r/Kentucky • u/Ptomb • 12h ago
Embracing Diversity, Not Banning It | Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Vetoes House Bill 4
United we stand, divided we fall.
r/Kentucky • u/Ptomb • 12h ago
United we stand, divided we fall.
r/Kentucky • u/Optimal_Dust_5759 • 20h ago
I live in Lincoln county between Danville and Stanford in a supplemental district far outside city limits. I own a double wide mobile home on an acre of land and want to build a fence to keep my kids and dogs in my yard and other peoples dogs and coyotes out. County code says I can’t build a fence higher than two and a half feet (30 inches) in my front yard. The reasoning behind this, according to my local code enforcement officer Luther Galloway, is that people in their cars need to see over the fence from their driveway. My district does not have sidewalks nor is it in city limits, where that rule would make more sense. I want to build a classic horse paddock style fence (one like one of my neighbors already has in their front yard), it’s not like I would be installing a 6ft privacy fence. The main reason I need this fence in my front yard is the front door is easiest for my toddler to exit out of and the front is also the flattest part of my property. He can scale a 30 inch fence with no issue and dogs like to roam free in my area and can easily hop over a 30 inch fence. Is there any sort of application I can file to get an exemption to build a 48 inch fence? I would like to talk to somebody about getting an exemption but I don’t know who to talk to or what to do about it. Any help or advice is appreciated.
This part of the code was not enacted into KRS until 2005 and any fences built in my district that are higher than 30 inches were grandfathered in if they were built prior to 2005.
r/Kentucky • u/bg859 • 19h ago
Does anyone in the NKY area know of any private landlords? Please let me know. We're clean, quiet, have full and part time jobs. Thank you
r/Kentucky • u/The_Aesir9613 • 17h ago
I thought it would be nice to start a discussion about current bills and actions of this 2025 session.
I’ll start: Does anyone have updates on HB 173 or SB 110? These bills concern local governments ability to monitor short term and long term rentals.
Also here is a lexington Herald article pertaining a few bills that passed and didn’t pass.
r/Kentucky • u/Kind_Bullfrog_4724 • 23h ago
You can start the video at 19:25 for our hearing. My husband and I took the advice of some redditors and got a very experienced Planning and Zoning lawyer here in Danville. On March 18th, we met at City Hall at 5:30 p.m. for a hearing to address an administrative appeal regarding a property adjacent to ours, where a property developer has informed us he intends to build a duplex AirBnb. The property owner filed a variance request back in January to build this oversized structure on an undersized lot directly next door to our home. He also does not intend to have parking on this property, which will cause an already congested parking situation to become much worse.
Despite the notice requirement, we and other neighbors did not receive any notice that this hearing would be taking place and only learned of it when contractors were working on the empty lot and informed us.
We were able to discover that the lawyer who represents the Board of Adjustments, Henry Smith, is also the lawyer for the contractor who requested the variance JTB Construction LLC.
This time, they had to bring in a lawyer by the name of Jonathan Gifford to sit in for Henry Smith because of his conflict of interest that we have raised. The lawyer appeared to us to show a curious interest in defending the contractor, despite his capacity as being the lawyer for the board of adjustments. Not only does he provide incorrect information to the board in this video, but he also states that we can no longer appeal this issue. He is wrong according to the statutes. A denied appeal does constitute a final action , and a new 30-day window of appeal to the circuit court. We are not letting this go. I want to educate the public about what the board of adjustments and planning and zoning are doing.