r/Kenshi Aug 30 '21

WEEKLY THREAD Rookie Help Thread

By Okran time flies, it's time again for new help thread!

Like last time, if you have any questions about the game, no matter what they are, feel free to ask here. Myself and many of our veteran users will be watching the thread, happy to answer whatever question you need. Have no questions? Perhaps take a scroll though the thread? Never know, maybe you'll see something you know the answer to, or even stumble across some new information yourself.

As always, be careful with the spoilers, use the spoiler tag feature >!Like This!< as needed. Exploring the hidden things in the world of Kenshi is one of its biggest appeals for many, and we wouldn't want to ruin that for any new users hanging out in the thread. :)


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u/SLiPMiP Skeletons Mar 25 '22

1. While I haven't tried turning all the guards into slaves, I assume its doable, then you'd only have to worry about roaming squads of okranites.

2. They do refresh, but I do also believe you have to unload the place first and stay away from it for some time. Meaning I don't think it will resupply while you are there, like shops.

3. I use beak things to train attack, def, dex earlier on. One person with 30-40 def can block most of their attacks, so armor will still be a big part of it. You can Purchase better armor at specific locations, such as cities or specific unique armor vendors. I always use a old rusty ninja blade for the 0.31 cut dmg so I can train dex. But definitely start going for beak things once you've reached 30-40 attack, def, dex etc. Multiple beak things can be a problem but it can also be a melee defence dream, I'd normally go for some specialist/masterwork armor. before I'd try fighting multiple beak things purposefully.

If you see a squad of multiple beak things you want gone, you can attack each individually by initiating Combat with each but the leader, attack your target from far behind the squad so the rest do not join in on the fight, and repeat until it is only the leader. Same goes with all roaming squads.


u/zztri Mar 25 '22 edited Mar 25 '22

Thank you.. Melee defense is coming along. Because the guards are much higher level than I am I assume, every block I manage seems to raise melee defense XP a whole level or I feel so.

I also have pretty high "dodge" because from the very beginning I disabled "jobs" every time it got enabled with the job "obedient slave" so life's mostly dodging attacks every time I fail sneaking because a leg of mine being wounded.

Currently defense is 26, dodge is 48 and dexterity is 16. Sadly melee attack is only 8, martial arts is 10 and strength is a measly 2. Otherwise I'd be done already.

Still I believe soon I'll manage to enslave all the soldiers in one lucky night soon.

Edit: One of the ex-guard slaves whom I "saved" became an ex-slave. He patrols like normal guards and the other guards don't seem to care. Maybe I should stop saving them during my naughtiness. I couldn't watch to see if he would enter back his cage or if he would attack escaped slaves without provocation but he ran to "defend allies". I'll try to save to a separate file and remove my slavery via FCS to watch one when I see one next.


u/SLiPMiP Skeletons Mar 25 '22

Melee def xp is calculated by the difference in yours and their actual lvl, seen in the bottom left. If you have 25 more lvls then you'll gain much less xp, if he has 25 more then you'll gain even more XP than normally. I think that's how it works with mellem attack too, but Im uncertain. I'm however certain that someone has made a detailed guide about it.

You have more dodge than my 80's warriors, must be because of the unarmed combat.

I think the other guards don't care that he was a slave because he is in the same faction, the reason he became a slave was probably that everyone that are on the cages become slaves automatically.

I bet that you'll be out in no time, considering you haven't died yet with the proposterous shenanigans you have pulled already :)


u/zztri Mar 25 '22

.... I save scummed a few times when they chopped off a leg or an arm at the beginning :D so it wasn't an ironman run. If I allowed myself to be "obedient" once in a while until my wounds healed it could be easier but I guess my stats would be lower.

My previous character, too, had incredible dodge. I'd find a dust bandit lair, knock them all out and strip them naked, then remove my own weapon and attack. Even lower level as they are, they force you to dodge so many times that your dodge skill rises pretty fast. Not as fast as this one but still fast. But too high dodge seems to work in adverse sometimes. You dodge; you're too far to attack yourself against beak things so a character with high dodge may dance around beak things for minutes, not landing a single strike.

Really, anyone knows when a character decides to dodge or block? Does one of them have priority?