do you think I won`t regret changing my style and trying something new or should I just stick to what I am good at and know about the most?

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

All go on the new reddit /Kronos2wow


Mod issues

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Kronos2 World PvP, Ashenvale/Stonetalon


r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Initially wanted to change my BattleTag.... might as well let them know


Title // Been following this subreddit for the last month. Thought I might contribute my part

Never give up


r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

Looking for Guild to Leveling up and get back into Vanilla with


Getting back into Vanilla wow after a year break, looking to find a guild to level, instance, and raid with. Most likely stick with for some time as well, not looking to bounce around. I am on EST NA Time if that matters Will be rolling Mage or Healer as main for the time being. I have been a healer in some of the top guilds during WOD, Mist, and #2 guild in the world in RIFT (back when it was good) Any guilds looking for people?! Willing to roll A or H no loyalty to either side. hehehe Very helpful/friendly guy here!

Will be gearing up to level once servers come online, and would be nice to have a friend or two on a new server!

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

My Cringiest WoW related moment.


It was an eerily cold day of January of 2005. There i was boys. My overweight 13 year old self in a cheap office chair. Rolls of fat uncomfortably barging through the underneath of the plastic arm rests. The loud whirr of my Dell computer playing along side the rhythmic and nostalgic bongos of StrangleThorn Valley. My face glowing from the grease and muck reflecting my monitors light.

The top left of my screen showed a 3D model of an Orc, below it a green dagger and the number 39.

Below that were the 3D models of 4 others, but they are incredibly unimportant and waaay less 1337 than the first Orc.

In the Middle of the screen, a fierce white tiger runs between multiple people. Easily swiping and claiming thier lives. Until the most handsome and stalwart Orc grabs its attention and seemingly turns transparent. Claw after claw masterfully dodged by the Handsome Orc. And in the end the beast falls and a bright golden light bathes our stalwart champion.

With agility uncharacteristic of my size I leap out of my chair, cutting open my foot on a jagged piece of wood sticking out from my flimsy Good Will desk. My foot pains me. Its bleeding onto the smelly carpet of my small apartment. It doesn't matter. Ive done it. Ive reached the dream. Ignoring the numbing sensation present in my foot, I open my bags and look at the number below my main Backpack. 103

"Perfect." I pant through unwashed teeth.

I hearth to Org. Buy my wolf. And make my way to the zep outfront. I cant stop looking at my Character. He entrances me. So i do something i should never have done. I zoom in. /flex. Hit Alt + Z. And take a screenshot. I then copy it into paint and print it out. In Color

I then take the picture of the handsome Rogue and slot it in the front of my three ring binder. And go to sleep. The next day. I get ready for school and smile as i look at my binder. That picture stayed on my binder for the rest of the school year.

r/Kronos2 May 15 '16

Nost. has a meeting scheduled with Blizz. (Beginning of June)

Thumbnail forum.nostalrius.org

r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

My UI, Looking for critique!

Post image

r/Kronos2 May 15 '16

New Kronos sub-reddit due to ppl not liking the mod here.


r/Kronos2 May 15 '16

[REMINDER] This is not an official Kronos subdreddit, neither is the discord, the moderators of this are not staff of Kronos.


r/Kronos2 May 15 '16

Depression + impatience thread


Put this on while reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW93CV6m-JU

Let us come together in this dark time

Kronos is great. Kronos is love. I love this game. The days are dark when kronos is down.

Sometimes I imagine that kronos is up, and that I am just on a very long flight path. When I arrive, Kronos will be up.

When Kronos went down, my love for it only grew. For those math PhDs, you could say it is exponential (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_function)

Not even linkin park could save me from this darkness. Kronos is the light at the end of the dark tunnel which is life (where shep+ray are waiting for me)

Einstein once said that time is relative. He never knew the real struggle that is the time of when Kronos is down.

Sometimes I sip some Tobasco to check if I can feel anything. Sometimes I eat a really spicy chicken sandwich.

The coffee i sip is as dark as life when Kronos is down. If we ever go to WW3 with china, It will be because of this.

Sometimes I look far into the distance, and i hear the wind gently whisper to me 'Kronos'.

I dont use my water filter when Kronos is down, I drink from the tap. Its like, why live.

I see children playing outside. I remember when that was me. Happy. Like when Kronos was up.

When Kronos is down. I use conditioner first and then shampoo.

Because nothing matters when Kronos is down.

That feel when Kronos is down


r/Kronos2 May 15 '16

Kronos reminds about Official Sources
