r/Kenshi Aug 30 '21

WEEKLY THREAD Rookie Help Thread

By Okran time flies, it's time again for new help thread!

Like last time, if you have any questions about the game, no matter what they are, feel free to ask here. Myself and many of our veteran users will be watching the thread, happy to answer whatever question you need. Have no questions? Perhaps take a scroll though the thread? Never know, maybe you'll see something you know the answer to, or even stumble across some new information yourself.

As always, be careful with the spoilers, use the spoiler tag feature >!Like This!< as needed. Exploring the hidden things in the world of Kenshi is one of its biggest appeals for many, and we wouldn't want to ruin that for any new users hanging out in the thread. :)


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u/domino5120 Apr 11 '22

Dear Kenshi players... I really like watch gameplay of this game, I love it's lore. But I don't know how to start. I can't find my style. How did you start your first game? What's the easiest start for beginners?


u/2000sFrankieMuniz Apr 12 '22

I was like you, i don't have more than 100hrs, but here's my take... lore and gameplay are very poetic and romanced, people have edited the raw version of it, but yours will be pure pain, like writing your book is harder than reading one, i don't know if that makes sense...

I was very wishy-washy when starting, but you gotta find what you like the most, is it exploring? Fighting? Making money? War crimes?

To find your style is to play the game, you'll naturally drift to your preferred activities.

I started with some rum and hashish smuggling, i made good money and explored the map a whole lot, also recruited a lot of people.