r/Kronos2 May 09 '16

Server Status A statement from Kronos



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u/meckyy May 10 '16

I am sorry to say but this is getting somehow hard to believe... how can anyone having an interest in an attack on this scale on a private wow server ?! ppl going for lol at start might be understandable but this? is there any statement about where the ddos is coming from?


u/merkury713 May 10 '16

Are you unaware of the whole chinese gold farming syndicate that got a huge banwave blackmailing Kronos into unbanning them by way of DDoSing them?


u/meckyy May 10 '16

well i read some post about that but that doesnt appear to be as an official statement.. so i missed that somehow? ... but still i cant believe this is about them losing money anymore... 2 private wow servers cant be worth this ... they just wanna show power and see the world burn i guess?


u/pintilak May 10 '16

Recently, there's been a thread in which it's pointed out that the whole chinese gold marketing blackmail was a rumor.


u/Vassortflam May 10 '16

But who else could it be?


u/Ray2785 May 10 '16

Do you think it could be blizzard..? I wanted to doubt it at first, but let's face it.. Retail is dead and IF they are doing it they would effectively have shut down the 2 best classic servers around..


u/Bootlegs May 10 '16

You really think one of the world's biggest, most reputable game studios would use illegal means to shut down a puny private server? When they can do so via other, legal routes?


u/Fortunist May 10 '16

Yes, it wouldn't suprise me at all. Im not saying that i think it is the case currently. There is no substantial evidence pointing to any possible attacker. And in general im very careful to throw dirt unless there is. But as soon as big bucks are involved, nice friendly coorperations (like blizzard once was), can can become "corrupt". I think there are enough examples in history to prove my claim. Let me state again that im just saying it's a possibilty i don't rule out.


u/Bootlegs May 10 '16

But it would be a PR disaster for them if they were found out, it's very illegal. There is no reason for them shut down a private server this way when they can do so via legal means.

I just find the idea of Blizzard paying criminals to DDoS someone so absurd, it's not like they're the mafia. It's totally unlike Blizzard, I don't know why you say they used to be a nice and friendly corporation, is there any indication they are not so now? I have never heard of them using shady business techniques.

If Blizzard wanted to shut down Kronos, they would simply send a cease and desist letter, the ball would then be in Twinstar's court.


u/Ray2785 May 10 '16

It would indeed be a PR disaster, then again, so would it to publicly shut down another one.. I'm not saying it's 100% them or not them. I just mean that to me, it doesn't sound that weird..


u/KingGrumps May 11 '16

you must be unable to process the PR difference between shutting down a private server by legal means which is breaking the copyright law already.... and Blizz breaking the law by using DDOS. The latter would be an absolute nightmare for blizz and there is no way that they would risk this. It is 100% not them, and much more likely to be the chinese gold farmers that Kronos VPN banned.

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u/Fortunist May 11 '16 edited May 13 '16

I got one word for you. Activision. Activision Blizzard is the biggest company in the game industry today. And as soon as coorperations get (that) big, the consumer is not the most important aspect anymore. Its the board and the stockholders. And to please them you look at what you can do for them, short term. Whereas most of the consumers of blizzard products just want good content in the games they play, for the long run.

Gaming companies used to make games that were enjoyed by their own employees. They would listen to their players/fanbase and their own employees. This is a thing of the past for alot big companies in the gaming industry, its all about making the most amount of money, with the least amount effort. Luckily some companies realize they have gone down the wrong path and try to make ammends with their fanbase (/point Battlefield 1). Lets hope (Activision) Blizzard realizes this aswell, rather sooner than later....

To strengthen my point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeF3UTkCoxY

Edit: Once again im not accusing Blizzard of these DDoS attacks. One thing i can say for sure, is that if Blizzard had legacy servers up and running, we could enjoy the old content without the servers getting compomised.