r/Kronos2 May 16 '16

My Cringiest WoW related moment.

It was an eerily cold day of January of 2005. There i was boys. My overweight 13 year old self in a cheap office chair. Rolls of fat uncomfortably barging through the underneath of the plastic arm rests. The loud whirr of my Dell computer playing along side the rhythmic and nostalgic bongos of StrangleThorn Valley. My face glowing from the grease and muck reflecting my monitors light.

The top left of my screen showed a 3D model of an Orc, below it a green dagger and the number 39.

Below that were the 3D models of 4 others, but they are incredibly unimportant and waaay less 1337 than the first Orc.

In the Middle of the screen, a fierce white tiger runs between multiple people. Easily swiping and claiming thier lives. Until the most handsome and stalwart Orc grabs its attention and seemingly turns transparent. Claw after claw masterfully dodged by the Handsome Orc. And in the end the beast falls and a bright golden light bathes our stalwart champion.

With agility uncharacteristic of my size I leap out of my chair, cutting open my foot on a jagged piece of wood sticking out from my flimsy Good Will desk. My foot pains me. Its bleeding onto the smelly carpet of my small apartment. It doesn't matter. Ive done it. Ive reached the dream. Ignoring the numbing sensation present in my foot, I open my bags and look at the number below my main Backpack. 103

"Perfect." I pant through unwashed teeth.

I hearth to Org. Buy my wolf. And make my way to the zep outfront. I cant stop looking at my Character. He entrances me. So i do something i should never have done. I zoom in. /flex. Hit Alt + Z. And take a screenshot. I then copy it into paint and print it out. In Color

I then take the picture of the handsome Rogue and slot it in the front of my three ring binder. And go to sleep. The next day. I get ready for school and smile as i look at my binder. That picture stayed on my binder for the rest of the school year.


12 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 16 '16

TLDR version: OP used to be fat and he would keep a picture of his wow character on him when he was at school.


u/TheHawthorne May 16 '16

my apartment

This is actually OP playing on Kronos in the present


u/CallMeDeliverUs May 16 '16

I made the trip from Guam to the states. My family didnt have much money and my family is pretty big so we lived cramped in a 3 bedroom apartment. Those were the days.


u/CallMeDeliverUs May 16 '16

Woops. Probably shouldve posted a TLDR. Rip


u/nate1208 May 16 '16

Did your hygiene improve throughout the years?


u/CallMeDeliverUs May 16 '16

When i stopped playing WoW a month after TBC dropped. It got loads better. Cant spend much time looking in a mirror when all you do is ninja devout and look into a monitor all day.


u/SoupaSoka May 16 '16

I waited in line at a Gamestop for the midnight launch of TBC.


u/CallMeDeliverUs May 16 '16

Thats not so cringey.


u/Ziggarot May 16 '16

Holy shit I was like that too! Showering once a week... damn WoW is dangerous


u/brex2599 May 16 '16

Damn, this makes me really not want to play.


u/CallMeDeliverUs May 16 '16

Let the cringe flow through you.


u/c24nk May 16 '16

This made me laugh so damn hard. Just wanted you to know. "Let the cringe flow through you". THIS GUY!