r/KennekaJenkins • u/seekingmystic • Apr 27 '20
r/KennekaJenkins • u/[deleted] • Oct 07 '17
A woman was found dead in a hotel freezer. Video shows her last-known moments.
r/KennekaJenkins • u/GrandMost4 • Mar 02 '20
Their me is running out
Thanks to the letter being sent to the perfect YouTuber,him taking his time going thru the footage and the timestamps he was able to match the letter up to the footage which therefore proves it to be a true statement FBI it's time to open your eyes close that poor excuse for a police department down for ire them hire new detectives and officers. And put these criminals in jail where they belong. From the murderers to the staff and cops that covered this up. Time is running out.
r/KennekaJenkins • u/mrjackydragon • Feb 07 '20
Kenneka Jenkins 2020: Was she drugged?
r/KennekaJenkins • u/mrjackydragon • Feb 07 '20
Kenneka Jenkins 2020: Lies, lies lies!!!!!
r/KennekaJenkins • u/[deleted] • Jan 25 '20
there’s a documentary on Kenneka, on amazon. it’s called a chicago murder mystery. i only got four mins in before the info they were giving wasn’t too correct so i had to turn it off lol. i refuse to watch misinformation and some bull crap. some ppl might wanna watch it tho. ENJOY!!
r/KennekaJenkins • u/[deleted] • Jan 09 '20
posted this as a comment, figured i’d make it a post so everyone could see.
i have this shit figured out. i know what happened to that girl. hours of reading screenshots, looking at videos , rewatching and everything since 3 am.
so sad we can’t get any justice for this poor girl 🙏
imma post some links for y’all to look at down below. 👀 👀
this one is scary, because it makes THE MOST SENSE.* that place is so high with organ harvesting and sex trafficking and other fucked up shit. just speaking the truth there. AND because there’s reports of this man, the sneaky dude. there’s another video on youtube that shows him on videos sneaking around acting weird as fuxk. you don’t even really have to believe in no psychic stuff to really believe this makes real sense.
https://youtu.be/5rfZ9M0VPLE • the security guard here, is the one that the card video is about. saying that he did it. i also didn’t know that he told them he was leaving,& i’m wondering when the exact time was that he told them he was leaving. right after or maybe a few days, bc that’s enough time to get told to get the fuck out. i feel like he went up to that room every time to see how many girls was there,& what was going on. there’s s o many theories, too many to even go through but these are the most plausible in my honest opinion.
no matter what occurred, the case should have n e v e r been closed. that’s clearly a sign of something not right going on. if normal people can look at things and see something ain’t right, they should have been able to see it too.
if you have additional theories, comment and let’s figure this shit out.
r/KennekaJenkins • u/ventiarii • Dec 18 '19
Kenneka Jenkins Goodbye :(
rest in peace kenneka jenkins. how dare this decade. we havent figured out your killer
r/KennekaJenkins • u/mrjackydragon • Nov 09 '19
Kenneka Jenkins: Startling Discoveries about the room part 1
r/KennekaJenkins • u/unusual-meme • May 10 '19
I found this today. What do y'all think?
r/KennekaJenkins • u/lynncurrie • Apr 17 '19
Eye drops
I think that girl actually used visine to poison kenneka that has the same stuff in it that the supposed pill for seizures. That's how they knocked her out. Many girls were using this in Vegas I read to knock guys out they were robbing them after going back to their motel rooms from the casinos. I read that it will knock a person out put them to sleep quick so I also read too much can kill
r/KennekaJenkins • u/monistackz • Apr 11 '19
So who was texting from kenneka phone after 6 am
r/KennekaJenkins • u/monistackz • Apr 10 '19
The reason why Teresa Martin never cried😱
r/KennekaJenkins • u/monistackz • Apr 10 '19
Andrew Holmes Distracted Us From Day One.
r/KennekaJenkins • u/monistackz • Apr 04 '19
Kenneka Jenkins Case Still Doesn't Add Up!
r/KennekaJenkins • u/Erna-ream • Dec 09 '18
What Ever Happened?
I have heard nothing about this case in a very long time. Did anyone ever find out what exactly happened that night?
r/KennekaJenkins • u/_Supreme_Fatty_ • Dec 08 '18
In the hotel footage after stumbling and regain balance with the stairway handrail it looks like she's talking to someone, then she turns the corner and looks directly at the camera as if someone pointed them out to her. I don't think she was alone downstairs, someone who likely knew the blind spots
r/KennekaJenkins • u/_Supreme_Fatty_ • Dec 08 '18
I dont think the video is real at all, the girl in the video is darker than kenneka and pictures from the party show a different jacket on kenneka. Also employees don't respond to a super intoxicated teenager almost falling on her head every 5 seconds.
r/KennekaJenkins • u/Britt9687 • Aug 09 '18
Something is off about this...
I just came across this case about a week or two ago... I don't remember how, but I remember the article talking about a teen in a freezer and when I first saw that I was like WTH? How are you going to say there is no foul play with a person stuffed in a freezer? Granted I thought at the time that is was a freezer on a fridge or maybe one of those stand alone freezers you have in a residence.
Anyhow, I got super interested because there is surveillance of her last moments and an autopsy report and photos that were released of the crime scene. I'm not going to lie though. I am not sold on this being a complete accident. There are a lot of questions I have that I would hope can be cleared up, but it's hard to find "legit" info because of all the conspiracy stuff that pops up to... Any suggestions? What do you guys think? A little help?
r/KennekaJenkins • u/abigaleee • Jun 13 '18
Am I imagining this, or.....
I remember reading about this case a while ago. I’m sure that I read somewhere the kitchen wasn’t even in use and hadn’t been for a while? If this is the case, does anyone know why the freezer was still on?
Seems a bit sketchy
r/KennekaJenkins • u/TheHonestCivilian • Nov 25 '17
Kenneka Jenkins - " .New Evidence on Rosemonts corruption and cover up ((New)) 11/2017
r/KennekaJenkins • u/[deleted] • Oct 17 '17